πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 255, 2023 - June 17, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 255 that 120 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
‎ΧΧ™ΧŸ Χ Χ¦Χ—Χ•ΧŸ Χ’Χ“ Χ©Χ›Χœ Χ”Χ—Χ˜Χ•Χ€Χ™Χ Χ‘Χ‘Χ™Χͺ

Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*1:40am - south - rockets Kibbutz Nirim, Gaza Border Communities
*5:55am- south - rockets Kibbutz Netiv Haasara, Gaza Border communities
*6:45am - north - The military says air defenses successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target in northern Israel after it crossed over from Lebanon and approached the city of Acre.

** The army announced the name of the 8th soldier who was killed on Shabbat in the Armored Personnel Carrier blast
-Sgt. Shalom Menachem, 21

Hostage Updates 

  • Doctor tells Knesset there’s no rehab program for Noa Argamani: ‘Even after the hostages return, they are abandoned’: Prof. Hagai Levine tells a Knesset committee that over eight months since October 7, there is still no plan for the rehabilitation of the freed hostages.

    “Yesterday I visited Noa Argamani. I am sorry to tell you that despite all our sympathy, there is no plan for her, or the other freed hostages’ rehabilitation,” says Levine, chair of the Israel Association of Public Health Physicians, and a leading member of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.

    “There is no rehabilitation program. None,” Levine says. “Even after their return, they are abandoned.” State Audit Committee chair Yesh Atid MK Mickey Levy responds: “This is a very grave thing. I will urgently contact the health minister to find out why there is no such plan.”

    Argamani, rescued in an Israeli operation last week, was released from hospital a number of days ago after undergoing tests.  link  This government has failed in just about every aspect of managing the country, the war, the Homefront, the north, the hostage situation. Why should we be surprised that they are failing the hostages upon their return, as well? But I am surprised. I would have thought that this would/could have been one area that the government would be more attentive to the needs of this critically wounded population. Yet, now that I think about it, I shouldn't be surprised at this either. Just a couple of months into the war and after the horrors of October 7, the government cancelled the special support structure put in place to help the survivors of the attacks in the South and the Nova party that was supposed to streamline the typical bureaucracy. Their claim was that the existing systems were sufficient and there was no need to add another. A ridiculous claim then and still. This was something that the State and the survivors never encountered before and the sheer numbers and the barbarous atrocities perpetrated on them and the victims (those killed and kidnapped) necessitated special treatment but this government and its ministers are too damn obtuse to look beyond their own personal political needs and understand and then implement what is needed. So, no! I shouldn't be surprised but I am hurting for all of them and furious that this is what they have to deal with. Thankfully, there are enough caring citizens and doctors and social workers that they will find ways to do what they can to help as much as possible in the absence of the failed government.

  • The Wall Street Journal says the hostages rescued in the Israeli raid last week were held by two families with widely known links to the Hamas terror group.

    The IDF said last week that three of four hostages rescued by special forces from the central Gaza Strip were being held at the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Palestinian journalist and member of the Hamas terror group.

    The Journal reports that it was “common knowledge in Nuseirat” that the Aljamal family had close ties to Hamas, but says that “few people in the densely populated area in central Gaza knew of the secret locked in the small, darkened room in the family’s apartment.”

    Abdallah Aljamal was previously a spokesman for the Hamas-run labor ministry in Gaza and has contributed to several news outlets in the past.

    Amid the war in Gaza, numerous articles by Aljamal were published by the Palestine Chronicle outlet, including while hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv were being held captive in his home. An article published days before the hostage raid had the headline “My House Will Always Be Open.”

    Abdallah, his wife Fatma and his father Ahmad Al-Jamal were killed during the hostage rescue. Residents told the Wall Street Journal that the family’s children survived.

    According to the report, Ahmad’s brother is a Hamas lawmaker on Gaza’s legislative council.

    The outlet says that some residents said they were surprised by the fact that the Aljamals had imprisoned hostages in their home in the densely populated neighborhood, while others were said to be angered that Hamas had put them in danger by holding the captives there.

    “Hamas should give us a map of the safe zones we can stay in, because if we knew there were hostages in the neighborhood, we would have looked for another place,” Mustafa Muhammad, 36, who fled from Gaza City to Nuseirat, tells the WSJ.

    Ali Bkhit, a social media consultant, tells the outlet that Ahmad “was a nice character; his smile never left his face.”

