πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 241, 2023 - June 3, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 241 that 120 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
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Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*9:15pm last night - rockets/missiles Metulla
*8:20am- north- rockets/missiles Horfeish/ Matat,Alkosh, 
*9:15am- Eilat- the Arrow air defense intercepted a Houthi ballistic missile before it entered Eilat airspace
*1:50pm- North- hostile aircraft intrusion - Beit Hillel, Metulla, Kiryat Shemona, Tel Hai, Dishon, Mevo'ot Hermon, Ramot Naftali, Kibbutzim Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Maayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Yiftach, Malkia, Manara
*1:55pm- north-hostile aircraft intrusion -  Gonen, Kfar Blum, Kfar Szold, Lahavot Habashan, Neot Mordecai, Amir, Sde Nehemia, Shamir
*2:30pm- north-hostile aircraft intrusion -Gonen, Yiftach, Malkia, Mevo'ot Hermon, Ramot Naftali, Baram, Yiron
*7:30pm- north - Rockets/missiles- Netua, Shtula
*7:50pm- north - hostile aircraft intrusion - Haspin, Ramat Magshimim
*7:55pm- North - hostile aircraft intrusion - Golan Heights
*8:25pm - north -Rockets/missiles- Southern Golan Heights
*8:55pm- north- rockets/missiles Sasa, Upper Galilee

Hostage Updates 

  • The Army announced that 4 of the hostages who were kidnapped alive and were shown alive on psychological terror videos released by the Hamas barbarians. All were killed in captivity and died together a few months ago in Khan Younis.  The circumstances of their deaths are being investigated by the army. Hamas claimed months ago that hostages were being killed by IDF bombing. In captivity, they were physically and psychologically tortured.
     43 hostages have been killed in captivity

    From the Hamas video released in December

    Kibbutz Nirim announces death of Israeli hostage Nadav Popplewell, 51, in Hamas captivity in Gaza. Nadav was the son of Hana Perry, who recently returned from captivity, and the brother of Roy Popplewell, who was brutally murdered on October 7. Just last month, Hamas released a video of Nadav whose face was badly bruised, but he spoke and was alive. Even though his video was released a few weeks ago, he was killed months earlier.

    Kibbutz Nir Oz announced the death in captivity of Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger and Amiran Cooper
    Chaim Peri, 79, a father of five and grandfather of 13, film lecturer and activist, was taken captive by Hamas terrorists from his Kibbutz Nir Oz home on October 7, during an assault on the community, when 73 members of the kibbutz were taken hostage.

    -Yoram Metzger, 80, was taken captive with his wife, Tami Metzger, 78, from their Kibbutz Nir Oz home on October 7, as Hamas terrorists waged war in their community, killing and kidnapping one-quarter of the residents.

    Tami Metzger was released on November 28 as part of a temporary ceasefire deal brokered by Qatar and the United States between Hamas and Israel.

    Their daughter-in-law, Ayala Metzger, has described the couple as old and sick. Yoram has diabetes and after breaking his hip half a year ago, he still has a hard time walking. Yoram and Tami are parents of three and grandparents to seven 

    Amiram Cooper, 84, one of the founders of Kibbutz Nir Oz, was taken captive by Hamas terrorists on October 7 as they launched an assault on the community, killing and abducting one-quarter of the kibbutz residents.  Cooper’s wife, Nurit, was released on October 23 with Yocheved Lifshitz, and is now recuperating with her family. 

    May their memories be a blessing

  • The army announced that they found the remains  of Dolev Yehud, 35 on Kibbutz Nir Oz. It was thought that he and his sister, Arbel were kidnapped together with Arbel’s partner, Ariel Kunio. No other information is available yet. Dolev was killed on October 7. Dolev left his pregnant wife and children in the safe room to save lives (he was a paramedic) of those who were wounded on the kibbutz and was believed to be kidnapped.  Initially, Yehud was believed by the IDF to have been abducted. Although amid the war there were no indications from Gaza of him being there, unlike other hostages, leading authorities to reevaluate unidentified remains found in the kibbutz from the onslaught.

    Some victims of the Hamas massacres had their bodies burned or otherwise mutilated beyond recognition, making identification difficult.

    New scientific identification tests, paired with information on where the remains were found, confirmed that a previously unidentified body belonged to Yehud. The IDF says that Dolev’s family was notified after the body was identified.

