Lonny's War Update- October 222, 2023 - May 15, 2024 (cont)


Day 222 (cont) that 132 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
‎אין נצחון עד שכל החטופים בבית

Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*4:20pm- North - hostile aircraft intrusion Western Galilee
*5:10pm-south - 2 rockets launched to Sderot and surrounding areas. They fell in open areas
*6:30pm-South - Rockets launched from Rafah at Kerem Shalom landed in open area
*7:50pm - north- Siren in Kfar Nahar HaYarden in the Lower Galilee, Drone Exploded Near Golani Junction. The alert was activated in the village for the first time since October 11th. Shortly after, it became clear that it was an unmanned drone that exploded near the Golani Junction. There are no reports of casualties. If the drone infiltrated from Lebanon, it means it traveled over 50 kilometers from the border and passed over several military bases along the way. The Home Front Command announced that the incident has ended. - this incident exemplifies the huge problem we have with UAVs (drones) flying into the Israeli airspace. They can be very small, are quiet, not really picked up on radar as they can be the size of birds, can surveil soldiers' positions and movements (which was the cause of an attack and wounding 14 soldiers with 4 killed following drone surveillance), surveil and map IDF bases and we don't have proper defense to prevent so many of these attacks.

*It was announced that a Defense Ministry employee, Liron Yitzhak, 30 from Petach Tikva was brought to the hospital 2 days ago with a head injury from a Mortar Rocket in Gaza died of his injuries. Liron was supposed to get married in 2 weeks. May his memory be a blessing

Hostage Updates 

  • Unfortunately, there are no updates about the hostages today. That is the worst news of the day

Gaza Fighting 

  • Defense Minister Yoav Gallant this evening (Wednesday) criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the security briefing he held. "There is a policy that promotes an Israeli military government - this is a bad and dangerous alternative for the state," Gallant clarified. "A military government will become Israel's primary security effort at the expense of other arenas. It will come at a heavy blood and economic price without purpose."

    Gallant turned to the Prime Minister and implored him to make a decision about "the day after": "This is a moment of national test, even if it comes at a political price." The minister added: "If there is no alternative to Hamas, there will be two possibilities - Hamas or an Israeli military government. Both alternatives are bad. I will not agree to a military government in Gaza, I call on Netanyahu - declare that we will not do this."

    The minister noted in his speech that "since October I have been raising the issue of 'the day after' in the cabinet without an answer. This is a danger to our military achievements. The end of military action is diplomatic action. Palestinian factors backed by Arab states need to control the Gaza Strip, this is an Israeli interest in order to achieve our goals."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to Gallant's scathing criticism of him: "I am not willing to replace Hamastan with Fatahstan. The first condition for the day after is to eliminate Hamas and do it without excuses." In contrast, Minister Gantz backed the Defense Minister: "Telling the truth, leadership's responsibility is to do the right thing for the state - at any cost."

    "Soon we will need to decide how to act in the north - arrangement or action"
    On the tensions with the Hezbollah terror organization on the northern border, Gallant said: "Soon we will need to decide how to act in this area, arrangement - or action." The minister also noted that "Hamas is not functioning as a military organization, the IDF is operating in Rafah to eliminate the last battalions and locate the hostages."
    In response to a question from News 12 about Prime Minister Netanyahu's announcement that he has decided to advance the enlistment law that Minister Benny Gantz raised in the previous Knesset, the Defense Minister replied: "I will support any enlistment law that is acceptable to all coalition factions - and nothing less than that."
    On relations with the US: "Resolving disagreements behind closed doors, not in tweets"
    Gallant addressed the tensions between PM Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, and clarified: "The relationship with the Americans is vital, strong and stable. There are disagreements but the US was the first to stand by our side in deeds, not words, and continues to stand by our side now as well. Disagreements are resolved behind closed doors, not in interviews and not in tweets." 

    On the tensions with the Hezbollah terror organization on the northern border, Gallant said: "Soon we will need to decide how to act in this area, arrangement - or action." The minister also noted that "Hamas is not functioning as a military organization, the IDF is operating in Rafah to eliminate the last battalions and locate the abducted."

    In response to a question from News 12 about Prime Minister Netanyahu's announcement that he has decided to advance the enlistment law that Minister Benny Gantz raised in the previous Knesset, the Defense Minister replied: "I will support any enlistment law that is acceptable to all coalition factions - and nothing less than that."

