πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 243, 2023 - June 5, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 243 that 124 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
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Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*12:15am- north- rockets/missiles Kibbutz Malkia
*6:00am- south- rockets Nachal Oz
*9:25 - north - hostile aircraft - Kiryat Shemona, Mevo'ot Hermon, Tel Hai, Metulla, Dishon, Ramot Naftali, Kibbutzim Malkia, Misfav Am, Yiftach, Kfar Giladi, Maayan Baruch
*10:50am - north - hostile aircraft - Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Metulla, Manara, Maayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misfav Am, Kiryat Shemona, Tel Hai  -- A “suspicious aerial target” that entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon, thought to be a drone, was intercepted by air defenses over Metula this morning, the military says.

Another interceptor was launched at a second target a short while later, the IDF adds.  There was no damage or injuries in either incident.

*10:55am - north - Rockets/missiles - Kibbutzim Margaliot, Misgav Am
*1:35pm- north - rockets/missiles - Yiftach, Mevo'ot Hermon, Ramot Naftali
*6:35pm- north - UAV direct hit on a soccer stadium in the Western Galilee Village of Horfeish - 11 wounded, some in life threatening condition

Hostage Updates 

  • Son of dead hostage demands no soldiers be put in danger to retrieve father’s body

    Rani Metzger, son of Yoram Metzger, 80, calls on Netanyahu to make returning living hostages his first priority; ‘Israel will be ashamed forever’ if not, he says

    The son of an Israeli hostage who was announced on Monday to have died in the captivity of the Hamas terror group in Gaza demanded on Tuesday that Israel not place any soldiers in danger to retrieve his father’s body.

    “We don’t risk people’s lives for a body,” said Rani Metzger — the son of Yoram Metzger, who died in Hamas captivity at age 80 after being kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7 — on behalf of the family. “We want the army to return his body, but we are not prepared, in any way, shape, or form, to put soldiers in danger.

    “We said this to those making decisions, [and] we expect that they will stand by it,” Metzger told Channel 12 in an interview, noting, “We understand that there are other families who maybe want other things.”

    Yoram’s widow Tami Metzger, 78, who was kidnapped along with her husband, was released in November during a week-long ceasefire that saw the release of 105 civilian hostages in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

    “Unfortunately for us, the exchange did not continue,” Rani said of that truce. “Whoever made the decision to stop the exchange, it could very well be that they caused my father not to return. It was possible to save many people.”

    It is believed that 120 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza — though dozens are thought to be dead. Three hostages have been rescued by troops alive, and the bodies of 19 hostages have also been recovered, including three mistakenly killed by the military.

    Israel confirmed the deaths of Metzger and three other hostages— Chaim Peri, 79, Amiram Cooper, 84, and Nadav Popplewell, 51, on Monday, citing new intelligence findings.

    “We estimate that the four were killed together, in the Khan Younis area, several months ago, while being held by Hamas terrorists and while IDF forces were operating in Khan Younis,” said IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

    In December, Hamas published a video showing Peri, Cooper, and Metzger alive, and in March the terror group claimed that the three were killed by Israeli strikes. In May, apparently weeks after he had been killed, Hamas released a coerced propaganda clip featuring Popplewell.

    Asked about the circumstances of his father’s death, Metzger said that they “certainly interest us. It’s important to us to know what happened to Dad, up to the last moment.”

    Metzger said he does not blame the military for his father’s death: “I have no anger toward the army. It’s not so relevant, or important to me, whether it happened in these circumstances or those ones. Hamas kidnapped my dad from his home, murdered him, holds his body. There is no Israeli side of this story.”

    But, Metzger said, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure the hostages’ return. “My father and his friends lived at least four months,” he said. “It was possible to save them, it was possible to bring them back. Whoever chooses the goal of the war over the goal of [returning] the hostages, the result is very simple: they will die.

    “I heard someone express this,” Metzger recounted. “They said, ‘It’s not terrible, the number of hostages today is like a collision between two buses.”

    Metzger, whose family is actively involved in the protest movement to pressure the government to agree to a hostage deal with Hamas, rejected assertions that the movement is political: “There’s no politics here, there is great pain,” he said.

    “How can someone paint this as political? There is the prime minister, he is the address. We are angry at him when he doesn’t do anything, we are angry at him when he sabotages the issue. But we are 100 percent behind him if he does a deal. If he does a deal, we will support him. So there’s no politics here.” Asked what message he had for Israelis, Metzger said: “Go back to being Jews. Go back to being the nation of Israel. Go back to supporting these hurting people, whole communities that were destroyed, the families of the hostages. Stop cursing at us on the streets. It’s unacceptable, it’s inappropriate.

