Lonny's War Update- October 212, 2023- May 5, 2024 (cont)


Day 212 (cont) of 132  of our hostages in Hamas captivity- **There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
‎אין נצחון עד שכל החטופים בבית

Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks

*3:45pm- North- over 30 rockets launched to Upper Galilee region- many rockets shot down 

*the army announced the death of 3 soldiers  Staff Sergeant Reuven Mark Mordechai Asoulin (19) from Ra'anana, Staff Sergeant Ido Testa (19) from Jerusalem, and Staff Sergeant Tal Shavit (21) from Kibbutz Kfar Giladi were killed in a barrage of mortar fire from Rafah across the border fence. 3 additional soldiers were seriously injured, and in addition 9 were evacuated with moderate and light injuries. The forces were securing tanks intended for Rafah. The IDF is investigating the tragic outcomes.


  • My brother’s column in The Times of Israel -The common freedom, liberation, independence and dignity for both peoples is the only way to provide security for us all. The Israeli struggle to live as a free people in this land can only be won if the Palestinian struggle to live as free people in this land is also achieved. That is what we should understand. That is what we must learn from this horrible war. -https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/this-is-what-i-understand/

  • **For the first time since October 7 - US delays arms shipment to Israel** According to a report by Barak Ravid, the Biden administration froze last week a shipment of American weapons to Israel, according to two Israeli sources. The White House, Pentagon and Israel did not respond. Additionally, it was written that on Wednesday, during Blinken's visit to Israel, he had a "tough conversation" with Netanyahu regarding action in Rafah. Blinken told Netanyahu that a "full-scale military operation" in Rafah would lead the US to publicly oppose it and negatively impact Israel-US relations .

Hostage Updates 

  • Netanyahu and his people have not stopped making announcements intended to torpedo the hostage negotiations. It started with the Rafah Operation will go forward with or without a deal and continued with Netanyahu himself stating multiple times that no deal will stop the war. Add to that the cabinet decision to close Al Jazeera in Israel. And just a short time ago in his Holocaust Memorial Day recorded video “ "You can't trust the Gentiles who make promises": Netanyahu in another harsh message to the US”-  this is his response to the news reports that the Americans have given assurances that a hostage deal will bring about the end be of the war. After the amazing and continuing support of the US Government and congress, Netanyahu makes such a shameless statement. An embarrassment.  https://www.ynet.co.il/blogs/gazawar212day/article/bktjh5bbgc?utm_source=ynet.app.ios&utm_term=bktjh5bbgc&utm_campaign=general_share&utm_medium=social&utm_content=Header