    Dolev was married with four children; his wife, Sigal, gave birth to their fourth child while he was thought to have been held captive. His sister, Arbel Yehud, 28, is still being held by the terror group in Gaza. May his memory be a blessing

  •  From "Yalla Yalla" to "Then Curse Me": How Families of Hostages Became Targets of Elected Officials:

    As the days go by, it seems the patience of elected officials regarding the cry of hostages' families is wearing thin. Initially there were general statements like the call by the Minister of Heritage to "drop an atomic bomb on Gaza" - but later the accusations became more personal. The discussion turned into a shouting match, with one Knesset member telling families they "have no mandate over the pain" and a committee chairman telling the brother of a hostage: "Get out of my sight."

    The weekend that passed will be remembered, among other things, for the blunt and harsh clashes between elected officials and relatives of the hostages: Starting with the unusual confrontation of the National Security Advisor with family representatives, as reported by our correspondent Yaron Avraham on the main news edition, and up to an interview where MK Hanoch Milwidsky claimed the brother of a hostage is "exploiting his situation to promote politics." But the problematic statements did not start there. In a special N12 project, we compiled all the outrageous statements and confrontations between Knesset members, ministers and representatives of hostages' families - from the start of the war until today.

    The texts we first revealed on Thursday in the main newscast go beyond anything we have heard so far in the discourse between decision-makers and the families of the hostages. "This Israeli government will not succeed in completing the return of all the hostages," said the head of the National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi. The enraged participant said that "during a war, you don't receive money to build a pool," hinting at the funding of maintenance work at the Prime Minister's private residence. Hanegbi defended the PM, clarifying: "He can build 10 pools with his own money, these are abhorrent things." The relative of the hostage replied: "I have every right to grieve and hate because I was 15 hours in a shelter, fled from terrorists and stepped on bodies - and you didn't."

    "Okay, so yalla, curse me," replied the head of the National Security Council. The participant left the room crying - and Hanegbi did not stop. He sneered at another participant, who angrily made her way to the door: "Are you also going to make a drama and slam the door behind you?"

    A few hours after the harsh words of the chairman of the National Security Council, it was MK Hanoch Milwidsky's (Likud) turn, who clashed with the brother of the hostage Yitzchak Algrabli in a debate held on "Channel 11." The Likud MK attacked Algrabli, claiming he is "exploiting his brother's situation to promote politics." He also told him: "You will continue to defame Israel in the world."

    Algrabli responded to Milwidsky: "You are doing politics on the backs of the hostages," and the MK replied: "No sir, it is you who is doing politics on the backs of the hostages. You are exploiting their grave human tragedy." Later the debate became more heated: "If you had any self-respect, you would have gone home already," said the brother of the hostage. Milwidsky replied: "I will guard the State of Israel from people like you, that is my duty."

    "Why are the lives of the hostages more important than the lives of the soldiers and the people who will be killed later?" wondered Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu (Jewish Power) in an interview with Radio Kol Barama. There he referred, among other things, to the ways in which the campaign should be resolved.

    The minister claimed that one possibility to end the campaign is to drop an atomic bomb on the Strip. PM Netanyahu condemned Minister Eliyahu's statements, saying they are "detached from reality." The minister was later suspended from cabinet meetings until further notice. When asked in the same radio discussion about the issue of the hostages, he answered, "I pray and hope for their return, but there are also prices in war. In Gaza, they should beg for the return of the hostages. In war, prices are paid." 

    "The Arabs killed us when you had peace concerts," MK Almog Cohen (Jewish Power) lashed out at the families of the hostages during a committee discussion on the death penalty law for terrorists. "You have no mandate over the pain." The storm began even before the discussion, when representatives of hostages' families who arrived at the hall claimed that holding it at this time endangers the lives of their kidnapped relatives. Later, MK Cohen shouted at the families of the hostages: "I buried friends, you have no mandate over the pain. A friend of mine is also being held hostage in Gaza. Do you want to have an effective discussion? Speak up."

    Roni Neiman, aunt of Rotem Neiman who was murdered on October 7 at the Nova festival, handed a "dismissal letter" to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Yuli Edelstein (Likud). Edelstein looked at the letter, turned to Neiman and told him: "Get out of my sight." As the incident was documented by activists protesting the hostages, one of Edelstein's advisors covered his face with her hand.