    “Don’t stand back,” he added. “Young girls are being raped in captivity. Soldiers are being tortured. Elderly people are going through indescribable suffering, in hell. We cannot abandon them.

    “If we don’t return them all, down to the last one, Israel will be ashamed forever,” he said. “Go to the streets, demand of the government that they achieve this goal. The prime minister needs you behind him. He is under threats by ministers in his government.

    Netanyahu is facing pressure from the international community and some inside of Israel to work to approve a deal with Hamas, under which Israel would agree to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and release Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the terror group returning remaining hostages.

    Far-right members of his coalition have threatened to topple the government if such a deal goes through.  link

  • CIA chief returns to region to push hostage deal as Israel vows not to budge further: Hamas demands proposal make clear that deal will lead to end of war; US says ‘we just need to get a ceasefire’ and that terror group’s post-war role in Gaza can be ironed out later

    CIA director William Burns and White House Mideast czar Brett McGurk departed back to the Middle East on Tuesday for meetings in Doha and Cairo aimed at advancing the Israeli hostage deal proposal submitted last week, two US officials confirmed to The Times of Israel.

    Accordingly, Egyptian State TV subsequently reported that an Egyptian security delegation is set to meet with Qatari and US counterparts in Doha on Wednesday.

    Burns and McGurk may also add a stop in Israel after their meetings in Qatar and Egypt whose governments are mediating the talks between Israel and Hamas along with the US, one of the US officials said.  Qatar’s foreign ministry spokesperson confirmed separately Tuesday that Doha had delivered to Hamas the Israeli ceasefire proposal, adding that it accurately reflects the deal laid out by US President Joe Biden last week. The US said Hamas received the Israeli proposal from Qatar last Thursday.

    Majed Al-Ansari said that Doha has yet to receive “concrete approvals” from either side, though, the distance between them appears to have shrunk.

    The foreign ministry spokesperson stressed the need for clear positions from both parties, with some members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet threatening to bring down the government over the proposal. “We are waiting for a clear Israeli position that represents the entire government in response to the US’s Gaza proposal,” Al-Ansari said at a press briefing.

    “We have already seen statements coming from Israeli ministers which don’t give us a lot of confidence of there being a unified position in Israel over this current proposal on the table,” he added. However, “we can see also that there is a positive momentum building up on both sides.”  full article

  • Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich reiterates his opposition to a ceasefire and hostage deal announced by US President Joe Biden, in an interview with Kan radio.

    Smotrich says he opposes a deal in which hostages are exchanged for terrorists with “blood on their hands” and one that doesn’t ensure the military can eliminate Hamas in Gaza. “There are prices that a nation that loves life cannot afford,” he says. link

    Smotrich also says that the October 7 massacre “has nothing to do with me, it was an insane intelligence-operational failure,” appearing to lay the blame on security forces. Earlier in the war he accepted responsibility for the state’s failures during the onslaught.  “Those who are responsible should have gone home a long time ago. This was the IDF’s conception. Who is briefing against me in the newspapers? The heads of the IDF, the same people who failed on October 7 are not ashamed to criticize me today,” he says.   link

     Another in a long list of irresponsible government ministers, starting with Netanyahu who think that October 7 has nothing to do with them and they don't bear any responsibility. Who the hell does bear responsibility if not the very people who make up the government that is supposed to be responsible for all aspects of civilian and military life in our country? Are they only responsible when something goes right and when something doesn't, it's someone else's responsibility; anyone else's, just not them? Are they trying to fool themselves or the public or both? Let's not forget who was directly responsible for having complete brigades of soldiers moved from the southern border to the West Bank, specifically to Hrawa where the religious zionist parties and the settlers set up a Sukkah in the middle of an Arab village both as a provocation and a show of strength to show the Palestinians who is the boss in the Palestinian towns. Those were the same soldiers who were supposed to be protecting our southern border and the southern border communities. Smotrich and Ben Gvir demanded from Netanyahu and Gallant that the soldiers be moved to protect the settlers who were coming to the Sukkah inside the Palestinian town. No, neither of them bears any responsibility for October 7? BS. And we also must remember who said that "Hamas is an asset to Israel"; none other than Betzalel Smotrich.
    And as far as the hostage deal, Smotrich's rejection of any deal that includes ending the war and/or releasing Palestinian prisoners with blood on their hands, is nothing new or unexpected. Same regarding Ben Gvir. But, as I posted yesterday, it is totally hypocritical for them to claim to be religious jews and represent religious jews when they reject the very basic and important tenet of Judaism of redemption of prisoners above all else and that those who don't or refuse to do all they can to redeem prisoners is the same as having the blood of the prisoners on their hands. From the start of the war, they made it known that they didn't care about the hostages and were willing to sacrifice all of them in the name of the war. I am ashamed to say that these are senior ministers in our government.
    Members of the Security Cabinet Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to present the deal for the release of the captives to Ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich in the Security Cabinet.

