πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 233, 2023 - May 26, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 233 that 125 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
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Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*8:00am- north- After the attack in Lebanon: Hezbollah launched 2 anti-tank missiles into the Upper Galilee towards the Margaliot area - one of them exploded in an open area in the Manara area.
*10:55am- north- rockets Avivim, Yiron, Upper Galilee
*11:30am- north- rockets Rosh Hanikra, Batzet, Hanita, Shlomi, Western Gaililee
*11:50am- north- rockets western Galilee 
*11:50am- center north- Yakum, Kfar Netter, Odom, Harutzim
2:00pm- central Israel- Raanana, Herzlia, Kfar Saba, Hod Hasharon, Ramat Hasharon, Tel Aviv, all around Gush Dan, Petach Tikva-first time in 4 months in Gush Dan- 8 rockets identified, launched from Rafah less than a kilometer from our forces-  one person moderately injured from Shrapnel in Herzlia - heavy damage to a home in Herzlia from shrapnel - video of Iron Dome shooting down a rocket - video of shrapnel that fell in Kfar Saba   - video of people running from the Tel Aviv beach to safe spaces; the person taking the video said "this isn't how a functioning country should look. This is how it looks when the government has lost its way"
*3:00pm - north - hostile aircraft intrusion- Snir, HaGoshrim, Shaar Hayishuv, Dafna, Kibbutz Dan
*3:30pm - north- Rockets= Batzet, Snir, Leeman

Rockets launched from Rafah to Tel Aviv and area. Path of rockets from Rafah above

Hostage Updates 

  • The Dispute Between the Political and Security Establishments Regarding a Prisoner Exchange Deal: 
    Despite the expected resumption of talks this week, the political establishment does not agree to meet Hamas' precondition

    Senior officials in the political establishment clarify that Israel will not agree to a ceasefire in exchange for reaching a prisoner exchange deal. This was reported today (Sunday) on the "Haboker Hazeh" program on Kan Reshet Bet. This position contradicts the opinion of senior security officials, who, as we reported yesterday, are actually willing to take such a step given the necessity of releasing captives. 

    A source involved in the details of the negotiations for the prisoner exchange deal told Kan News that the talks are at a very early stage, and it will become clear later if there is a basis for continuing the talks. According to Israeli sources, negotiations for a prisoner exchange deal are expected to resume next week in Doha, the capital of Qatar, with a delegation from the Hamas terror organization and an Israeli delegation arriving one after the other to present their positions.

    In addition, Mossad chief David Barnea presented to the mediating countries the guidelines for a deal approved by the Cabinet and concluded with CIA director William Burns and Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani that they would meet again.

    The entire security leadership - the Chief of Staff, Mossad head, Shin Bet head, Defense Minister and Ministers Gantz and Eisenkot expressed their support for advancing the deal, arguing that it is necessary at this time. Senior security officials believe that even if an outline for a ceasefire is agreed upon, Israel will be able to resume fire if necessary, after a few months.

    There are still 125 Israeli captives and missing persons in the Gaza Strip, of whom 86 are defined as alive and 39 as fallen soldiers.  link  The 'political establishment' reported above is Netanyahu. He is the only one with a veto of what happens prior to and during the negotiations. He ignores and works behind the backs of the rest of the War Cabinet which is the body that decides on the negotiations. Of course, there are other ministers who are totally against ending the war to get the hostages back, most vocal or Smotrich and Ben Gvir but at this stage, the only 'political establishment' voice against is Netanyahu. It seems that even the horrible and heartbreaking video of the abduction of the Army observers at the decimated Nachal Oz base did not affect Netanyahu as it affected everyone else. A speaker at last night's demonstration said through her tears that when a Netanyahu supporter accused her of only thinking about the 125 hostages and that Netanyahu has to think about the other 9 million people, she firmly stated that her caring for the 125 hostages is caring for the 9 million because without bringing them home, the nation cannot heal. We cannot. We are in the midst of a national tragedy that is still going on for 233 days. The government and the army broke their most sacred bond with the country, with the citizens and until the hostages are home, there is no way to begin to even attempt to rebuild that bond.

