πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 251, 2023 - June 13, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 251 that 120 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
‎ΧΧ™ΧŸ Χ Χ¦Χ—Χ•ΧŸ Χ’Χ“ Χ©Χ›Χœ Χ”Χ—Χ˜Χ•Χ€Χ™Χ Χ‘Χ‘Χ™Χͺ

Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*9:00pm- south- rockets kibbutzim Nir Am and Mefalsim
*5:05am- north - rockets/missiles Yehiam, Klil, Shtula
*7:55am- north - hostile aircraft - Golan, Galilee
am- north - hostile aircraft - Golan, Galilee
*10:25am- north - hostile aircraft - Golan, Galilee
*12:25pm - north - hostile aircraft - Golan, Galilee
*2:25pm- north - hostile aircraft Upper Galilee, Golan, Safed - continuous red alerts of hostile aircraft for last 25 minutes
*2:50pm - north - hostile aircraft Golan, Galilee
*4:35pm- north - hostile aircraft Golan, Galilee
*4:50pm - north - hostile aircraft Golan, Galilee
*7:30pm - north - rockets/ missiles Dovev
*8:05pm -north -  hostile aircraft western Galilee
*8:05pm south - rockets Sderot, Ashkelon
*8:15pm - north - rockets/ missiles  Western Galilee, Yaara

*Hizbollah has stated that yesterday and today's attacks are retaliation for the killing of the senior Hizbollah terrorist

Hostage Updates 

  • The changes that Hamas have requested to a ceasefire proposal presented by the United States are “not significant” and include the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, a senior leader in the group tells Reuters.

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said yesterday that Hamas had proposed numerous changes, some unworkable, to the US-backed proposal, but that mediators were determined to close the gaps.

    Hamas demands it select a list of 100 Palestinians with long term sentences to be released from Israeli jails, says the senior Hamas leader.  Hamas objected to the Israeli document’s exclusion of 100 Palestinian prisoners with high sentences, whom Hamas would identify, as well as the restriction on the time period for the release of prisoners with high sentences to no more than 15 years remaining of their sentences, says the Hamas official.

    “There are no significant amendments that, according to Hamas leadership, warrant objection,” says the Hamas leader.

  • Channel 13 news publishes what it claims to be details from the Hamas terror group’s amendments to the Israel-American proposal for a truce and hostage deal, though it doesn’t say how these were obtained.

    The Hamas demands include a complete halt to the war, even if no agreement is reached regarding the second stage of the three-phase deal. The current proposal said such negotiations would start during the first phase, and Hamas is said to contend that it won’t agree to a deadline after which fighting could renew if no agreement is reached.

    Hamas is also reportedly demanding that the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip start during the first phase of the deal, rather than the third phase; that Israel not be allowed to veto the release of any Palestinian security prisoner, after Israel agreed to compromise greatly on this matter; and that no murder convicts be deported abroad or to the Gaza Strip.

    “This is the most extreme response Hamas could have given,” the network quotes an unnamed Israeli official as saying. “It is apparent that the American pressure has not worked. It is hard to start a negotiation in these conditions.”

    In addition, Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar outlet has reported that Hamas is demanding that the IDF will start its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip on the first day of the first phase, with the key Salah a-Din and Al-Rashid highways, the army facilities in Netzarim, the Philadelphi Route along the Egypt-Gaza border and the Rafah Border Crossing all vacated by the seventh day.  If Israel doesn’t commit to a full withdrawal from Gaza by the seventh day, the release of hostages will stop, according to the reported Hamas response.  link

  • A commentator said today on the news that since the beginning of the war, Israel hasn't missed a single opportunity to accept a hostage release plan too late. After we have said no, that Hamas' demands are unacceptable, after a while after the negotiations end, we wake up and say yes -- too late. And then, with each new negotiation, we go through the same cycle. If we had accepted the deal in November, all of the hostages would have been home a long time ago. 