  • The war cabinet has decided to demand US guarantees that Israel will be allowed to continue the war against Hamas if the terror group violates a hostages-for-ceasefire agreement, according to the Kan public broadcaster.  An unnamed government official is quoted saying the unanimous Israeli decision is likely to reduce the prospects for a deal to free the hostages held in Gaza.


  • "The Crazy Sinwar, Until When?": Growing Criticism in Gaza - And Hamas' Counter-Campaign: Almost 8 months after the October 7 attack, it appears that Gazans are frustrated with the reality that the terrorist organization has imposed on its residents - and there are those who are raising their voice • In parallel, Hamas is working to be portrayed as the one arousing the "resilience" of the Palestinians • "When will you stop using us as human shields?" one Gaza resident cried

    Already 241 days have passed since the start of the war, and it seems that the complex reality in the Strip is increasing public pressure among Palestinians on the Hamas leadership. Gazans who are not afraid to speak in front of the cameras are protesting the situation and harshly attacking Sinwar. "The crazy Sinwar threw a stone into the well," said a Gazan woman from Nuseirat in the center of the Strip. "The destruction he has wrought could earn him the title of Israel's most successful general. We did not choose or authorize him. Hamas is serving Israel in this war. We are asking 'until when?'" she continued.

    Even graffiti seen on the walls across the Strip tells the story of this war, which apparently neither side expected to see on such a scale. "Hey Sinwar, you a**hole," was written on one wall. "We went to take Al-Aqsa, we lost Gaza," was written on another wall in the Strip. 

    Other voices of protest coming out of the Gaza Strip are admittedly not said in front of the cameras, but appear on Palestinian social networks. It should be emphasized that this protest is far from gaining momentum and turning into one that takes to the streets and raises its hands against Hamas, but still these voices tell of the complexity that Gaza residents have been dealing with in recent months. "When will you stop using us as human shields?" one Gazan wrote. Another added: "Hamas is hiding in the tunnels and leaving people on the ground! Hamas is hiding among the people and turning them into human shields!"

    Meanwhile, after Biden's speech - there are some Gazans expressing optimism in Gaza that a ceasefire might be possible, even if in practice there are still real obstacles to getting there. "I really want the war to stop and this foolish talk. But it's in the hands of the politicians, unfortunately."

    "We Won with Honor" - Hamas' Campaign
    In parallel to the harsh criticism, Hamas is not standing idly by and is trying to be portrayed as the one who strengthened the 'Sumud', the steadfastness of the residents of the Gaza Strip. As part of the media campaign that the terrorist organization is leading, it is disseminating more and more videos of Gazans speaking in terms of pride, strength and solidarity behind Hamas, at least outwardly. A Gazan child said proudly: "Although we lost the school year in the Gaza Strip, we achieved the highest levels of patience, strength, perseverance and resilience. We won with the honor of defending the Islamic nation. Many Gaza students became martyrs or were injured."

    As part of the same resonating campaign by Hamas, another Gazan was filmed waving the Palestinian flag at the entrance to the ruins of his home and saying: "Despite the destruction, we stand firm."

    In another video that spread across Palestinian social networks, a Gazan who was evacuated from his home is seen showing the food products he left for Hamas militants to eat - when they arrive to fight in the area. Hamas is not only content with a media campaign, but is also taking action on the ground to demonstrate governance and show that while the meaningless talk about the "day after" continues, without deciding on an alternative, it does not intend to go anywhere. Recent documentation from Rafah showed how Hamas militants shot and beat thieves who allegedly looted homes and businesses in the neighborhood. These were circulated to signal to everyone - "We are the landlords."