  • Police, including mounted officers, are dispersing a sit-in on Democracy Square on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan street that was blocking traffic to call for a hostage release deal and for the disbanding of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

    Earlier in the evening, anti-government protesters marched along Begin Street to join families of hostages held by terror groups in Gaza since October 7 for the demonstration after their weekly rally.

    Photos from the demonstrations show protesters marching with a banner that reads, “The government gave up (on the hostages). The people will bring them home.”

    An AFP correspondent reports that protesters observed a minute’s silence in Tel Aviv’s Hostages Square in honor of seven hostages whose bodies were recovered by Israel Defense Forces troops this past week.

    At Democracy Square, protesters light a bonfire to mark the eve of the Lag B’Omer holiday tonight.

    Videos on social media show multiple police officers surrounding a protester and forcibly removing him from the crowd.  It is not clear if the man was formally detained. Hebrew media sites report that two protesters have been arrested at this evening’s protests. Video of the mounted police forcing the protesters to move

    Ynet reports that Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan has been held by terror groups in Gaza, is detained by police during the rally on Kaplan Street.

    Another video shows mounted police officers dispersing protesters in Tel Aviv amid shouts from the crowd of “shame, shame!”

    Police are filming twice shoving Labor MK Naama Lazimi as she tries to use her parliamentary immunity to verify who officers are arresting at a Tel Aviv protest calling for the release of the hostages held in Gaza.  video

  • Jerusalem protesters accuse Netanyahu of ‘abandoning’ hostages, demand deal to secure their release : Hundreds of protesters are gathered in Paris Square outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem for the weekly hostage families rally.

    Protesters chant, “Bibi is abandoning the hostages!” while gathered around drummers at the core of the rally. 

    Tom Barkai, lead organizer of the Jerusalem branch of Hostages and Missing Families Forum, tells the crowd that although she fears for the hostages’ future, she and others in the crowd “are continuing, without any question… to fight for their return.”  Daniel Epstein, philosopher and rabbi, is first to speak to the crowd outside Netanyahu’s home, refusing to wish the protesters a good week this Saturday night, because “our week will only be good until all of them return.”  They [the hostages] are looking at us, each one of them. What are they saying? They are saying: where are you? where are your consciences?” he says.

    “They are here [with us], their glance, their voice… they are here… And we are there with them. We are them, and they are us,” he continues.

    It is believed that 125 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza — not all of them alive — after 105 civilians were released from Hamas captivity during a weeklong truce in late November, and four hostages were released prior to that. Three hostages have been rescued by troops alive, and the bodies of 19 hostages have also been recovered, including three mistakenly killed by the military.

    The IDF has confirmed the deaths of 37 of those still held by Hamas, citing new intelligence and findings obtained by troops operating in Gaza.

    One more person is listed as missing since October 7, and their fate is still unknown.

    Hamas is also holding the bodies of fallen IDF soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin since 2014, as well as two Israeli civilians, Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed, who are both thought to be alive after entering the Strip of their own accord in 2014 and 2015 respectively.  link


  • Inside Operatives: The Significant Change of Shin Bet - That Enabled Increased Targeted Killings in the Heart of Gaza  

    Coordinators who come into direct contact with the population and investigators operating inside the Strip are just part of the changes adopted by the General Security Service in recent months • The meaning: Striking dozens of terror targets and eliminating more than 100 militants, Nuchba force commanders and "governance symbols" • The reason for the change in approach and extensive pursuit of gang leaders taking control of humanitarian aid

    The fighting in the Gaza Strip continues around the clock with dozens of Israeli Air Force strikes against targets and figures - in broad daylight and the dead of night. As part of this, a series of important strikes have recently been carried out, made possible by the activity of ground forces - and also thanks to successful Shin Bet intelligence, which was based on a variety of sources. But the General Security Service's contribution does not end there.

    Recently, the Shin Bet has made a significant change in its ability to operate on the ground: From coordinators who can be in direct contact with the civilian population inside the Strip, to Shin Bet investigators conducting dozens of interrogations per month of detainees in the heart of Gaza. In many cases, Shin Bet personnel even re-enter the Strip with them, in order to point out strategic points.  
    The Shin Bet interrogators return with the forces to the strategic points inside the Gaza Strip

    In light of the change, over 100 terror operatives were eliminated in IDF and Shin Bet strikes carried out in the last four months, and dozens of significant target strikes were conducted. Some of the strikes were on sites where Hamas militants operated under the cover of civilians, such as schools and clinics.