  • After government decision against Al-Jazeera: Police raided its offices. Police raided the offices of the media network at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem. Al-Jazeera condemned the decision to shut down its operations in Israel and called the move "criminal".  This is a sure way to anger the Qataris who are still playing an integral role in the hostage negotiations. The Qataris have already been questioning their continued role in the negotiations due to a slew of negative rhetoric against them by various members and Ministers of this government  closing Al Jazeera may just be the final nail of the coffin.  If it is, and the current negotiations break down (as Netanyahu is hoping), we should not be surprised if the Qataris announce that they will no longer be a party to the negotiations  https://www.mako.co.il/news-israel/2024_q2/Article-b207a8ea1d84f81027.htm
  • In a terrible but not surprising move, Hamas negotiators have left Cairo and said the talks are done. This appears to be a direct result of Netanyahu’s statements about Rafah and the end of the war. Against the backdrop of reports that talks between Israel and Hamas are "about to blow up," the CIA Director is on his way to Doha for an emergency meeting with Qatar's Prime Minister. According to a Reuters report, Qatar and the U.S. are exerting "maximum pressure" on Israel and Hamas to continue the negotiations.
  • A senior source in the Hamas terror organization said this evening (Sunday) to N12 that the negotiations "are not collapsing" but rather, as he put it, at the "decision junction." The source refused to add details but emphasized that Hamas' negotiating delegation will return to Cairo in two days, on Tuesday.  Among other things, Hamas is seeking clarifications regarding the American commitment to bring about an end to the war in eastern Gaza and the withdrawal of the IDF, but at the same time to allow the IDF to continue operating against Hamas' military wing. In Hamas, they understand this American approach as giving Israel approval to continue acting against Hamas leaders and operatives even after the declaration of a permanent ceasefire. The source tells N12 that Hamas is not seeking to hold the government in the Strip, but the American proposal would cause the military wing's personnel and commanders, headed by Yahya Sinwar, to be continuously exposed to attack. Hamas' delegation headed by Dr. Khalil al-Hayya, one of the few people Sinwar is still willing to trust, returned to Qatar - not to consult with the head of Hamas' political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, and his associates - but primarily to await new instructions from Sinwar. Conveying Sinwar's instructions to Hamas' negotiating team is a complex and slow process, during which he is careful to ration out his directives to the political leaders abroad. The expectation in Hamas is that by tomorrow, Tuesday, Sinwar's response to the discussions held over the past two days in Cairo will be received, and then his representatives will return to present amended positions.   The source also noted that the pressure the U.S. is exerting on Qatar to expel Hamas' leadership from Doha is not part of Sinwar's considerations, and from his perspective, "Haniyeh and his friends can reside in hotels in Malaysia or Istanbul." The source added that Hamas' delegation did not withdraw from the negotiations and did not reject the framework presented by Egypt, but rather waited in vain for two days for the Israeli delegation. According to him, Hamas is ready to return to the discussions as soon as Israel shows willingness to reach an agreement. The source emphasized that Hamas cannot conduct negotiations under the threat of an attack on Rafah, and that Prime Minister Netanyahu's latest statements show that his intention is only to complete the first stage of the prisoner exchange deal, and then return to fighting. The source further said that this conduct by Prime Minister Netanyahu causes them to doubt the credibility of the American commitments to end the fighting, since these are vague formulations that would allow Netanyahu to interpret them as he wishes. In conclusion, the senior Hamas source said that the organization intends to fight as best it can against an attack on Rafah.

    • Shlomo Mantzur, 86, is the oldest hostage held captive by Hamas for already 212 days. He was born in Iraq and survived the Farhud - the pogrom against Iraqi Jews in 1941. He immigrated to Israel with his family, and a few years later when he was still a youth, he settled in Kibbutz Kissufim where he lived his entire life, and from where he was also abducted on October 7th.  On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Shlomo’s surviving sister, Hadassah Lazer, said in an interview with "Mahadurat HaYom" (The Daily Newscast): "Shlomo is experiencing another holocaust, precisely in our promised country. Precisely when we said 'never again'. Precisely in our sovereign state - it's inconceivable. What I have to say is that we have run out of words, we want actions." Regarding the talks and reports about the emerging deal, Lazer said she feels this is an opportunity that may not come back: "I beg, I implore because I'm really afraid it won't come back. I'm also afraid to be disappointed so I don't want to cling to it. You go to sleep with certain news and wake up with different news. Upheavals - the stomach also turns over to the same degree." "They promised us they would do everything to bring him back, that there would be a chokehold and they would return him. Meanwhile, neither this nor that is happening. What can I actually cling to?" Lazer added that Shlomo’s family does not know anything about his condition. "We only know that he was abducted before his wife's eyes. His wife was with him but managed to escape at the last moment. She saw them abducting him into a vehicle. They demanded the car keys, and took him into his own car while he was shackled and beaten." Lazer also said: "I assume he felt what he felt during the Holocaust when he was a child, although it's different but also similar." Lazer asked anyone who can to close their eyes and think of their grandfather: "A grandfather is there, sitting, freezing in a shirt as he was abducted, eating a quarter pita. Without a hearing aid he can't hear, and thinks maybe we've already forgotten him. Maybe we no longer have a country. I don't know what they're telling him there."  Asked how to remain optimistic during this time, Lazer responded: "Shlomo gives us strength. He's an optimistic type. The heart bleeds, we can't make it. We have no day and no night. Everything has turned upside down - the skies have fallen on us. It's unbelievable."  https://www.mako.co.il/news-israel/2024_q2/Article-f00d3905c194f81027.htm