    In the background, the closure of the Rafah crossing in the last 4 weeks, after the IDF took control of the Palestinian side, the Arab media is reporting on the conclusion of the tripartite meeting in Cairo, with the participation of Egypt, the US and Israel regarding the Rafah crossing. An Egyptian source said that "Egypt insisted on the need for Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian side of the crossing until its operation is resumed, placing full responsibility on Israel for not allowing humanitarian aid through it, and emphasizing the need to act immediately to allow at least 350 aid trucks into the Gaza Strip every day. "  link In Gaza, Hamas has very little support. Prior to the war, their highest level of support was about 15% and now it is estimated that it is less than 10%. However, most people are afraid to talk out about them. They are a totalitarian governing body which does not tolerate any talk or actions against its regime. Before the war, anyone talking about peace or even dialogue with Israelis was at risk of arrest, torture and in many cases, death. The Gazans today are afraid that Hamas will still be around after the war and fear the ramifications if they speak out against them. In the West Bank, however it is a different situation. The war, as has other military operations in the past, helps promote Hamas. Most of the Palestinians in the West Bank don't support Hamas' ideology, religious 'fervor' or its extremism. What they do support is seeing action against the occupier, Israel and the IDF. Following Oslo, there was great support for the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, but that has diminished to its lowest point. At that time, they saw real hope for realizing their national aspirations of having a Palestinian State and being able to thrive under their own government. But 20 years later, they are still an occupied people being governed by an Occupier Army and subjected to a Military Judicial System that works against them. They don't see the PA doing anything in their favor and the only ones who are actually doing something against their occupier is Hamas.  Therefore, there is growing support for Hamas in the West Bank. If there were elections in the West Bank, would that mean they would vote for Hamas? Absolutely not? They recognize the terrible conditions that Hamas has kept Gaza in since they took over and do not see them as the people they want to be governed by. They also would not support Abu Mazen or anyone too close to Abu Mazen. They want change but not the kind of change that Hamas brings.

  • Egypt is not satisfied with the rate of humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip and proposed that Israel should fund the supplies entering the enclave, Kan public radio reports, citing an Egyptian official.

    The report says the idea was proposed to the United States and Israel in recent days. From Egypt’s perspective, Israel is responsible for the situation in the Strip and therefore should be completely responsible for trucks crossing into the enclave.

    The Rafah border crossing, a key entry point for aid, has been closed since Israeli forces seized its Gazan side from Hamas in early May, with Egypt refusing to allow goods through while Israel controls the terminal.

    Since then, Egypt and Israel have blamed each other for the blocking of aid deliveries through Rafah. The Egyptian authorities have refused to coordinate with the Israelis, preferring to work with international or Palestinian bodies.

    The two sides held talks with US officials Sunday to discuss the reopening of the crossing.

    The World Central Kitchen (WCK) organization said on Tuesday that it is bringing trucks of food aid into Gaza “at a fairly good clip” and is able to distribute them to its community kitchens in different areas of the territory through close coordination with the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) agency of the Defense Ministry.  link

  • IDF says fresh Gaza op targeting terrorists in eastern Bureij, Deir al-Balah:  The IDF’s new operation in the central Gaza Strip is focusing on the eastern areas of Bureij and the east of Deir al-Balah, the military says.

    The IDF had previously battled Hamas in Bureij in January, but until now, had not operated in the Deir al-Balah area.

    The new offensive is being carried out by the 98th Division, which had until recently been deployed to northern Gaza’s Jabaliya. Before that, the division fought Hamas in Khan Younis, in the Strip’s south.

    The IDF says the operation is being carried out following intelligence on operatives and infrastructure belonging to terror groups above and below ground in the area, several kilometers from the Israeli border.

    As ground troops pushed into the east Bureij and east Deir al-Balah areas, a large wave of airstrikes was carried out, targeting weapon depots, underground infrastructure, buildings used by terror groups, and other sites, the IDF says.  The military says several Hamas operatives were killed in the strikes.

    The new offensive comes as the IDF continues to operate in southern Gaza’s Rafah and in the Netzarim Corridor in the central part of the Strip.

  • IDF announces creation of new counter-terror unit for Gaza border towns: The IDF announces the formation of a new counter-terrorism unit that will operate in Gaza border communities, made up of residents of the area who are ex-special forces.

    The unit, known as LOTAR Otef — referring to Otef Aza or the Gaza envelope — was established Monday, per the instructions of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and “as part of learning the lessons that have emerged from the initial investigations into the events of October 7,” the IDF says.

    The unit will be commanded by a lieutenant colonel reservist and will be subordinate to the Gaza Division. The IDF says the unit will consist of reservists who previously served in special forces, live in Gaza border communities or nearby towns, and who will be ready for sudden events. It says that unit members will undergo specific training for “the challenges of the area.”

    Hundreds of reservists have already applied to serve in LOTAR Otef, and in the coming weeks, they will begin training, the IDF says.

  • IDF to begin presenting investigations into failures leading up to October 7 next month: The Israeli military says it will begin to present its investigations into its failures in the lead-up to the Hamas terror group’s October 7 massacre next month.

According to the IDF’s schedule, during the first week of July, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi will be presented with the investigation into the development of the military’s perception of Gaza, with an emphasis on the border, starting from the 2018 Hamas-led Gaza border riots.