    **On relations with the US: "Resolving disagreements behind closed doors, not in tweets"**

    Gallant addressed the tensions between PM Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, and clarified: "The relationship with the Americans is vital, strong and stable. There are disagreements but the US was the first to stand by our side in deeds, not words, and continues to stand by our side now as well. Disagreements are resolved behind closed doors, not in interviews and not in tweets."  Link
    --Galant said that Netanyahu's refusal to make decisions is a danger to the security of Israel. His statements this evening brought many expected responses. Both Ben Gvir and Smotrich are demanding that Netanyahu fire him immediately, which many say will not happen as we are in the midst of war on multiple fronts. Netanyahu stated that he will "not replace Hamastan with Fatahstan" (meaning the PA). Other ministers from the wider cabinet are stating that the government is not functioning and not making decisions regarding anything in the war in the south or the north. One minister said 'what is the point of having a government if we can't make decisions?" Gantz responded that what Galant said is exactly right. Israel cannot become the civilian governing body over Gaza. Both Galant and Gantz stated that they are willing to pay whatever price needs to be to make sure this doesn't happen (meaning leaving the government). This confrontation between Netanyahu and Galant could possibly be the beginning of a government crisis.

  • There were 7 Red Alerts in Sderot today. My daughter just arrived at the parking lot of Sapir College in Sderot, saw and heard Iron Dome launch before the Red Alert (An Iron Dome launch triggers the red alert). She was about to run from the car and lay down on the ground covering her head and then saw a portable safe structure and ran to it. There is less than 15 seconds to take cover around Gaza.  She was in class for the next Red Alert. The rooms she studies in are safe rooms but with windows, so the class then continued with all of them sitting on the floor.

  • **Netanyahu's Statement - and Extensive Destruction in the Strip:** Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed today (Wednesday) on CNBC - and emphasized: "The operation in Rafah will take weeks, not months." At the same time, the IDF's activity continues in eastern Rafah, where so far about 450,000 Gazans have been evacuated.
    "Our forces are fighting across the Gaza Strip - in Jabaliya, Zeitoun and Rafah," Prime Minister Netanyahu stated in a statement to the media. "We are doing this while evacuating the civilian population and while fulfilling our commitment to its humanitarian needs. Our responsible efforts are bearing fruit. So far in Rafah, nearly half a million people have been evacuated from the combat zones. The humanitarian catastrophe they spoke of has not materialized, nor will it. Eliminating Hamas is a necessary step to ensure that 'the day after' there will be no factor in Gaza that threatens us." Netanyahu also updated that he has authorized the security establishment to allow local Gazans, who are not identified with Hamas, "to integrate into the civil management of food distribution in Gaza." According to him, this attempt failed because "Hamas threatened them and even harmed some of them in order to deter others."

After a week of activity, the IDF completed the operation that took place in Zeitoun in southern Gaza City and the forces withdrew from there for now today. Within a short time, the Gazans had already made their way back to the neighborhood and closely documented the extent of the destruction that was revealed in the area that had been a hotbed of terrorism.

"After six days of intense fighting in the Zeitoun neighborhood and strikes, the forces are withdrawing from the neighborhood to the Netzarim corridor, their starting point," wrote Tamer, a Gaza resident. "Israel admits that the resistance has changed its tactics and rebuilt its capabilities as if it were fighting for the first time and not entering a long war of attrition."

Khalid, another Gazan, claimed: "This is the third ground offensive in the same area. In the same houses, on the same streets, in the same alleys. But these are no longer the same houses or streets. A new geography is being drawn in blood."

Following the rocket fire towards Sderot yesterday, IDF Arabic spokesperson Lt. Col. Avichay Edri called on residents of several more neighborhoods in northern Gaza - Al-Karama, A-Salatin and A-Zhour - to evacuate their homes immediately and move south to shelters in western Gaza City. "Hamas and other terrorist organizations are using your area for terrorist activities and firing rockets at Israel - and therefore the IDF will act against them with force."

The IDF continues to operate in Hamas' southernmost stronghold, in Rafah. Yesterday it was reported that Israeli tanks advanced deeper into the eastern part of the city, into additional neighborhoods. Following the action, which is currently defined as limited, UNRWA updated that 450,000 Gazans have already been evacuated from the area.

And now, the images coming from eastern Rafah - show how the streets that were recently full of Gazans are now almost empty and deserted, with tents still set up there and surrounded by rubble.