    It should be recalled that just a week ago, the Shin Bet and IDF announced that they had struck a command center set up inside an UNRWA school in Nuseirat. In that strike alone, 11 Hamas militants were eliminated, including munitions production operatives and Nuchba force commanders. In addition, a large amount of ammunition was destroyed in that strike, which caused damage to the planning and execution of terror activities against IDF forces in the Strip.  

    The IDF and Shin Bet destroyed a military compound and eliminated terrorists and teh UNRWA School | Photo: IDF Spokesman

    Militant Commanders and "Governance Symbols"

    Among the many operatives eliminated in the targeted strikes by the Shin Bet and IDF in the Strip: Hamas military intelligence operatives and militants from the production apparatus, rocket apparatus, engineering apparatus, tunneling apparatus and logistics apparatus. Commanders and militants from the Nachba Force were also eliminated - as well as additional terror operatives who participated in the October 7th massacre.  

    In addition, Hamas "governance symbols" were also struck. Just last week it was reported that a senior Hamas police officer in Nuseirat, Rami Halil Faki, was eliminated - who commanded an armed militant force that led terror plots against IDF troops as part of his role. Along with him, his deputy and four other Hamas militants were eliminated. Yesterday, Chia al-Din al-Darfa, the deputy commander of the National Security Force who was responsible for border security management, was also eliminated. Jihad Shubaki, the deputy commander of the Hamas police force, was also targeted in an attempted strike along with Rafah Brigade Commander Shubana.

    The massive strikes continue even at this hour, with the aim of removing threats and causing real damage to Hamas. The Shin Bet continues to focus intelligence efforts, interrogate militants and strike Hamas police officers, clan leaders and neighborhood heads taking control of humanitarian aid. This is based on the understanding that removing Hamas from power in the Strip requires striking all its arms - including the command and bureaucracy.  link 

  • In Lebanon the West Bank and in Gaza they celebrate the "kidnapping of the soldier": Hamas again in psychological warfare announced in a special statement that it kidnapped a soldier in a tunnel in Jabaliya. The IDF strongly denied the incident, but that did not stop the Gazans and the Lebanese and the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria from going out to celebrate  link  The army has denied the report. There are ongoing battles in Jabaliya. 
  • Egyptian Red Crescent says aid trucks starting to enter Gaza via Kerem Shalom: About 200 aid trucks, including four fuel trucks, are expected to enter Gaza today, Khaled Zayed, the head of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society in North Sinai, tells Reuters. The aid trucks are entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing after they were rerouted from the Rafah border following an agreement between Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and US President Joe Biden.

    Aid has been piling up in Egypt since Israel launched the operation to take over the Gazan side of the Rafah Crossing with Egypt on May 7. Not wanting to be seen as complicit with Israel’s military operation to take over the crossing, Egypt has refused to reopen Rafah until Israeli troops have withdrawn from the other side.

    Sissi and Biden agreed in a phone call on Friday to temporarily send humanitarian aid and fuel to the United Nations via Israel’s Kerem Shalom Crossing until legal mechanisms were in place to reopen the Rafah Border Crossing from the Palestinian side. link

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • Israeli fighter jets carried out a wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon overnight, the military says. The IDF says buildings used by the terror group and other infrastructure were struck in Khiam and Ayta ash-Shab. The IDF also carried out artillery shelling at a number of other locations in south Lebanon.

  • A UAV attacked a motorcycle in South Lebanon. No other details currently available.

West Bank

  •  IDF forces located explosive devices under the road in Jenin: Explosives were found this morning (Sunday) under the roads in the Jenin refugee camp. This, during the activity of the engineering forces on the spot, who carried out operations on the road and uncovered charges that were hidden under them.  Large IDF forces have been operating in recent hours in refugee camps in the Palestinian city, as well as in the Al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah and Askar on the outskirts of Nablus.