  • Panel discussion interview including my brother about Gaza, the hostages, end of the war and going forward 

  • The Goal - Boots on the Ground in Gaza: The IDF Advances to the Heart of Rafah, Intense Fighting in the Central Neighborhoods:  The fighters are operating within densely populated neighborhoods around the clock: focusing on destroying tunnels crossing into Egypt and eliminating terrorists in face-to-face combat • The assessment is that within a few weeks it will be possible to conclude the operation, but above all the question of "the day after" still looms • The challenges in establishing the new barrier - and the IDF's goals in Rafah
    In parallel with the diplomatic efforts and contacts for a deal, the IDF continues to deepen its activity in Rafah and today (Thursday) is making further progress in the area. The forces entered the neighborhoods in the center of the city and began intense fighting within the crowded neighborhoods, such as inside the Shaboura neighborhood. The army confirms that real combat has developed in the area, mainly due to the full control over the Philadelphia route achieved last week. The forces are now focused on locating and destroying the tunnels crossing into Egypt.

    From the Center of the Strip to Rafah
    Leading the fighting in the area and in the center of the Strip are the 162nd Brigade and forces from the 99th Brigade. In parallel, fighter jets of the Air Force continue to destroy rocket launching sites from the air, including launchers that were ready to fire rockets towards the surrounding area. In the last day, the forces continued raids in the area, located combat materials and eliminated more than 10 terrorists in face-to-face encounters, including a terrorist who infiltrated Israel on October 7th. Alongside Givati fighters, forces from the Egoz unit also identified an armed terrorist in the area and remotely eliminated him using a drone. Among the main targets attacked in the last day: military buildings, armed terrorist cells, rocket launchers, tunnels and additional terror infrastructure. 

    The Goal: Boots on the Ground in Gaza
    At the same time, the forces continue to advance into Rafah itself. The IDF's mission: to dismantle 4 Hamas battalions, and at this point we are halfway there. The assessment is that within a few weeks it will be possible to conclude the operation in the city and achieve its main goals. From here also arises the question of what Israel will decide to do afterwards. The security establishment has already begun discussions on rebuilding the barrier on the Gaza-Egypt border, alongside rebuilding the Rafah crossing to make it larger. The rationale is that expanding the crossing will on one hand allow a greater flow of trucks, and on the other hand make it more "modern", with international oversight that will assist in detecting and preventing smuggling - with all the appropriate equipment. The negotiations to expand the crossing are at this stage being coordinated with the Egyptian side, but of course the road is still long and Israel has more pressing needs. Israel must have boots on the ground in Gaza. Otherwise, after the IDF leaves, Hamas will be able to rebuild the tunnels, rehabilitate the smuggling industry and re-strengthen itself - regardless of how many terror tunnels Israel managed to destroy in the war.

    Complex Challenges on the Ground
    As can be seen, Hamas refuses to lose its grip on Rafah and is trying by any means to maintain its survival. Just two days ago, it was cleared for publication that four of our soldiers, Givati reconnaissance fighters, were killed by the detonation of an explosive device that caused part of a building in Rafah to collapse. The fighters were Staff Sergeant Tal Pashbilski (Shaolov), 24 from Gdera, Sergeant Itan Karelsbroun, 20 from Modiin-Maccabim-Reut, Corporal Almog Shalom, 19 from Kibbutz Hamadia and Corporal Yair Levin, 19 from Giv'at HaRa'asha.
    The IDF is not only required to destroy the enemy, but also to be careful not to harm civilians whom the terror organization uses as human shields. Earlier this week, the IDF Military Advocate General's investigative mechanism announced that it would investigate the strike in Rafah, under the guidance of the Military Advocate General, Aluf Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi.  This comes in light of reports of dozens of uninvolved civilians being harmed and the main headlines around the world dealing with this. According to initial findings, "Prior to the strike, many steps were taken to minimize the risk of harm to uninvolved civilians, including visual confirmation from the air, use of precise munitions and additional intelligence information, based on which it was assessed that no harm to uninvolved civilians was expected."  link

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • Today, there were 150 rockets and 15 UAVs launched from Lebanon, causing 200,000 to enter safe areas multiple times today. Today was the heaviest attack from Hizbollah since October 7
    Since the beginning of the year, 60,000 dunam (15,000 acres) of forest have burnt down in the north. (none of our forest are natural, they are all from planting trees since the late 1800's)

  • Overnight, Israeli fighter jets struck several buildings used by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon’s Ayta ash-Shab, the military says. Additional Hezbollah infrastructure was stuck in Aynata, the IDF adds.  