This investigation includes the IDF’s intelligence assessments of Hamas from 2018 until the outbreak of the war, and the military’s conception of its own defenses and its operational plans against threats in Gaza.

Additional IDF probes into October 7 will be based on the conclusions of this investigation.  The IDF also plans to present the findings of the investigation to the public once completed and reviewed by Halevi.

Meanwhile, the IDF also plans to present the investigations into the battles between October 7 and 10, when troops restored control over the communities and army bases in southern Israel that had been invaded by Hamas. There are some 40 battle locations, being investigated by more than 20 commanders.

Each battle investigation or set of investigations will be presented upon completion, and not all simultaneously, as some events on October 7 have proven to be more complex than others to probe.

For example, the IDF probe into the onslaught and battle in the border community of Be’eri, during which tanks shelled a building where Hamas was holding hostages, will be presented in early July, according to the schedule.

The IDF hopes to present all the battle investigations by the end of August.  The probes are aimed at drawing operational conclusions for the military and will not look into the policies of the political leadership, avoiding a fight with government leaders who have insisted that investigations wait until after the end of the war against Hamas.

The investigations, by units seen as having had a role in the failure to notice Hamas preparations or adequately prepare for the terror group’s October 7 onslaught, are being carried out concurrently with ongoing fighting in the Gaza Strip. Any major developments in the war are expected to slow the pace of the probes.  link

  • Mortar bombs ready to launch - under the UN symbol.  Fighters from the 7th and Kfir Brigades began a divisional attack in the central Gaza Strip over the past day under the 98th Division on east of the Al-Burayij refugee camp and east of the city of Deir al-Balah in parallel.

    The forces are battling against above and underground terror infrastructure in the area, and destroying rocket launching areas. The fighters also gained operational control of the area, eliminated militants from the ground and air, and located several rocket launch sites. Hours after the operation began, forces from the 7th Brigade identified a mortar bomb launcher ready for firing, hidden under a position near the border fence bearing the symbol of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

  • The IDF destroyed a large tunnel in Rafah that reached the Philadelphi corridor, the military announced on Wednesday.

    The combat teams of the 12th Brigade, the Givati ​​Brigade, the 401st Brigade, the Yahalom Unit, and Unit 504 have been conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area for the past few weeks under the command of the 162nd Division.

    During operations, troops located several smaller tunnel shafts that led to a long tunnel route that reached as far as the Philadelphi Corridor. The tunnel route was approximately 2 kilometers long and connected to several other routes in the area.  The tunnel that was located was extensive and contained blast doors, which were storing weapons such as AK-47s, anti-tank missiles, many intelligence assets, and explosives. link to full article and video of the tunnel

  • Who Is Behind the Viral "All Eyes on Rafah" Campaign?: The image created by artificial intelligence has been shared tens of millions of times on social media, including by celebrities like Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid. Now, two content creators from Malaysia are taking credit for the campaign, claiming they are the ones who created the original image. 
    The pro-Palestinian "All Eyes on Rafah" campaign went viral in recent weeks - with some claiming it is even the most shared AI-generated image in history, that is, since the dawn of the AI era. It's an image created by one of the AI image generation engines depicting tents forming the words "All Eyes on Rafah." The image went viral following the incident in Rafah that caused a fire in a refugee camp. 

    According to estimates, the image was shared more than 50 million times on social media, also generating counter-versions presenting the Israeli narrative and the heavy loss of October 7. For example, an image also created by AI depicted the figure of a ginger baby resembling the kidnapped infant Kfir Bibas, with the text "Where were your eyes on October 7?" This image also caused an uproar when Meta removed it from Instagram last week, before later restoring it, claiming it was a technical glitch.

    Now it appears that a battle of versions is unfolding online over who claims to be the creator of the original viral "All Eyes on Rafah" image. Two content creators from the Muslim country of Malaysia are taking credit for creating the image - Zila Abk and Amirul Shah. Abk, a 39-year-old science teacher, is a pro-Palestinian activist who wanted to raise awareness of the war in Gaza. Abk claims she created the image back in February and uploaded it to a Facebook group dealing with AI image creation, leaving a watermark with her name on it. She says someone then copied the image and removed the watermark. According to her, she created the image using Microsoft's AI engine.

    In one of the versions of the image that circulated online, there is a different watermark leading to Shah's Instagram account. Shah is a 21-year-old student from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. He created an Instagram template with the viral image that reached millions of users around the world after being shared by Dua Lipa, Bella Hadid and other celebrities. However, Shah claims he did not see the image Abk says she created earlier.