Hani Judah, a Gaza resident, noted: "Hamas has a hostage and we are their human shield against Netanyahu." Gazan analyst Omar Abdrabbo joined in: "I was displaced for the third time in the war from Rafah towards the humanitarian area in central Gaza Strip, after the Israeli army ordered the evacuation. Everything Israel has done from the start of the ground offensive until today in Gaza is not surprising. They said the war has specific goals - military and against Hamas, and we have long months of fighting ahead."

After evidence arrived from northern Gaza showing that Hamas is gradually recovering and operating armed operatives in civilian dress, as well as appointing new commanders to replace those who were eliminated - IDF forces are now operating in the heart of the Jabaliya refugee camp.

The IDF is maneuvering in places where it has not operated until now. The forces are eliminating operatives, destroying terrorist infrastructure and carrying out airstrikes.



A British shipment of nearly 100 tons of aid has left Cyprus bound for a new maritime pier in Gaza, the British Foreign Office says in a statement.

“We are leading international efforts with the US and Cyprus to establish a maritime aid corridor. Today’s first shipment of British aid from Cyprus to the temporary pier off Gaza is an important moment in increasing this flow,” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says.

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron says the pier will “play a vital role in getting aid to those who need it in Gaza, but it must be accompanied by an increase in aid delivered through land routes.”

“Israel’s commitments to increase access are welcome but we need to see more aid making it over the borders,” he adds.

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • Is There a War in the North? There is Humiliation in the North
    The State of Israel is not interested in another front, but there is still a large and significant room for response without making the northern front the main one. A reserve combat soldier describes a dire situation and offers ways to change it.

    I debated a lot whether to write this column, but after another difficult day in the north, I decided to share my thoughts. I served for over four months on the northern border, mostly in Kibbutz Manara and the Rames Ridge.
    As an armored reconnaissance fighter, our main occupation was to observe southern Lebanon to identify and eliminate the enemy. We worked in collaboration with almost all of the IDF's offensive units. 
    Everything I'm writing here now is based on my perspective and conversations with friends, commanders, and members of other units that were in our sector, from the lowest intelligence personnel up to brigade commanders.
    Bottom line - the campaign is being managed by principled people who really want to do their job in the best possible way. But the system is weak, stagnant, and lacks creativity.
    **Seven Months of Dithering Teaches That a Different Response is Required**
    It is clear that the State of Israel is not interested in another front in parallel with the main effort in the south, but there is still a large and significant room for a stronger response without making the northern front the main one. Therefore, the excuse that political pressure prevents a less lax response is unjustified.
    1. **Responses to firing on Israel** - Currently, the IDF responds in two ways, a "deterrent response," i.e., artillery fire towards open areas, and a "precision response" - targeted thwarting of enemy cells or striking enemy targets used by the enemy in the sector. Seven months of dithering teaches that a different response is required.
    **Firing into open areas is completely unnecessary. It's a spin for media purposes. No one is buying this bluff anymore, neither on our side nor certainly on the enemy's side. It's an expensive waste of ammunition and money.**
    Targeted thwarting requires a lot of time and resources, because identifying the enemy during firing is very difficult, especially when dealing with a large, complex, or urban area.
    The IDF is dedicating great efforts to this Sisyphean work instead of completely changing the rules of the game. Firing on Israel should lead to serious damage to the enemy's property. The target bank must include buildings overlooking the border, valuable assets, infrastructure, and so on. Of course, care must be taken to avoid harming innocent civilians as a result of the attacks. I believe the campaign in the north would have ended long ago if half of the artillery shells fired at open areas had landed on quality targets of significant economic importance to the enemy.
    2. **The IDF fell in love with the embarrassing and terrible concept called "defensive combat"** - It's sad to see respected commanders adopt this approach. One officer dared to tell us, in a conversation with hundreds of fighters, that while an "iron sword" war is taking place in Gaza, an "iron nerve" war is taking place in the north. How hard it is to see defeatist concepts like "restraint is strength" return to the IDF discourse. Soldiers of entire units spend their time in bunkers and shelters, exposed to weather conditions and enemy fire, waiting for an enemy who may decide to surprise them. It's important for me to emphasize that some of the officers captive to this concept are excellent fighters and graduates of pre-military academies (yes, including myself!). So anyone who thinks there is a particular sector not taking part in this phenomenon is mistaken and misleading.
    3. **Ground maneuver** - I fought in the Second Lebanon War, and we were a significant part of the ground maneuver in the eastern sector. We lost dear friends and saw up close what a maneuver looks like. Even in the current war, we were tasked with preparing for a ground maneuver. We learned the navigation routes and prepared for the next stage of the fighting. Unfortunately, I can say with certainty that this is part of a cycle of missions from 2006, as if we haven't learned anything. I fear this is part of the army's intellectual stagnation, which fits well with politicians' need to project "strength" to their political base. Therefore, I feel obligated to warn – there is no point in a ground maneuver into Lebanon at this stage. The IDF must take advantage of its enormous superiority over Hezbollah and consolidate its long-range strikes.
    4. **The political leadership is disconnected** - I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's absurd to see and hear the political leadership's statements regarding the north. Netanyahu, Gallant, and others visited our sector and made outrageous statements. The enemy is defeated? The enemy retreated? Either they are brazen liars or there is a severe disconnect between the military and political leadership. I don't see a third option.
    5. **Abandonment of civilians** - The fact that tens of thousands of residents are evacuated from their homes is a certificate of poverty for generations. An outright disgrace. It's hard to describe the suffering of the individuals and families. We see the disintegration of communities and a general sense of loss of direction. It will take years to rehabilitate the damage to the economy, the shattering of deterrence, and the crumbling of trust between the government and the residents. We must allow the residents of the north to return to their homes immediately. Perhaps only this will shake up the system and force the campaign managers to break out of the defeatist pattern and strive for victory.
    **Elkana Bar Itan, a resident of the north and a reserve combat soldier. A real estate and investment entrepreneur.**   link
  • During the night, Israeli Air Force fighter jets intercepted two unmanned aerial vehicles that made their way into Israeli territory from Iraq, according to an IDF spokesperson. As part of the Air Force's air defense mission, numerous hostile targets were intercepted this week by fighter jets and the Patriot and Iron Dome air defense systems.