  • The IDF confirmed today (Wednesday) that a Hezbollah senior official, Sami Taleb Abdallah, was assassinated overnight (between Tuesday and Wednesday) in an air force operation - the highest-ranking commander in the organization to be killed since the start of the war. Taleb, 55, was considered one of the organization's central operatives. He assumed his current position as head of the Nasser Unit in 2016, but previously served in a number of senior positions.  
    At Taleb's funeral, the head of Hezbollah's executive council, Hashem Safieddine, delivered a speech threatening Israel with increased activity against it: "If the enemy's message was to undermine our determination to support Gaza, then it should know that our absolute and inevitable response is that we will intensify our operations with force, power, quantity and quality. The enemy will see who the brothers and sons of Abu Taleb are." The Al-Akhbar newspaper, which is close to the organization, also referred to the assassination and threatened an escalation: "The enemy dealt a severe blow to Hezbollah in a security-military operation aimed at one of the prominent commanders in the current confrontation, when he was accompanied by additional fighters during the attack on Israeli Katyushas on a house in the village of Juwaya. The assassination is considered a dangerous escalation by the enemy that opens the door to a different management of the confrontation."
    Criticism in Lebanon: "Don't enter a war"
    Alongside the threats against Israel and with the intensification of fighting on the border, activists in Lebanon criticized Hezbollah and pleaded with it to stop the escalation. For example, Lebanese activist Raimond Hakim wrote on his X account: "If you are unable to defend yourselves and balance terror with terror, do not enter a war. People's lives are not a game." 
    The Lebanese activist Ahmad Yassin wrote: "Four of Hezbollah's most important leaders in one fell swoop, and Hezbollah was paralyzed by fear. At their head stood Abu Taleb, who was considered a pillar in the Jihadi Council, meaning he was one of the six great ones who run Hezbollah, and one of its most important and strongest military leaders."  He added that "the commander held a highly secret meeting last night with elements of the Nasser Unit, the military unit responsible for southern Lebanon. They were struck by a blow with advanced missiles, and an elite group of Hezbollah's prominent leaders was eliminated. In the face of this devastating blow, Hezbollah responded with a few meaningless Katyusha rockets on the border. None of them reached Israel."
    According to him, "The situation shows the utter inability of Hezbollah and its misleading leadership to confront Israel and the actual state of collapse in which they live." Lebanese activist Jozee Al Hanna Khalifa also wrote against Hezbollah on her X account: "We decided that from our pocket we want to teach, feed our children, travel, stay up late and live in peace and tranquility, but you decided to die, destroy and start a war."
    Not only Lebanese activists expressed criticism of the organization, but also former Lebanese MP Fares Souaid, known for his opposition to Hezbollah. Souaid wrote on his X account: "The escalation of the war in southern Lebanon and the targeting of Hezbollah leaders is a separate reality... Hezbollah Lebanon will not escape its grip, as long as the war continues or an opportunity arises."  
    About 200 rockets were fired towards the north in several heavy barrages since morning. There are no reports of casualties. A building in the town of Sasa was directly hit. Several rockets fell in open areas, causing fires in several locations: in Biria-Ein Zeitim, Kadita, Meron and Kehal. The fire department reported that crews are approaching control of the fires, and control has been achieved over the fire that spread in the towns of Kadita and Meron. The fire department spokesperson said earlier that 21 crews from all stations in the northern district have been operating in recent hours, with the assistance of eight aircraft from the "Elad" aerial firefighting squadron to extinguish the fires. Due to the heavy heat, there is a concern about the spread of fires, especially in open areas. Route 89, from the Ein Zeitim junction to the Meron junction, was blocked to traffic and reopened after a short time.  link
  • Fires are still blazing at at least main locations in the north following a barrage of rocket and drone attacks launched by Hezbollah in Lebanon, amid unusually hot weather.

    A spokesperson for the Fire and Rescue Services says that efforts are being focused on fires blazing in the Biriya Forest in the Upper Galilee, as well as several locations in the Golan Heights, near Katzrin and Kidmat Tsvi.

    Firefighters are being joined by forces from the IDF, local security forces as well as forces from Keren Kayemet Le’Israel and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority working to get the flames under control. 

  • Israeli fighter jets struck Hezbollah infrastructure in southern Lebanon’s Deir Seryan a short while ago, the military says. The IDF also says that suspected drone infiltration sirens that sounded in the Golan Heights an hour ago were triggered by three targets that were identified. The three targets, possibly drones, were downed by air defenses, the military says.