    According to Felix Simon, a research fellow at the University of Oxford who studies the impact of AI on public discourse, one of the reasons for the rapid and wide spread of this image is the fact that it was created by AI. In other words, if it had been a real photo, social networks would likely have blocked or limited its spread due to violations of policies regarding graphic content.  link

  • At least 36,586 Palestinians have been killed and 83,074 injured in Israel’s military offensive against Hamas since October 7, the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry says.

    These figures have not been verified and only some 24,000 fatalities have been identified at hospitals. The tolls include some 15,000 terror operatives Israel says it has killed in battle.  Israel also says it killed some 1,000 terrorists inside Israel on October 7.

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said Tuesday that Israel is close to making a decision regarding Hezbollah’s daily attacks on northern Israel amid the Gaza war.

    “We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, and the IDF is prepared and very ready for this decision,” Halevi said during an assessment with military officials and Fire Commissioner Eyal Caspi, at an army base in Kiryat Shmona.

    “We have been attacking for eight months, and Hezbollah is paying a very, very high price. It has increased its strengths in recent days and we are prepared after a very good process of training… to move to an attack in the north,” he said.

    “[We have] strong defense, readiness to attack, [and] we are approaching a decision point,” he added.

    Halevi and Caspi later met with firefighters who worked to extinguish large blazes in northern Israel over the past two days, some of which were sparked by Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks.

    The war cabinet met on Tuesday night to discuss the latest developments along the border with Lebanon amid criticism of the government for failing to bring security to the region after long months of conflict.  full article

  • Israel is “prepared for an extremely powerful action in the north,” warns Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to Kiryat Shemona on the border with Lebanon, where fighting between the IDF and Hezbollah has escalated significantly in recent days. “Whoever thinks that he can harm us and we will sit with our hands clasped has made a major mistake,” says Netanyahu. Large blazes broke out in northern Israel earlier this week, some of which were sparked by Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks. full article

  • Two Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon’s Zibqin and Ayta ash-Shab were struck by fighter jets overnight, the military says.

    Three buildings used by the terror group in Odaisseh, Blida, and Markaba were also struck, the IDF adds.

  • Gantz raps PM for not meeting mayor on visit to Kiryat Shmona; PM’s office: No civilian meetings were held : War cabinet minister Benny Gantz blasts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for visiting Kiryat Shmona without holding a meeting with Mayor Avichai Stern.

“You can’t make political considerations in time of war. I urge him to call the mayor now, apologize, and invite him to a meeting in his office together with all the members of the city council, to hear the voice of all the city’s residents,” Gantz says in a statement.

In response to the criticism, the Prime Minister’s Office describes Netanyahu’s visit as a “military tour and a security situation assessment on the northern border” only. “Civilian meetings were not arranged with him, including not with the mayor of Kiryat Shemona. Civilian officials were not invited to the tour,” the PMO statement reads. link  

It is astounding that Netanyahu hasn't met with any of the civilian leaders of the northern communities in months. Although not declared, there is a de facto war going on in the north and the northern communities are being decimated, yet Netanyahu and his government are deaf and blind to the northern communities. All of the mayors and council heads have repeatedly stated that Netanyahu has made so many promises to the them about restoring security, about rebuilding, budgets, time tables for the residents to return, army presence, emergency squads, etc and hasn't come through with anything. Many of these people are Likud politicians and all of them are fed up with Netanyahu and his do nothing government (their characterization, not just mine). And the fact that he was up at the northern border, yet refused to meet with any of the mayors and council heads shows his contempt to all of the northern residents. Even if it was, as his office claims, a military tour, there was nothing stopping him from inviting some of those council heads to accompany him as he has done in the past before the war. He doesn't do it because he doesn't want to face their questions and be called out for giving bullshit answers, if any at all.   It turns out that Netanyahu invited the Likud Mayoral candidate for Kiryat Shemona and deliberately didn't invite the actual Mayor.

  • Critical and Serious Injuries from Rocket Strike in Horfeish. 11 people were injured from a direct hit on a soccer field in the Western Galilee town • No siren sounded before the strike • Security forces and Magen David Adom teams were called to the scene

    At least eleven people were injured in the afternoon (Wednesday) from a direct strike by an explosive rocket on a soccer field in the town of Horfeish in the Western Galilee. One of the injured is in critical condition and three are in moderate condition. No warning siren sounded before the explosion. Security forces are en route to the scene. MDA crews and helicopters were dispatched to the strike scene.

    MDA Director Eli Bin told Channel 12 News: "We have not yet concluded the event. We are treating several casualties on the ground and carrying out operations together with the IDF's medical forces. There are 11 casualties, one of them in critical condition undergoing resuscitation efforts. Three were moderately injured and the rest lightly injured. We managed to evacuate all of them to hospitals in the north."  link  The army is investigating why the warning sirens were not activated. Horfeish is a Druze Village where the majority of the men are in the permanent army. - Horfeish is 21 kilometers from the border. The big question that is being investigated is how a UAV traveled 21 kilometers into Israel and made a direct hit on a heavily populated area that included lots of soldiers.