    The fourth hostage, Noa Argamani, was rescued from a nearby building in the operation. The Journal says Argamani was held nearby by the Abu Nar family, which also has ties to Hamas, but was less prominent.

    Hamas’s government media office claimed at least 274 people were killed amid the operation, an unverified figure that also does not differentiate between combatants and civilians.

    The IDF acknowledged that it killed Palestinian civilians amid the fighting, but it placed the blame on Hamas for holding hostages and fighting in a dense civilian environment. “We know about under 100 [Palestinian] casualties. I don’t know how many of them are terrorists,” IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said. link  I read in another article that the buildings the hostages were kept in has become a type of pilgrimage site with people coming from all around to see where the hostages were kept and they are amazed that the two families were able to keep it a secret for so long. The family that held the 3 men were well known . The father worked in 2 clinics and they carried out their normal activities. The family that held Noa Argamani were a less known family and kept to themselves. Many of the people coming to see the buildings which were destroyed in the rescue, are quite furious that Hamas endangered the very populous area of the refugee camp and endangered them all


  • As I expected, Netanyahu announces to ministers that he is disbanding the War Cabinet due to Ben Gvir's demands to join that cabinet: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the security cabinet last night that the war cabinet — the small forum created on October 11 to manage the campaigns against Hamas and Hezbollah — has been officially disbanded, the Prime Minister’s Office tells The Times of Israel.

    The establishment of a narrow war cabinet was a core demand of National Unity party chair Benny Gantz to join the coalition.

    Gantz, one of the three cabinet members, bolted the coalition last week, taking with him Gadi Eisenkot, one of the three war cabinet observers. Now that the emergency unity government is no more, the war cabinet that emerged as part of that arrangement is no longer relevant, a PMO official explains. The dissolution was anticipated, as far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has been lobbying to be added to the forum.

    Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will hold small ad hoc consultations with other relevant officials to make key decisions on the war, while seeking final approval from the wider security cabinet. According to Ynet, Ben Gvir would be kept out of these consultations as well. link This is a ludicrous situation. Netanyahu is the one who gave the criminal Ben Gvir legitimacy and brought him and his racist party into Netanyahu's consensus and the government and appointed him to a top ministerial position. Netanyahu, in his fear of his government collapsing which would bring on new elections and his loss, has given Ben Gvir all of the power to lead Netanyahu by the nose. I don't think there is a single Israeli news outlet that hasn't written about the actual prime minister being Ben Gvir due to Netanyahu's weakness and fears. Together with that, he is doing the one thing that must be done and that is to keep Ben Gvir away from any decision making regarding the war and security of the country, which is quite ironic since Netanyahu gave him to be Minister of Internal Security (Police) which is the internal security of the country. If he is too dangerous to be given any say in the actions of the war, then he is certainly too dangerous to be in charge of the security of the Homefront!

  • Israeli troops continue to operate in southern Gaza’s Rafah “in a precise manner and based on intelligence information,” raiding and destroying several booby-trapped buildings over the past day, the military says in a morning update.

    In Rafah’s northwestern neighborhood of Tel Sultan, soldiers of the 401st Armored Brigade killed several gunmen in close-quarters combat, the IDF says.

    The IDF says that in the same area, a weapons depot from which an anti-tank missile was fired at troops was destroyed.

    Meanwhile, troops also continue to operate in the Netzarim Corridor in the central Gaza Strip.

  • New details from the operation in Rafah: The fighting in the "beating heart," and the battles with terrorists inside the tunnels : The IDF took control of the terror neighborhood in Rafah, where Hamas placed cameras in every alley • During the operation, dozens of terrorists were eliminated, and an underground layout considered the most complex since the beginning of the war was located • Combat situation in Rafah: How many Hamas battalions are left, how many terrorists have been eliminated so far - and when is the operation expected to end?

    The IDF has taken control of the NPK neighborhood, considered the "beating heart" of Rafah. This is a terror stronghold where one of the most complex underground layouts since the beginning of the fighting was located. During the underground operation in the neighborhood - dozens of terrorists were eliminated, and many weapons were found. Hamas established combat complexes in the area and booby-trapped houses to harm the forces. Additionally, Hamas set up cameras in almost every alley and every room, as part of the preparation for encountering IDF soldiers.