    Gaza Fighting 

    • From the mortar rocket fire in Kerem Shalom Boarder Crossing earlier, 10 people were injured , 3 of them serious to critical condition. The 14 rockets were launched next to the Rafah humanitarian Crossing for Gazan civilians. Hamas took responsibility for the rocket fire, saying their Al-Qassam Brigades targeted the Kerem Shalom area with 114 mm short-range "Rajoum" rockets. Responding to the rocket attacks, the air force increased its attacks on Hamas command centers and other sites in Rafah, as well as against the locations of the rocket attacks themselves, which it appears came from underground attack platforms. —Hamas continues to use its own people as human shields and in this case, made the civilian plight even worse by targeting a major crossing for humanitarian aid as well as launching the rockets in the midst of a civilian humanitarian corridor. This is not the kind of information that makes it way to the ignorant protestors in the universities. Ten wounded in Hamas rocket barrage toward Kerem Shalom, aid crossing closed https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799923?utm_source=jpost.app.apple&utm_medium=share   — this link has a video of the rockets launched in close proximity to the Rafah Crossing into Egypt —https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/r1aevjbgr?utm_source=ynet.app.ios&utm_term=r1aevjbgr&utm_campaign=general_share&utm_medium=social&utm_content=Header

    • Transportation Minister Miri Regev, who is in charge of the torch-lighting ceremony on Independence Day on Mount Herzl, wanted additional hostages besides Or Megidish to light a torch on Independence Day on Mount Herzl - but they all refused. "We will not take part in the ceremony until all the hostages are returned," was the response Regev received. An appeal was also made to some of the hostages who returned, who also responded negatively.  The formal appeal to the female and male hostages was made by the head of the hostages department at Regev's request and the National Ceremonies and Events Department. Among others, an appeal was made to Amit Sosna and Clara Marmoun, who refused the request. Eventually, Megidish was chosen - who was rescued in an IDF and Shin Bet operation after 23 days in captivity. The National Ceremonies and Events Department stated: "Indeed, an appeal was made by the head of the captives department, who chose not to take part in the ceremony until all the captives return home. We respect the wishes of the returnees and understand their hearts."

    • An IDF spokesperson updated that under the leadership of the Gaza Division and with intelligence guidance from military intelligence and the Shin Bet security service, the IDF struck a central command and control center of Hamas located in an UNRWA compound in the central Gaza Strip. The strike, it was reported, was meticulously planned and carried out using precise munitions while making every effort to avoid harming uninvolved civilians.  It was further stated that the command center that was struck served as a central terrorist infrastructure, from which several terror attacks toward IDF forces in the central Gaza Strip corridor were planned in recent weeks. Under the guidance of this command center, combat means were transferred to militants and supplies were provided to terrorists operating in underground tunnels. The IDF spokesperson added: "Hamas systematically exploits international institutions and the civilian population as human shields for terrorist activities against the State of Israel."