West Bank and Jerusalem

  • Clashes erupt in Old City ahead of Jerusalem Day flag march, protesters chant ‘Death to Arabs’: Violent clashes break out in the Old City of Jerusalem’s Arab quarter just inside the Damascus gate ahead of this afternoon’s nationalist Jerusalem Day flag march.

    National Religious youth throw stones and attack local Arab residents. The smell of gas wafts on the air as police try to separate the two sides.

    The nationalist youths attack journalists to prevent them from filming while a police officer shoves an Arabic photojournalist, who sustains a minor cut on the forehead.

    A marcher tries to knock down a Times of Israel reporter’s phone while filming the violence.  Protesters chant “Death to the Arabs.”  link 

    Haaretz reporter Nir Hasson was attacked by right-wing youth while reporting in the Old City of Jerusalem ahead of the Jerusalem Day Flag March, the news outlet reports.

    According to Haaretz, Hasson was knocked to the ground by several assailants and kicked until Border Police officers intervened. link

    Jerusalem Day is held on the Hebrew Day of reunification of Jerusalem in the 6 Day War. The entire concept is to celebrate the reunification and the fact that the Kotel, the Jewish Quarter and other holy sites are part of Israel. Unfortunately, over the years, the right wing and the settlement movement have turned the day into a celebration of power, the Jews over the Arabs and shows of strength to show 'who's the boss'. The day is filled with provocations of hundreds of hooligans vandalizing East Jerusalem Arab property, the merchants' store and racist catcalls of 'Death to Arabs' while marching through the Arab quarter of East Jerusalem with Israeli flags and megaphones. They deliberately go through the most populated and busiest sections of the Shuk (the Arab Market) to show superiority and provoke as much as possible. Not only are these actions condoned by the politicians, some of the politicians join them in this hate-fest, especially Ben Gvir and an extremist on the Jerusalem City Council who, himself has been filmed overturning and destroying Arab merchant carts and products. In this period of time when the stress levels are so high and the friction is felt in the air, the police under Ben Gvir's ministry approved the march to go through the Damascus Gate as well as the Jaffa Gate. The Damascus Gate historically is a flashpoint for violent conflicts between the East Jerusalem Palestinians and Israelis, especially Border Police. Considering the current situation and atmosphere, the police should never have approved the march to enter the Damascus Gate. The marchers can do enough damage and provoke enough people if they only entered Jaffa Gate, but for them, it is a principle that they go there and show dominance. It should be the job of the police and the government to look for ways to cool the boiling pot and not to add more logs to the fire.


  • The decision by the Israeli government to raise the number of reservists the IDF is authorized to call up in case of need — from 300,000 to 350,000 — has nothing to do with tensions in northern Israel, according to the military.

    Rather, the IDF says the reason for increasing the cap relates to the operation in southern Gaza’s Rafah taking more personnel than initially planned. Amid the war in the Gaza Strip, the IDF called up a total of 287,000 reservists, although many of them have already been released from duty for now. It marked the largest-ever call-up of reservists in Israel’s history.  The cap was initially set at 300,000, before being raised to 360,000 in the early weeks of the war. It was then dropped back to 300,000, and is now being expanded to 350,000.

  • The Tel Aviv District Court approves a request by Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi to renew the ban on the Al Jazeera news network in Israel, finding that there is a “close connection” between the channel and Hamas and that the Qatari network does “actual damage” to Israeli security.

    The court grants the extension for 35 days, not the 45 days requested by Karhi, because Al Jazeera was not granted a hearing before the request.

    The outlet was banned from broadcasting in Israel and its website taken offline in the country on May 5 in accordance with an emergency law allowing for foreign outlets deemed to be violating national security to be temporarily blocked.

    The court rules that “convincing, clear, and unambiguous evidence” has been presented to it regarding “the close, long-term connection between the Hamas terror organization and the Al Jazeera media network,” while Hamas “advances its goals through the channel.”

    The court finds that Al Jazeera’s broadcasts include “clear incitement” and that the channel “describes in ‘real-time’ the positioning of IDF forces.” The State Attorney’s Office says in a statement, “It was determined that there is no doubt the channel’s broadcasts do real damage to Israel’s security.”

  • Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir announces his Otzma Yehudit party will not vote with the coalition in the Knesset until Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reveals details of an Israeli ceasefire-hostage deal proposal.