Politics and the Region

  • Gantz Submitted a Proposal for a State Commission of Inquiry: "All Events Before and During the War"
    Five committee members will investigate the events preceding the Iron Swords War - as well as the political and military decision-making and conduct of all ranks during the war. According to the proposal, they will be allocated 15 million shekels. Sources in the political system estimate: Gantz's proposal - preparation for his withdrawal from the government.   
    The chairman of the National Union Party, Minister Benny Gantz, submitted this morning (Sunday) to the Government Secretariat a proposal to establish a state commission of inquiry into the events of October 7th and the Iron Swords War. According to his proposal, the committee will investigate all the events preceding the war, decision-making at the political and military levels, as well as the conduct of the ranks during the war itself.
    The minister announced that he intended to submit the proposal three days ago, shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out against the IDF, following confirmation that he had received four warnings from Military Intelligence before the October 7th massacre. The IDF then confirmed that the warning letters were sent to Netanyahu between March and July 2023, and that as early as last July, Netanyahu was warned about the weakening of Israeli deterrence following the severe damage to social cohesion in Israel. 
    Sources in the political system estimated that his proposal, as well as last week's call to return northern residents to their homes, is part of his preparation to withdraw from the government. However, at the moment, it does not appear that the minister is expected to withdraw before the deadline he set for the prime minister, which is in June, but he is certainly preparing for the moment when he fulfills it - and will apparently continue to speak about the need for those issues. 
    The proposal states that "After more than seven months since the outbreak of the war, the State of Israel is still engaged in a multi-front battle involving a widespread reserve call-up and many civilians displaced from their homes." It also claims that "These days there is a clear political value in Israel having independent and professional systems capable of uncovering the truth on various issues related to the management of the military campaign at the military and political levels.
    "The establishment of a state commission of inquiry will send an important and unifying message to the Israeli public that all government and security systems, and their leaders, are committed to an in-depth, objective and professional examination, seeking to begin the process of national healing, restoring public trust and strengthening national resilience." 

    According to Gantz's proposal, the committee will have five members and will be allocated a one-time budget of 15 million shekels, as well as 15 staffing positions to cover its expenses. The position of the legal counsel at the Prime Minister's Office has not yet been given - and therefore was not attached to the proposal.
    In the warning letters Netanyahu received from the IDF's Intelligence Directorate, the very existence of which was reported by Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth, the prime minister was warned that the damage is not only immediate, but could have long-term repercussions. According to the IDF's analysis - which was published last July - enemies like Iran and Hezbollah divide Israeli deterrence into four pillars, all of which have weakened: the strength of the IDF; the alliance with the Americans; a strong economy; and high internal cohesion. 
    The Americans have indeed proven their support for Israel since the outbreak of the war, but Israeli intelligence then identified that our enemies are marking the political crisis vis-Γ -vis the Americans as extremely severe and one that will affect the long term. However, after the IDF confirmed the existence of the letters, Netanyahu said that the documents did not contain a warning about Hamas' intention to attack from Gaza. "The assessment was exactly the opposite," the Prime Minister's Office stated.  link  It can be anticipated that the Prime Ministers Office and the Prime Minister will say that now is the not the time for a commission of inquiry. It should not begin until after the war is over as it will cause damage to the war effort. They will claim that officers will be busy lawyering up and will not be able to fight the war as well as the Prime Minister himself who is dedicated 100% to fighting the war and getting the hostages home. He may further claim that a Knesset Committee to Inquire the war will be sufficient and a state commission is not necessary.  All of these claims are only to protect Netanyahu, not the officers on the ground and not anyone else. Netanyahu is totally against a state commission and wants any inquiry to be initiated as far in the future as possible. He will have no control over an official state commission as opposed to a Knesset Committee which would be run by his cronies and would have no power to make legal and binding decisions on him. Netanyahu has deliberately dragged this war on for his own political needs and is definitely capable of keeping it going or starting the war in the north to delay any political repercussions. A State Commission needs to be set up as soon as possible and begin its very important work starting for full investigations of everything that led up to October 7. 

  • The US Central Command (CENTCOM) says Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthis launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles toward the Red Sea early this morning.  In a post on X, CENTCOM says no injuries were reported in the attack.

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

PMO- Prime Minister's Office
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