    In the debate over the Knesset's recess amid the war, a heated argument broke out between representatives of the hostages' families and Knesset committee members. The families of the hostages present at the discussion shouted "Shame, shame." Chen Avigdori, whose wife and daughter were kidnapped and returned, said: "I will thoroughly examine what each of the Knesset members who raised their hand is doing." MK Yitzhak Pindrus (United Torah Judaism) responded: "Yalla yalla." Avigdori answered: "Yalla yalla, tell your mother."

    In the debate, it should be recalled, the MKs approved by a majority of 8 to 3 the proposal regarding the activities of the Knesset committees between April 8, 2024 and May 18, 2024, so that the Knesset committees will be allowed to convene 4 committee meetings during the recess period. In addition, it was decided that there would be no restrictions on the number of discussions of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and its subcommittees. 

    In May, a series of stormy debates took place in the Knesset committees, during which MK Tali Gottlieb (Likud) clashed with families of hostages and MK Limor Son Har-Melech (Jewish Power) left the committee hall during a speech by families of hostages.

    "You're getting up from the words of the hostages' families, aren't you ashamed?" shouted Tal Sheham's brother at MK Son Har-Melech. "I pay her. She should be ashamed." MK Tali Gottlieb, on the other hand, chose to confront the family members - some of whom accused her of calling them derogatory names. Gottlieb shouted at Einav Zangauker, the mother of the hostage Matan Zangauker, that their protest is being broadcast on Al-Jazeera and that it is harming the state.

    **The Hostages' Families Headquarters said:** "We are once again witnessing the painful and disappointing phenomenon of the loss of solidarity and willingness to harm the highest moral and ethical asset of Israeli society: leaving no one behind! The Israeli public understands more than ever that there is no victory until everyone returns. The headquarters calls on the public to rally and exert unprecedented pressure on government and Knesset members to approve the 'Netanyahu deal' now and bring everyone home."  link  Months ago, a group of government ministers, Likud members and others started a public campaign to besmirch the families of the hostages. They wanted the public discussions and statements against Netanyahu and the government to either be stopped or to make the families and the supporters of the hostages to look like they are aligned with the Left, which Netanyahu for years has turned the word 'left' to equal enemies of the state. The campaign was deliberately done to make the families into pariahs and working against the interest of the country. For many of the rightist supporters, it worked and there have been many verbally and physically abusive attacks on protesters and even hostage family members themselves. As I posted last week, on our way to the Saturday night demonstration on behalf of the hostages, a passing Haredi called us Hamasniks (meaning members of Hamas). All of this is on behalf of a Prime Minister who is responsible for everything that brought us to October 7 and since.

  • The mother of one of the remaining 124 hostages in Gaza appeals to Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, to “choose life” and support measures to bring back those abducted on October 7.

    “You are a minister who wears a kippah, a believing Jew. I expect you to sanctify life,” Einav Zangauker, mother of Hamas hostage Matan Zangauker, tells Ben-Tzur during an Education Committee hearing in the Knesset.  “Your duty is to save those who remain alive, and to see to it that those who were murdered are brought for burial so that their families can comply with all of the laws of mourning,” she says. “The number of living hostages is decreasing,” she continues, calling on Ben-Tzur “to convey a message to the ministers of the government [to] choose life.”

    “We will all do everything to make sure that they return,” Ben-Tzur responds.

    This is not the first time that Zangauker — who was awarded the 2024 Truth to Power award from the New Israel Fund for her activism last week — has directly challenged a cabinet minister on the issue of the hostages.  Last month, she confronted Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich outside a ceremony at a military cemetery in the southern city of Ofakim, pressing him to end his opposition to a deal with Hamas to return those held in Gaza.  Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir both threatened to bring down the government Saturday night if a newly proposed hostage release and ceasefire deal is adopted by the government.  link

    Einav Zangauker holds a sign identifying her son Matan (24), one of the hostages taken captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip during the October 7 massacre, as she stands on the roof of a car during a demonstration by hostages' relatives and supporters in Tel Aviv on May 6, 2024. (Jack Guez / AFP

    Yelling at MK Nissim Vaturi outside a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Einav Zangauker, mother of Hamas hostage Matan Zangauker, threatens that she will “pursue you my entire life if you return my son to me in a coffin or a body bag.” “You can file a complaint that I am threatening you,” she adds. -- Vaturi has been very outspoken against any hostage deal and against the Families of the Hostages and is willing for all the hostages to be sacrificed for the benefit of fighting the war.
  • Hamas sees the latest offer for a hostage deal “positively,” says Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. “We are now waiting for the Israeli response.”