  • Stepping back in time: the reserve forces on the northern border built old fashioned catapults to launch fireballs to burn out dried vegetation that they believe are hiding rocket launchers and other enemy positions: this is how the IDF fighters attack on the northern border at the initiative of the reserve fighters.  video

West Bank

  •     Two Palestinian gunmen were killed by troops of the Duvdevan commando unit in the West Bank city of Qabatiya, near Jenin, military sources say.

    The commandos had carried out a tactic known as “pressure cooker” that involves escalating the volume of fire directed at a building to force suspects to come out. Amid the operation, the troops fired shoulder-launched missiles at the building. In ensuing clashes, the pair were killed.  The IDF continues to operate in the Jenin area since launching a raid there overnight. At least two wanted Palestinians were detained in the operation so far, the sources say.

Politics and People

  • Group of Seven leaders are very concerned by the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border and endorse US efforts to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, according to a draft communique due to be released following this week’s G7 summit.

    The statement adds that the Western leaders reiterated their unwavering commitment to a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace side by side.

    In addition, they call on Israel to refrain from a full-scale offensive in Rafah, “in line with their obligations under international law.”

    The G7 is made up of the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

  • Yizhar Shay, who criticized the PM: "Netanyahu called me after this holiday, after they told him my son fell in the war"
    The former minister who lost his son Yaron in battles in the Gaza border area on October 7th said that he "despises Netanyahu" who did not speak to him for 8 months since the war broke out - but did rush to meet with the rescued captives. According to him, the PM called him following the criticism: "I told him - I expressed criticism on behalf of all those he did not bother to call until today."
    Former Minister of Science and Technology Yizhar Shay said this morning (Thursday) that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called him, after the criticism he leveled against him. Yaron, Shay's son, was killed in an exchange of fire with militants who infiltrated the town of Kerem Shalom in the Gaza border area in a surprise attack on October 7th. On Sunday, Shay shared that "I am one of those bereaved parents whom the Prime Minister did not bother to call."

    In a tweet he posted this morning on Twitter, Shay updated that the Prime Minister did not even know that his son was killed, and called him after finding out, after the holiday ended. "Following things I published, someone told him that Yizhar Shay's son was killed and he expressed to me a deep shock that he had not heard about it until now," Shay wrote. "He expressed sincere condolences for our mourning, and said that as someone who lost his brother and saw his parents' suffering for many years, he is closely familiar with the pain of bereavement."
    Shay added: "I told the Prime Minister that I personally did not need this conversation, but when I expressed criticism I spoke on behalf of all those he did not bother to call until today - the families of those murdered on Shmini Atzeret, the families of the captives who were murdered, the families of the kibbutzniks, the families of the 'failures', not just the families of the success stories.

    "I told him that he is responsible for everything that happened here, not just the successes. That he was supposed to be the Prime Minister of all of us, not just his voters, and that I express the pain of millions of citizens who do not have a Prime Minister who relates to their pain. He said he agrees with the principle but in his opinion he also implements it, he does meet with bereaved families and does call people who have experienced a tragedy, but unfortunately these things are not known to the public."

    "Calling on the PM to also console those who did not vote for him" In their conversation, Shay told the Prime Minister about the battle in which his son fell. "I told the Prime Minister the story of Yaron's heroism in the battle of Kerem Shalom, thanks to which many civilians were saved, and he said that indeed he was a true hero. In conclusion, I thanked the Prime Minister for the phone call, and asked him to bring all the captives home and not surrender to the extremists in his government," Shay wrote.
    "I thank the Prime Minister for this phone call and his recognition of Yaron's heroism, our Noni," he added. "I call on him to call or visit to console the families of the fallen and murdered, even those who did not vote for him, even those who did not fall in heroic battles but rather those whose deaths symbolize the terrible tragedy, the failure and the great pain of all citizens of the State of Israel following the Shmini Atzeret war."

    After the rescue of the four captives from Gaza on Saturday, families of captives murdered and killed in Hamas captivity criticized Netanyahu. According to them, the Prime Minister did not speak with them, but rushed to visit the rescued captives. Shay joined the criticism of Netanyahu and said, "My son fell in a battle of heroes and with his death saved the lives of hundreds of civilians. But even if he had been murdered in his sleep or kidnapped from his home, a moral and ethical Prime Minister would have called to console, strengthen and apologize that this happened on his watch. I'm not angry at him. Not at all. I despise him, a miserable man."