    The IDF's deception in the Rafah operation

    40 days have passed since the operation in Rafah began, with the first stage seeing the fighters attack on the Tancher route and capture the Rafah crossing. Later, the IDF performed a deception: The fighters made the enemy think they were starting an attack on the southern part of the city when in fact they started in the north, on the Philadelphia corridor. The IDF claims that the delay in entering Rafah affected Hamas's preparation against the forces. Hamas terrorists learned the IDF's mode of operation, drew lessons from other areas in the Strip, and were better prepared: among other things, they booby-trapped more houses and even entire complexes.

    Rockets found under a staircase in a mosque

    The focal points in Rafah under IDF control

    - NPK neighborhood, center of the Philadelphia corridor - under complete operational control of the IDF, above and below ground.

    - "Brazil" neighborhood - operational control was quickly achieved, in cooperation with the Nahal Brigade, Givati, and Commando. Philadelphia corridor - a strategic Hamas center that the IDF took control of. Hundreds of long-range rockets aimed at Israel were found there. The center of gravity for the launchers was on the Philadelphia corridor.

    - Now the IDF continues to operate deep in Rafah: in the Shabura refugee camp, in the NPK neighborhood, and in Tel Sultan.

    A lathe for the production of an underground route located in action

    The operation in numbers

    - How many battalions were eliminated? The Rafah Brigade operates in Rafah, including 4 terrorist battalions. 2 are on the verge of defeat, while fighting continues against 2 others. According to the IDF, 50% of the Rafah Brigade is in a difficult and problematic state, now the decisive battle is against terrorists who are not operating in an organized manner.

    - How long is the operation expected to last? The IDF holds 60%-70% of the area in Rafah, while fighting continues in the rest of the space. According to the IDF, it will take a few weeks until the operation is completed.

    - How many terrorists were eliminated? In the Rafah operation, 550 terrorists were definitively eliminated, but the IDF's assessment is that more have been eliminated. Meanwhile, this morning the IDF spokesperson updated that Division 162 continues focused activity based on intelligence information in the Rafah area. Forces from the Nahal and Givati brigades' combat teams located weapons in the last day and destroyed several booby-trapped buildings that posed a threat to the forces.

    Weapons found in Rafah, this week

    Also, in the activity of the 401 Brigade's combat team in the Tel Sultan neighborhood, the forces eliminated terrorists in face-to-face combat and with the aid of drones. In the area, a weapons storage facility from which anti-tank fire was directed at the forces was destroyed, and grenades, explosives, military equipment, and additional sabotage means were found. There were no casualties among IDF fighters.  link

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • A senior Biden adviser will travel to Israel today for meetings to avoid further escalation between Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group, a White House official says.  Amos Hochstein will advance efforts to avoid further escalation along the “Blue Line” between Israel and Lebanon, says the official, who did not wish to be identified.

    CBS News reported last week that US officials were increasingly concerned that an all-out war could break out after over eight months of skirmishes, since Hezbollah began attacking Israel in October in support of Hamas in Gaza.

    Yesterday, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said intensified cross-border fire from Hezbollah into Israel could trigger serious escalation. “Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region,” Hagari said in an English-language video statement.  link The US and Europe are extremely worried about the escalation in the north as it is believed that a full scale war would turn into a regional war with Iran directly involved, and not just through its proxies. If Iran becomes involved, then Western countries would need to be involved and we have no idea where all of this would lead us. In Israel, there is the strong feeling that war is not a question of if, but when. Working out a diplomatic solution to prevent/delay a war would be telling the northern residents that they can return but their return will be to an October 6 situation and not post October 7. Radwan forces (Hizbollah elite) would still be close to the border, even if they pull back to north of the Litani River (10 kilometers/5.5 miles) which is not a deterrent and Hizbollah's missiles/rockets/anti tank shells will not only remain in their hands, they will continue to grow those capabilities until they feel the time is right for a full blown attack on the north. An attack like that would be similar to October 7 with a major missile and rocket barrage but with much greater numbers of missiles and reaching much deeper into Israel. Picture thousands of missiles launching within a short time period (20-40 minutes) and at the same time, thousands of Radwan forces breaking through the border at multiple locations both above ground and underground. As many have said, comparing Hamas Nuchba forces (the Hamas special forces who attacked on October 7 to Hizbollah Radwan is like Doctoral candidates to nursery school kids. The Radwan forces are disciplined and well trained and have already fought in the Syrian civil war, so they have real battle experience. There are many Northern residents who will return to their homes no matter what and would be prepared to go back home even now under the constant daily bombardment, but there are still many who won' go back unless Hizbollah's capabilities are destroyed and stil many others who have no plans to ever return. The north will be a very different place when the residents are finally allowed to return.  