    On Friday, US President Joe Biden laid out a proposal for a deal that he said was the latest Israeli offer.

    Shoukry is in Spain for talks on the Gaza border and on Madrid’s recognition of a Palestinian state. He also says Egypt rejects any Israeli presence at the Rafah Border Crossing. “It is difficult for the Rafah crossing to continue operating without a Palestinian administration,” he says. link A spokesperson for Hamas said earlier that they cannot accept any proposal until it is an official Israeli proposal that will be acceptable to the extreme right elements of the government as well. They also recognize that Netanyahu may be playing the card of his extremist coalition members voting against the deal proposal so he can say to Biden that he tried but his hands were tied.

  • A senior Israeli official calls into question US President Joe Biden’s characterization of the terms of a hostage deal he laid out on Friday night as an Israeli proposal, stressing to NBC News that Israel never agreed to fully withdraw its forces from Gaza as part of any agreement.  Biden’s description was “not accurate,” says the unnamed official.

    The official says what Biden described wasn’t an Israeli proposal but rather one originating with the mediating countries, to which Israel made amendments. “It’s strange that they say it’s an Israeli proposal and at the same time that Israel needs to agree to it,” muses the official.  link  Whenever it is seen "a senior Israeli official", it means that it is Netanyahu saying something through a 3rd party in order to keep plausible deniability, but it is definitely Netanyahu. In this case, he is already trying to make the case to his extreme coalition partners that the current plan is not his but one foisted up us by something else, which is BS.  The White House released a statement saying that Biden's speech was totally faithful to the Israeli proposal given last week to the Egyptian and Qatari Negotiating teams

  • A senior official in the war cabinet tells Channel 12 news that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is undermining efforts to reach a hostage release deal by publicly vowing to renew the campaign against Hamas. “Netanyahu’s comments leaked from the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the intention to renew combat… are an invitation to [Hamas’s Gaza leader Yahya] Sinwar to blow up the deal,” the source says.

  • Netanyahu and Gantz got a "cut the bullshit" from Biden, and will finally have to remove the masks: We've reached the moment of truth when we need to stop deceiving the public • For months they've been telling us "both", when it's clear to everyone that it's a decision between two clashing goals • The true position of cabinet members can no longer be considered a state secret • So take a breath, lift your head and look reality in the eye. Tell us what matters to you now - victory or the captives?

    That's it. We've reached the moment of truth. This is the moment, gentlemen politicians, when you need to stop the deception. On October 7th, the Prime Minister "revealed" to the people of Israel that we are at war and that we will win. On October 13th, he explained that we are "fighting like lions, we will not forget, we will not forgive. We are rallying tremendous international support. Our enemies have only begun to pay the price. We will destroy Hamas and bring victory." In both cases, Netanyahu did not mention the hostages. True, the day before, in his Knesset speech, he promised: "We will not relent in our efforts to bring them back." Subsequently, after only criticism that the issue of the hostages was pushed to the sidelines of the agenda, the Prime Minister began to insist on saying "both" - both complete victory (a step away from victory...) and the return of the hostages.

    Any sensible person, even "idol worshippers" according to the genius Yair Garbuz, knew from day one that victory in war on the one hand and the return of the hostages on the other are two lines destined to collide with each other. Nevertheless, most politicians continued with the mantra. Some exaggerated, in the style of "those who build", that only military pressure would lead to the return of the hostages because look, "Sinwar already hears the IDF's tractors above him" - ask Defense Minister Gallant. He is the one who spoke of IDF "tractors" (?) back in December.

    The only politician, so far, who has explicitly said: Return the hostages even at the cost of ending the war - is Opposition Leader Yair Lapid. True, his words did not resonate, perhaps because "the torch" (translation of his name 'Lapid"), as his critics from a certain channel put it, is not so consistent in his words.

    The one who shook the tree, or in a loose translation according to Miri Regev did a "cut the bullshit", was US President Joe Biden. In his speech last Friday, he said that Israel agreed to a framework in which there would be an extended ceasefire and the IDF would withdraw from the Strip in exchange for the release of the hostages. Forget about "complete victory", he explained, and added: Palestinian civilians will be able to return to their homes. In other words: hostages in exchange for ending the war. Netanyahu himself did not respond, only a statement from the Prime Minister's Office in English claimed it was a "non-starter".