    • More than a million Gazans are sheltering in Rafah, yet Hamas chose to fire 10 mortar bombs and additional launches towards Israel today (Sunday), in a heavy barrage that injured 14 Israelis, three soldiers who were killed. Just hours after the launches, as negotiations for a deal were still ongoing, Gazans reacted angrily on social media and blamed Hamas: You are only justifying an Israeli entry.   Following the firing, Israel decided to close the Kerem Shalom crossing through which humanitarian aid enters the Gaza Strip. Karim, a Rafah resident, commented on this: "You fire mortars at the only crossing that provides food for a million and a half residents in Rafah. That's how someone who castrates himself acts. Really." Another Gazan woman, Muzayen, wrote: "Today's launches to Kerem Shalom only serve the Israeli entity and nothing else." Kamal, another resident, added: "Israel didn't stop bombing Rafah and there were casualties every day, but because Hamas responded today, there is justification for entry into Rafah. May God curse you, villains." Two Palestinian commentators from Gaza estimated that the barrage signified the failure of the negotiations. Commentator Omar Abdrabbo assessed that the firing was advancing a maneuver in Rafah: "It appears Hamas expressed its response to the potential deal negotiations by firing rockets at the Kerem Shalom crossing, meaning the negotiations failed. This step will complicate the situation in Rafah, causing the crossing to close and preventing humanitarian aid trucks from entering. Following it, there is also Israeli incitement to enter Rafah - increasing the likelihood that the military operation will start soon." Exiled Gazan journalist Amjad Abu Assi wrote: "Netanyahu has two problems: First - his inability to find justifications before the world for a military operation in Rafah. Second - his inability to justify preventing aid. How did Hamas solve both problems with one blow? It fired rockets from Rafah at the crossing through which aid enters." Ibrahim al-Madhoun, close to Hamas, praised the firing, saying: "A quality operation that emphasizes that the resistance maintains its capabilities, has initiative and monitoring ability, planning and exposing Israel's vulnerabilities. The operation will affect the morale of Zionist soldiers who have become permanent targets for the resistance in Gaza and its surroundings."  https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/2024_q2/Article-d9150493b794f81027.htm

    Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

    West Bank


    • Minister Benny Gantz addressed the effort to release the captives held by Hamas, and said in his speech at the Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day ceremony of the Holocaust Institute that "Bringing them back from captivity and continuing the struggle over time is part of the heroism of the Jewish people. Even now, we are required to show heroism of this kind. Bringing them back requires us to overcome the anger and outrage of releasing abominable murderers and postponing the fight." According to him, "This is precisely the perseverance in spirit that allows us to overcome the urge, for the sake of the spirit of our people. In order to save one more soul and one more soul. In order to maintain mutual responsibility and the commandment of redeeming captives. Even continuing the struggle over time, and understanding the costs to Israeli society as a whole, requires heroism and conquest of the urge from us – patience. Our future is reflected in years and generations, not in the achievements of days or weeks."

    • MK Michael Biton from the National Camp party (Benny Gantz) said today (Sunday) in an interview with the Knesset Channel that the party will leave the government soon. According to him, National Camp wants to complete the return of the hostages and bring security, but they will try to bring an agreed proposal to dissolve the Knesset in September. "Soon we will also replace the Likud in leading the country, and we will leave this government soon, but we want to complete the mission of the hostahe’s. Everything else is nonsense," MK Biton said in an interview with the Knesset Channel. "We will bring a proposal to dissolve the Knesset in September," the MK from National Camp continued. "We think it should be agreed upon. Even when we leave the government, unfortunately for this government it has a majority with an extreme and dangerous right-wing that holds it and prevents it from making the right decisions for the State of Israel. We will work towards having elections in September as long as we manage to bring a majority and agreements in the Knesset. Unfortunately, this government still has a majority even when we leave, but we will complete our immediate mission and be an alternative to Benjamin Netanyahu." Before Biton's remarks, the government without National Camp unanimously approved the closure of Al-Jazeera broadcasts in Israel. Ministers from National Camp were absent from the meeting and claimed that the timing of the closure was intended to undermine negotiations for a deal to release hostages, and that it was intended for political reasons. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi responded to National Camp's announcement - and attacked: "They have no shame. For half a year they have been acting like a fifth column within the government and trying to do everything to throw a wrench in the works. For half a year they have been weakening us in the face of our enemies and even in the face of the Americans, portraying themselves as caring for the hostages while in practice only causing damage. The only thing that matters to them is getting media stroking. They dare to come out against a security decision that was unanimously made by the government, with the unequivocal backing of all security forces, as if it were a political decision. A miserable and irresponsible bunch."  https://www.mako.co.il/news-politics/2024_q2/Article-7dfa1ae39294f81027.htm


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