  • Lebanese media report an Israeli drone strike on a vehicle near the southern town of Salaa, in the Tyre district.  Casualties are reported in the strike.

  • More than a day without claims of responsibility, Lebanese return to villages - and pray: "Undeclared calm"

    With the marking of Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice), residents in southern Lebanon are taking advantage of the unusual quiet prevailing on the border and visiting their homes • Report: The visit to the villages was coordinated with the Lebanese army and Hezbollah • After his visit to Israel: U.S. envoy Hochstein is expected to arrive in Beirut tomorrow

    In the shadow of Eid al-Adha, it has been two days of relative quiet in the north that continued today (Monday) - without Hezbollah claiming responsibility for actions against Israel. Meanwhile, southern Lebanon residents are taking advantage of the calm, visiting their homes in the villages - and seeing up close the destruction that remains.

    The Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat called the unusual quiet an "undeclared calm" and reported from sources in southern Lebanon that residents in the border towns arrived there on the morning of Eid al-Adha, as since midnight on Saturday there has been a decrease in exchanges of fire between the two sides with only "limited attacks." In documentations published since this morning on networks and Lebanese media, residents who left villages in southern Lebanon in the shadow of the war are seen returning and assessing the damage. Among them is also the village of Aita al-Shaab which was emptied of its residents, like many others.

    According to the sources quoted in the Saudi newspaper, the villagers "coordinated with the Lebanese army and the civil defense array and in parallel updated UNIFIL that they want to visit their towns on the morning of the holiday," in order to pray and visit their homes. It was also noted that the coordination included Hezbollah. It was written that "vehicles of the army and civil defense waited for residents on the shore of the village of Al-Qalila (south of Tyre) to accompany the convoy to the border villages at 8:00 AM yesterday." However, some residents arrived early on their own to the villages to see the situation up close and visit the cemeteries.

    At noon it was reported in Lebanon that a vehicle was attacked by a drone in the village of Sil'a in the Tyre area. A Hezbollah field commander - Muhammad Mustafa Ayoub - was killed in the attack.

    In the background, U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein is expected to arrive in Beirut tomorrow, after meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, and to meet with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib and Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. A Western diplomatic source told Arab media yesterday that "there is no justification for expanding the scope of the confrontation" - which he said came following the assassination of Taleb Sami Abdullah. It was also reported that Hochstein's visit to Beirut comes in parallel with the return of the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, who met with the Lebanese Foreign Minister and said that "Washington will not provide political cover for expanding the war with Israel."

West Bank



  • My brother's article in the Jerusalem Post: Our government has sacrificed the hostages on the altar of an imaginary military victory - opinion

    Israel had 80% public support in the Shalit deal, and valued never leaving anyone behind. Maybe we are no longer who we thought we were.

    It is clear that there will be no deal for the release of all the hostages without ending the war, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and the massive release of Palestinian prisoners – including all those who have killed Israelis (prisoners with blood on their hands). This is the price for bringing the hostages home. These are Hamas's demands, and from our collective experience with this organization, we know that Hamas says what it means and means what it says.

    In official statements, Hamas has declared, "Our response prioritizes the interests of our Palestinian people, the necessity to completely stop the ongoing aggression against Gaza, and the withdrawal from all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian delegation expressed its willingness to deal positively to reach an agreement to end this war against our people, based on a sense of national responsibility."

    In another statement, they wrote, "Hamas welcomes what was included and approved in the Security Council's decision regarding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, prisoner exchanges, reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to their residential areas, the rejection of any demographic changes or reductions in the Gaza Strip area, and the introduction of necessary aid to our sector's people."

    Hamas also relies on the Security Council's decision regarding the framework for the release of hostages – UN Security Council Resolution 2735 (June 10, 2024): "Phase 1: Immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of hostages, including women, the elderly, and the wounded, the return of the remains of several hostages who were killed, the exchange of Palestinian prisoners, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas in Gaza, the return of Palestinian civilians to their homes and neighborhoods throughout Gaza... Phase 2: With the agreement of the parties, a permanent end to hostilities, in exchange for the release of all remaining hostages still in Gaza, and the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza."

    Statements from Netanyahu and all his ministers express unequivocal opposition to ending the war, meaning they oppose what is called "the Israeli outline." In my opinion, the gap between the two sides – Hamas and Israel – is unbridgeable. The Israeli government, without the National Unity Camp, has prioritized the military objectives of the war above all – at the expense of the return of the hostages.