    Some said Netanyahu is silent because it's Shabbat (and he has already been criticized for that). Others said he is coordinated with the Americans. And some explained that he is trying to be, for a moment, a good boy in order to secure a ticket to speak in America. But maybe that's not the point: maybe it's time to tear off the masks from the faces of the politicians and understand where they stand?

    One of the families of the hostages who met with the Head of the National Security Council claims that Tzachi Hanegbi said: "Protests won't change anything. Only polls." So I looked at the polls. Indeed, the inevitable collision. Last January, 50% of the public opposed a 45-day ceasefire, after which hostages would be returned and thousands of terrorists released. Ask the public the same question today, I'm sure that if it's just a ceasefire, the numbers will jump from 50 to 70 percent and more. The graph is now changing: already 40% of the public is willing to actually end the war. No victory and no Sinwar. So if that's where the polls are headed, what will the leaders decide now?

    I assume that when Netanyahu comes to address the two houses of Congress, he will try to liken himself to Churchill (look, there's already one achievement: Netanyahu will speak there for the fourth time, while Churchill was honored with one less) and will say something along the lines of "blood, sweat and tears". On the sweat I'm sure: we'll fight to the end. On the rest, a little less. Stop or not stop. That's the question.

    But forget Netanyahu. In a few days, the most popular politician in Israel (except for one poll) is supposed to fulfill his ultimatum this week and resign from the war cabinet. If I were asked to write his resignation speech, I would first clarify: what is your position, sir? End it or continue? Immediately after the President's speech, you reacted by saying "the Cabinet should be convened immediately." We have not yet heard from you what happens when the lines collide. Your friends, like Mofaz and Eisenkot, have already hinted: enough is enough. So where are you in the equation? When they welcomed you in America, long before the Prime Minister, you said that not entering Rafah was like extinguishing 80% of the fire. Now, in the ultimatum speech, you claimed that the issue of the captives should be at the top of the agenda. So are we going for 1:0. The question is, to whom?

    The public deserves much more public courage. Your positions, gentlemen leaders, are not a state secret. The residents of the Gaza periphery deserve the right to know whether we have finished with the missiles? Will we get "only" dribs and drabs or in the new jargon - will we absorb "full drainage"? The fighters, the wounded and those who sacrificed the dearest have the full right to find out then what in the end: victory or the hostages? I find it hard to believe there is something in between. The claim that in the future "we will enter their mother's womb" after an agreement also seems to me an escape from reality.

    Meanwhile, Gantz and Netanyahu are maintaining ambiguity. Until when? Probably until the next poll or maybe until Sinwar and the poll institute in Rafah determine the result for us.  link


  • Israeli fighter jets struck some 50 targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day, the military says. The targets included infrastructure and buildings belonging to terror groups and weapon depots, according to the IDF. The strikes come as troops continue to operate in southern Gaza’s Rafah and in the Netzatim Corridor in the center of the Strip.

  • Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Israel was determined to dismantle Hamas and find an alternative to govern Gaza, according to a readout from his office of the call.

    “Within the framework of any developing process, Minister Gallant emphasized Israel’s commitment to dismantling Hamas as a governing and military authority. In this regard, he discussed the issue of identifying and enabling the emergence of a local, governing alternative,” the readout says.  link  It is truly unbelievable that it has taken 8 months for this to happen. Had the government set this in motion in a real way, it may very well have prevented Hamas from coming back into so many areas that the IDF had already left. In multiple major locations, the IDF had to return 3 different times to battle Hamas which came back to both attack our forces and re-institute their stronghold over the population. The fact that this was not done, has cost the lives of many of our soldiers. This was a political decision that Netanyahu prevented from being made. I don't know how successful this effort will be as it is still very ad hoc and not being done through any organized structure, lowering its chances of success.

  • Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Monday said Israel is melting down due to its war against Hamas in Gaza.
    Speaking in a ceremony marking the 35th anniversary of the death of previous supreme leader ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Khamenei said, “Today, the Zionist regime gradually melts down before eyes of the world’s people.” State television broadcast his speech live.
    In a nearly 55-minute speech, the leader said that Israel’s response to the October 7 assault by Hamas that began the war placed it in a “dead-end corridor.”
    Khamenei also said that the war had derailed Israel’s US-backed efforts to reach accommodations with regional neighbors, which he characterized as part of an Israeli plot to dominate the region.