  • National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir demands that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convene a meeting of the security cabinet tonight, accusing him of deliberately freezing out the wider body in favor of the narrow war cabinet.

    In a letter to Netanyahu, the far-right politician says that the prime minister has been managing the war “in an unknown manner, through narrow forums… all for the purpose of sole control over decisions and avoiding discussions of other positions which would challenge the old conceptions.”

    Ben Gvir says that despite the exit of Benny Gantz from the government as well as the three-member war cabinet, Netanyahu continues to conduct affairs while ignoring the other ministers in his government.

    “Mr. Prime Minister, the ministers of the cabinet are not a decoration. Your partners in the government are not air. The situation in the north is unbearable. And the exclusion of ministers and the cabinet from every discussion on the topic is unacceptable,” he adds.  link With the exit of Gantz and Eisencott from the government, specifically the War Cabinet, everyone knew what was coming within minutes of their departure: the most dangerous person in the government wants even more influence in the government. Most recognize that Ben Gvir had been the one pulling Netanyahu's strings, but that's not enough for him. He wants to be the most important decision maker in the government and Netanyahu's weakness and desperation to stay Prime Minister means that Netanyahu will continue to lead him by the nose.

    The Region
    • The US State Department “strongly condemns” the Houthis’ recent arrests of UN officials, diplomats and aid personnel in Yemen, which the rebels have claimed was a crackdown on an alleged Israeli-American spy cell.

      “We also strongly condemn the Houthis’ efforts to spread disinformation regarding the role of detained current and former US mission local staff through televised forced and fake ‘confessions,'” says a statement by department spokesperson Matthew Miller. “Yet again the Houthis are seeking to use disinformation to shift blame to the United States and other outside actors for their own failures.

      “These Houthi actions reflect a blatant disregard for the dignity of the Yemeni people and individuals who – contrary to the Houthis’ lies – have dedicated themselves to their country’s betterment. Their detention, and that of the UN staff, is an affront to diplomatic norms, and they should be released immediately. We will not rest until they are,” the statement adds.

    • Yemen’s Houthis targeted “Tutor ship” in the Red Sea, the Iran-aligned group’s military spokesman Yahya Saree says in a televised speech. The ship was hit and is facing the danger of sinking, Saree claims. The rebels also claim to have carried out a joint military operation with Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeting sites in Israel’s Ashdod and Haifa, without elaborating.

    • A suspected attack today by Yemen’s Houthi terrorists saw missiles strike a ship in the Gulf of Aden, authorities say, setting the vessel ablaze, in the latest such assault in their campaign over the Israel-Hamas war.

      The attack happened in the Gulf of Aden off Yemen, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center says, adding that the vessel caught fire in the attack.

      The private security firm Ambrey says a merchant vessel made a radio distress call saying it had been struck by a missile.

      The ship “was en route from Malaysia to Venice, Italy,” Ambrey says. It adds that the ship was “aligned with the Houthi target profile,” without elaborating.

      A handout picture released on February 23, 2024, shows the M/V Rubymar, a Belize-flagged, UK-owned bulk carrier leaking oil in the Gulf of Aden after taking significant damage after an attack by Iran-backed Houthi terrorists on February 18. (CENTCOM)

    • Iran has rapidly installed two more cascades, or clusters, of uranium-enriching centrifuges at its Fordow site and begun work on more while also planning others at its underground plant at Natanz, a UN nuclear watchdog report seen by Reuters says.

      “On 9 and 10 June… Iran informed the Agency that eight cascades each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges would be installed over the next 3-4 weeks in Unit 1 of FFEP (Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant),” the confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report sent to member states today says.

      “On 11 June 2024, the Agency verified at FFEP that Iran had completed the installation of IR-6 centrifuges in two cascades in Unit 1. Installation of IR-6 centrifuges in four additional cascades was ongoing,” the report says, referring to one of one of Iran’s most advanced centrifuge models. link

    Acronyms and Glossary

    COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

    ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

    IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

    MDA - Magen David Adom - Israel Ambulance Corp

    PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

    PMO- Prime Minister's Office

    UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

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