  • IDF says Israeli fighter jets hit Hezbollah rocket launch site used in barrage earlier today
    Israeli fighter jets struck a Hezbollah rocket launch site in southern Lebanon, used in the barrage on the Mount Meron area earlier today, the military says.     
    Additionally, a building belonging to Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force was struck in the Jabal Rezlane area, and another Hezbollah building was hit in Blida, the IDF says.
    The IDF says it also shelled the source of rocket and missile fire on northern Israel today with artillery.  link

West Bank

  • Haaretz reports that Israeli extremist settlers mistook a regular commercial truck traveling in the West Bank for a convoy carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. The vigilantes set fire to the road at the Givat Asaf Junction, dumped the truck’s contents onto the pavement and assaulted the Palestinian driver. The driver is seen lying on the street, bloodied., while the settlers are congratulating themselves on the attack video  In the video, soldiers can be seen, probably arrived after the attack. No settlers were arrested for the brutal attack.

Politics and the Region

  • From 'Friends' actor to vocal defender of Israel: Michael Rapaport's New Yorker’s guide to advocacy. Michael Rapaport isn’t going to let politeness get in the way of defending Israel and Jews. Before October 7, most Israelis recognized Michael Rapaport as Gary, the street-savvy, pigeon-shooting cop boyfriend of Phoebe on a handful of Friends Season 5 episodes. But since October 7, the 54-year-old prototype “New Yawker” who has appeared in dozens of movies and TV series over his 35-year acting career has emerged as the aggressively profane, politically incorrect mouthpiece for supporters of Israel who feel the world has spun upside down on its axis by the onslaught of virulently anti-Israel, pro-Hamas sentiments emerging from talk shows, college campuses, and social media. It wasn’t a role he was looking for, but one that he has embraced with verve and passion, humor and, yes, the aforementioned profanity (get ready to read a lot of redacted comments).  It’s also a role that has led him to Israel for the first time, where he has spent six weeks since the war began, listening, learning, speaking, and further endearing himself to the Israeli public with two hilarious appearances on the country’s top satirical series, Eretz Nehederet
    “I was stunned by the reaction on October 8. The Hamas massacre was still going on, but there were people celebrating in New York. I’ll never forget the image of a woman wiping away mock tears as people protested against Hamas,” said Rapaport to The Jerusalem Post.  “That really invigorated me and triggered me, but I didn’t realize it was going to turn into this.” He was referring to the dozens, if not hundreds, of gritty, stream-of-consciousness video postings he’s created since October 7, as well as producing his weekly podcasts and giving speeches at rallies in Washington, DC and in Tel Aviv.  “As long as there are question marks raised and accusations made about the victims of October 7, the rapes, the rationalizing of the attacks by Hamas, then I’m going to speak up. I will not, not say anything when the Jewish people are under siege. And we’re under siege,” said Rapaport.  “When people feel comfortable talking s*** about Jews and Israel, I feel that I need to articulate my feelings in a way that is as aggressive as possible ... and that’s exactly what I do. October 7 just brought it all to a whole other level.” RAPAPORT SPOKE with the The Jerusalem Post at the beginning of the month, sitting on a Manhattan corner, a few blocks away from the anti-Israel protest encampment at Columbia University.   On a lamppost next to him were posters showing the faces of some of the hostages being held in Gaza that had been torn down and ripped. Every couple of minutes, a passerby would recognize the highly visible  - and physically formidable  - Rapaport and offer a greeting and “Thanks” for his exhaustive efforts on social media on behalf of Israel since October 7.  “Thanks, man. How you doin’?” he would invariably answer in his New York street style of friendly tough guy.  “A lot of people in New York thank me for speaking out,” he acknowledged. “I appreciate it, but to be honest, I did not expect to be the loudest person in the room since October 7. I didn’t think that people would thank me for what I’m doing because I didn’t think there would be a need to thank a Michael Rapaport because there would be an army of voices like mine speaking out.”  Rapaport took his fellow Jewish entertainers to task for remaining mute, or worse, siding with the anti-Israel protesters. Aside from himself and a visit each by Jerry Seinfeld, Stranger Things actor Bret Gelman, and reggae rapper Matisyahu, there’s been very little public support for Israel in those circles, certainly not on the level of a Leonard Cohen heading to the front lines to entertain troops à la the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  “I think a lot of Jewish entertainers have their eyes on their careers. At the same time, they’ve been using their Judaism for profit all these years. They should be ashamed of themselves for making their Judaism part of their shtick that made them famous and have nothing to say when there are attacks on Jews and on Israel,” he said.  link
I was at this demonstration where Michael spoke. He was great with no restraint to his words where restraint shouldn't be used

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant hints that he will not support the current draft law suggested by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“My position has not changed. Any draft law that will be acceptable by all parts of the coalition I will support. And a draft law that will be brought unilaterally by some of the coalition factions, I will not [allow it to pass] and the defense establishment will not advance it,” he says in response to a question at a press conference.

The latest proposal suggested by Netanyahu earlier today would lower the age of deferment for yeshiva students, a bill that was first proposed by then-defense minister Benny Gantz in 2022. 

  • An Israeli delegation visited Cairo earlier today in an attempt to smooth things over amid the ongoing offensive in Rafah, which shares a border with Egypt, Hebrew media reports.

The delegation was led by the COGAT head Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian and senior Shin Bet officials.

The talks focused on the urgent need to reopen the Rafah Crossing and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza after Israel seized control of it earlier this month. Egypt has refused to reopen the crossing in protest of the offensive in Rafah.

On Sunday, a senior Egyptian official warned that its peace treaty with Israel — a cornerstone of regional stability — was at high risk. Cairo later announced that it would support South Africa’s ongoing lawsuit in the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

The Israeli delegation has returned from Cairo following the talks, reports add. 

  • Discussing last week’s UN General Assembly vote last week expanding Palestine’s standing at the international body, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich reportedly appeared to exhibit ignorance of Scotland’s lack of sovereignty during Wednesday’s cabinet meeting.

“Ireland was in favor,” Kan quotes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu telling the cabinet.

Scotland has been ruled from London since 1603 and united with England and Wales in 1707, forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain. 

“Scotland didn’t vote?” asks Smotrich.

“It’s not a separate country, it’s part of Britain,” Netanyahu replies.

“So we can continue drinking Scotch whisky,” Smotrich reportedly says in response.

Last week, the assembly adopted a resolution with 143 votes in favor and nine against – including the US and Israel – while 25 countries abstained. It does not give the Palestinians full UN membership, but simply recognizes them as qualified to join.

The resolution “determines that the State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and it “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favorably.”  link  --This is just the latest of too many examples of Smotrich's total ignorance of the outside world and lack of interest in trying to learn

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen
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