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • Israeli fighter jets struck a rocket launcher and buildings used by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon’s Naqoura, Maroun al-Ras, and Khiam overnight, the military says.

    The strikes come following a series of rocket and drone attacks carried out by the terror group on northern Israel yesterday. Link like everything in this war, there is absolutely no strategy. Most of the residents who live within 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from the border are still evacuated almost 8 months from their homes, and when they do return, many will return to destroyed or damaged homes.  And all those who live beyond the 4 kilometers are living under constant threat of rockets, missiles, anti tank fire and explosive suicide UAVs. I heard a radio interview with a father from a kibbutz past the 4 kilometer area telling of his children and their daily routine. His younger son in elementary school regularly has gone through rocket attacks on the bus to school. They hear the red alert, the bus stops, they all run for cover, wait 10 minutes and get back in the bus. Apparently, Hizbollah knows the school bus schedules and regularly launches rockets at that time. His 2 older children in high school start later. They hear the Iron Dome shots, which come before the red alert, go outside to video the shooting of the rockets, then rush inside to the safe room due to the danger of shrapnel and possibility that Iron Dime didn’t shoot down everything. And just as the government allowed Hamas shelling to go on and become ‘normal’ for the residents in the south, this is the new ‘normal’ for the northern residents  and the giervnment has no plan. We attack Hizbollah terrorists or sites and they retaliate, each time each side steps up the ‘game’.

  • The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor claims that 12 people were killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike north of Aleppo overnight.

    The UK-based opposition watchdog, which has been criticized for inflating regime losses in the past, claims that all 12 were members of pro-Iranian groups.

    The claim cannot be verified. Official Syrian sources have only put the death toll at “several.”

  • Lebanese media outlets report an alleged Israeli drone strike on a vehicle near the village of Kauthariyet al-Rez, in the Sidon District.  No further details are immediately available.

  • Iran’s acting foreign minister arrives in Lebanon on his first official diplomatic visit since his predecessor died in a helicopter crash last month.   Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reports that Ali Bagheri Kani will visit Lebanon and then Syria “to meet with the two countries’ officials as well as the officials of the resistance front to discuss ways to counter (Israel).”  Iran backs a number of armed factions in the region, of which Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah is widely seen as the most powerful.  link

  • Rockets fired by Hezbollah at the north of the country on Sunday caused bushfires that consumed 10,000 dunams of foliage in open areas, including nature reserves, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority said.

    Dozens of firefighters worked for hours to gain control of the blaze that was started by a barrage of rockets fired at the town of Katzrin on the Golan Heights and other areas. Some areas were still burning on Monday.

West Bank

  • Raid in Shechem: Balata Brigade Commander Fled Through Wedding Hall Roof - And Was Neutralized by Undercover Forces

    IDF and Border Police forces entered the Balata refugee camp in broad daylight and reached the hall where the sister of the wanted Adam Faraj was getting married. He tried to flee with his weapon and was neutralized. In the ensuing exchange of fire, another militant was killed and others were injured.

    Raid and Exchanges of Fire in Shechem: Undercover Border Police forces in the West Bank neutralized the commander of the Balata terror organization and struck other armed militants, in a raid in Shechem together with forces from the Samaria Brigade and fighters from the Nahshon Battalion, under Shin Bet intelligence guidance.     link

Politics and the Region

  • Calling on Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to the latest hostage deal under discussion, Opposition Leader Yair Lapid reiterates his promise to provide the prime minister with a political safety net if his far-right coalition partners pull out of the government over its adoption.

    “The Israeli government should… send a delegation to Cairo today to finalize the final details and bring home the men, young women, elderly and soldiers imprisoned in the tunnels,” Lapid tells lawmakers during a hearing of the State Control Committee in the Knesset.

    The proposal, which was unveiled late last week by US President Joe Biden, is said to have been put forward by Israel without the prior knowledge of the wider security cabinet.  Addressing lawmakers during a hearing of the State Control Committee in the Knesset, Lapid says that finishing off Hamas can wait but the hostages are out of time.

    “I offered and I am repeating my offer to give Netanyahu a political safety net to carry out the deal,” he says. “Our hostages should be returned. Ben Gvir and Smotrich cannot prevent them from returning home. They are dying there… There will be time to eliminate [Hamas leaders Yahya] Sinwar and [Mohammed] Deif, there will be time to eliminate Hamas; there is no time left for the hostages.”