    It seems to me that this was the case even before the National Unity's departure, and this may be the main factor that led to its withdrawal from the government. It turns out that you can lie to Benny Gantz some of the time but you can't lie to him all the time.

    A government is not its people

    There is a deep fracture in the contract between the State of Israel and its citizens. Mutual guarantee, which is a central part of the Israeli ethos, is disappearing. Many from the younger generation who have left the country or are considering leaving it are in this serious dilemma, among other reasons, because of the destruction of the value of mutual guarantee.

    What defines us as a nation that 80% of its public supported the Shalit deal? What defines us as Israelis?

    Social solidarity, the mobilization of civil society after October 7, and the knowledge and belief that we do not abandon a soldier (or a citizen) in enemy territory. What happens when our government decides to sacrifice the hostages on the altar of an imaginary military victory? Maybe we are no longer who we thought we were.  link

  • IDF recruits 6 reserve brigades for operational duty: "Few bear the burden, we need a different conscription law"
    While the government continues to ignore the army's needs and promote exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox, thousands of reservists are expected to receive new orders and serve cumulatively for more than half a year. What about regular service? It will actually be shortened if the law is not changed within a few weeks. A senior IDF General Staff officer clarified: "The load is exceptional - the burden is not only military, but also economic and familial."
    While our hearts are torn over the extent of casualties in the Gaza Strip, it is impossible to disconnect the harsh events from the growing concern in the IDF in light of the shortage of fighters and the enormous burden on the regular, career, and reserve forces - while the government continues to show destructive detachment from the army's vital needs.
    Unfortunately, people may think this is just another arm-wrestling over money and power, but the truth is far from it: Like the four letters that the Intelligence Division sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the war, whose very existence was revealed by Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth, this is no less than a strategic warning. Today, for example, the government is expected to approve raising the exemption age for male and female reservists from 40 to 41. Reserve officers will continue until age 46. And if that's not enough, the army is issuing exceptional recruitment orders to no less than six infantry brigades for operational employment that will last 40 days, after those brigades completed continuous employment of 110 days plus 40 after a short break.
    The math can be done even without core studies: 190 reserve days (more than half a year) within less than a calendar year and still counting, not to mention a quite realistic situation of a full-scale campaign in the north. It should be noted that although there are reservists in the army who have been serving continuously since October 7, this is a large-scale recruitment of combat units on a completely different scale.
    "The current load is exceptional," said a senior official in the General Staff. "It's about a few who bear a burden that is not only military but also economic and familial. The situation requires a different conscription law that will allow the expansion of the regular army in order to reduce the burden on male and female reservists."
    Meanwhile, as far as the government is concerned, the source might as well be talking to a lamp: it's equally effective. In fact, Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth have learned that the IDF is concerned about the lack of attention to a seemingly technical detail that has not yet been addressed: According to the existing service law, compulsory service is supposed to be shortened by two months, from 32 months to 30. The IDF is actually demanding to return the service to a 36-month format. Meanwhile, this hasn't happened either.
    [The article continues with details about the IDF's plans to expand its structure, the need for more battalions in various divisions, and the critical state of the current situation. It emphasizes that this is not just another political struggle, but a real alarm, warning that if these issues are not addressed immediately, Israel might face much more brutal wars with a "limping army and a disintegrated society."]  link

  • Anti-government protesters block a number of key highways and roads for the second day in a row in a call for elections and a hostage deal.

    In addition, students at a number of high schools in the center of the country kick off a rolling wave of walkouts. A large protest will take place at the Knesset in Jerusalem at 7 p.m. this evening, before demonstrators march to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence.

    A number of tech companies have hired buses to bring protesters from across the country to the capital, Channel 12 reports.

    Organizers of the protests said yesterday that their aim was to get a million people onto the streets over the course of the “week of disruption,” and for the country to go to the polls before the one year anniversary of October 7.

    Another rally will be held at the Knesset on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. A rally is also to be held in the south on Wednesday evening, with the location to be announced. On Thursday, protests will be held outside Netanyahu’s residences in Jerusalem and Caesarea.

    The Region

    Acronyms and Glossary

    COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

    ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

    IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

    MDA - Magen David Adom - Israel Ambulance Corp

    PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

    PMO- Prime Minister's Office

    UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

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