    “As long as the prime minister continues to hide the details of the deal, Otzma Yehudit will disrupt his coalition,” Ben Gvir tweets.  link   Another one of the biggest embarrassments of the Israeli government, the criminal Ben Gvir makes this announcement as though anyone is surprised. Instead of making all these announcements, why won't he just leave the government and make room for new elections? 

The Region

  • Saudi Arabia largely removes negative portrayal of Israel from its school curriculum

    In marked shift from the past, Saudi textbooks no longer define Zionism as ‘racist,’ indicating progress towards a ‘warm peace’ such as that with the UAE, expert says

    A study of Saudi school textbooks has found increased progress on the kingdom’s portrayal of Israel and Zionism, in continuation of a positive trend that has emerged in recent years.

    Textbooks for the 2023-2024 school year no longer teach that Zionism is a “racist” European movement, and no longer deny the historical Jewish presence in the region, according to the study, published last week by the nonprofit IMPACT-se, which monitors educational curricula in Middle Eastern and North African countries.

    “It’s a small step that shows a change of narrative towards Israel, and showcases more tolerance and openness,” said Nimrod Goren, who heads Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, to The Times of Israel.

    Designations of Israel as an “enemy state” have been expunged, but references to the “Israeli occupation” can still be found, and the curriculum still underscores Saudi Arabia’s commitment to the Palestinian cause.

    The name “Israel” still does not appear on maps, but the name “Palestine,” which previously covered the entirety of Israeli territory, has now been removed, the report highlights.

    “It indicates that if the Saudis are heading towards normalization, they are doing it all in line with the model of the UAE and Bahrain,” Goren added, referencing diplomatic ties established with the two Gulf monarchies in the framework of the Abraham Accords in 2020. Goren is also a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute think tank in Washington.

    Aiming for ‘warm peace’ with Saudis

    Relations with the UAE and Bahrain have translated into cultural cooperation and people-to-people contacts, a so-called “warm peace,” in contrast to the “cold peace” reigning with Jordan and Egypt, two countries where public opinion is overwhelmingly antagonistic to Israel.

    Saudi Arabia’s gradual opening began about a decade ago, Goren added. “The process resembles what the UAE and Bahrain were doing in the decade before the Abraham Accords, a very slow, gradual move that reflects tolerance and normalization of engagement, making it a more routine in terms of public perception,” he said.
    “The UAE, for example, very much played the card of religious tolerance, with the construction of the Abrahamic Family House,” Goren added, referencing a building encompassing a mosque, a church and a synagogue in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi inaugurated in 2023. “That was an easy entry point to showcase a better perception of Israelis and Jews.”

    Fostering religious tolerance appears to be the path followed by Saudi rulers to prepare public opinion for a possible new chapter in relations with Israel.

    The study on Saudi textbooks found that antisemitism has been practically eradicated from the kingdom’s curriculum. In past years, Saudi students had been exposed to egregious examples of hate and incitement in textbooks, the report noted. “Examples which have since been removed included the characterization of Jews as treacherous individuals, and Qur’anic verses teaching that Jews turned into monkeys.”

    Problematic content promoting violent jihad and martyrdom has also been removed in recent years, the report noted. Instead, a nonviolent interpretation of jihad is promoted as an individual struggle for personal betterment as opposed to armed struggle against non-Muslims.

    Israel committing ‘continuous genocidal massacres’

    Some of the most dramatic changes in Saudi attitudes towards Israel have occurred in the religious sphere and in relations with the Jewish world, with a delegation of US Jews visiting the kingdom in 2022 and Israeli communications minister Shlomo Karhi holding a prayer service in Riyadh days before October 7.

    Furthermore, in 2022, Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, the Saudi secretary general of the Muslim World League and a former minister of justice in the monarchy, led a Muslim delegation to the Auschwitz concentration camp.

    A delegation of Muslim religious leaders at the gate leading to the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz, together with a Jewish group in what organizers called “the most senior Islamic leadership delegation” to visit the former Nazi death camp, in Oswiecim, Poland, January 23, 2020. (American Jewish Committee via AP)

  • The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Hossein Salami threatens retaliation after an alleged Israeli strike killed an Iranian adviser in Aleppo, Syria, Monday night.

    “Israel must wait for a response to the killing of Iranian military adviser Saeed Aviar in Syria,” Salami is quoted as saying by Iranian media outlets.

    In April, Iran launched around 300 missiles and drones at the Jewish state, almost all of which were downed by Israel and its allies, after an alleged Israeli strike that killed a top IRGC commander and several officers in Damascus.  link

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

MDA - Magen David Adom - Israel Ambulance Corp

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

PMO- Prime Minister's Office

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

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