    Netanyahu’s ultranationalist coalition partners, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich of Religious Zionism and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit, threatened Saturday night to bring down the government if the proposed hostage release and ceasefire deal is adopted.

    Slamming the government for managing “to lose the sympathy of the world” while “waging the most just war in history,” Lapid says that “the world doesn’t understand what the goal of the war is, because we don’t understand what the goal of the war is either.”  link

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hiding the Israeli proposal for a deal from members of the political-security cabinet: Two of the senior ministers in the government - Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir - have not been receiving answers since the end of last weekend regarding the deal presented by US President Joe Biden on Saturday night. Now it appears that the two are losing patience - and resorting to threats. The Minister for National Security Ben-Gvir approached Netanyahu at the start of his faction's meeting, which was moved to another location due to the presence of families of captives, and asked "Mr. Prime Minister, what do you have to hide?"

    In contrast to Ben-Gvir and Smotrich's position, the head of United Torah Judaism, Yitzhak Goldknopf, announced that his party would support any deal that comes up for discussion. After meeting with relatives of captives, Minister Goldknopf said: "I told them that our position is that there is nothing greater than the value of life and the mitzvah of redeeming captives, because there is a real and tangible danger to their lives. Therefore, any proposal that would lead to the release of the captives, we will support." In his office, however, they clarified that in any case, any deal would be decided by the rabbis. link This is a new position by the Haredi party but very welcome, albeit very late. This support, however does nothing regarding Ben Gvir and Smotrich and therefore Netanyahu still doesn't have threat to his coalition removed.

  • Far-Right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has been holding a series of meetings with rabbis associated with his Religious Zionism party over his threats to quit the coalition if a newly proposed hostage release and ceasefire deal is adopted by the government, the Kipa news site reports. The news site, affiliated with the national religious community, says that Smotrich spoke with the spiritual advisers and others regarding the conditions under which his party will leave the government. The report says Smotrich plans to leave the government before any ceasefire deal is approved.

  •  The Maldives government has decided: No entry for Israelis

    The government of the Maldives, a Sunni Muslim island nation, announced that it will prevent Israeli passport holders from entering following the war in Gaza. The Foreign Ministry: "Recommends that Israeli citizens refrain from all travel to the Maldives, including those with foreign passports."

    The government of the Maldives, a Sunni Muslim island state, decided today (Sunday) to ban the entry of Israelis following the war in Gaza.

    The office of the President of the Maldives announced that the cabinet decided to change the laws to prohibit Israeli passport holders from entering the island. According to data released by the government, nearly 11,000 Israelis visited the Maldives last year - 0.6 percent of total tourist arrivals.

    The Minister of Home Affairs and Technology, Ali Aihusain, said that President Dr. Mohamed Muaizzu made the decision at a cabinet meeting. In parallel, the President appointed a special envoy to examine aid to the Palestinians following the ongoing war in Gaza, and the government announced a campaign to raise donations for Gaza and the UNRWA organization.

    Following the announcement, the Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a recommendation to refrain from travel to the country - a recommendation that also applies to holders of foreign passports. "In light of the Maldives government's decision to ban the entry of Israeli citizens, the Foreign Ministry recommends that Israeli citizens refrain from all travel to the Maldives," the ministry's statement read. "The recommendation also applies to Israeli citizens holding a foreign passport, in addition to an Israeli passport. For Israeli citizens staying in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, as we may have difficulty assisting if they encounter any distress for any reason."

    The Foreign Ministry also issued recommendations for Israelis to avoid traveling to the island nation in October and December - "due to the exacerbation of the atmosphere against Israel, including public statements by official bodies."

    The Maldives Islands, known for their paradise landscapes of white beaches and clear turquoise waters, are an island nation in the Arabian Sea of the Indian Ocean. They do not maintain diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, but until now Israelis could travel there via other countries and obtain an entry visa at the airport.

    Between 1965 and 1974, there were full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Maldives, until they were frozen. In 2006, Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed declared his intention to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, but the statement was met with opposition from opposition groups - and was shelved.

  • An Iranian military adviser killed in an Israeli strike in Syria tonight: According to the report, the person killed is Saeed Abeyr, a member of the Revolutionary Guards. He is the first Iranian to be eliminated since the attack on the consulate in Damascus, after which an unprecedented barrage was fired from Iran towards Israeli territory.

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

PMO- Prime Minister's Office
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