Lonny's War Update- October 224, 2023 - May 17, 2024


Day 224  that 132 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
‎אין נצחון עד שכל החטופים בבית

Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*5:20am- north - hostile aircraft intrusion Nahariya and Upper Galilee - many residents heard explosions  - video of shooting down UAV - The army identified multiple UAVs but only shot down one.
Early this morning, sirens were sounded in multiple areas in northern Israel - several interceptions were identified in the Nahariya area. At this stage, no injuries were reported. In total, within less than an hour, 8 alerts were activated in 26 different areas: 7 times an alert was activated due to the intrusion of a hostile aircraft, and an additional alert was activated due to rocket fire. The areas where sirens were sounded this morning: Nahariya, Shlomi, Sa'ar, Evron, Shavei Tzion, Ben Ami, Gesher Haziv, Metzuva, Batzat, Akhziv Industrial Area, Milouot, Liman, Rosh Hanikra, Manot, Neveh Ziv, Avdon, Ga'aton, Yahiam, Kabri, Ein Yaakov, Admit, Ilon, Goren, Gurnot HaGalil, Hanita, Yara, Arab al-Aramshe. The most sirens were activated in Nahariya, where 4 sirens were sounded this morning. 4 sirens: Nahariya. 3 sirens: Sa'ar, Evron, Shavei Tzion, Ben Ami, Gesher Haziv, Akhziv Industrial Area, Manot, Neveh Ziv, Avdon, Ga'aton, Yahiam, Kabri, Ein Yaakov. 2 sirens: Shlomi, Metzuva, Batzat, Liman, Rosh Hanikra. 1 siren: Admit, Ilon, Goren, Gurnot HaGalil, Hanita, Yara, Arab al-Aramshe.

*12:30pm- South- rockets Sderot, Kibbutzim Ibim and Nir Am

*1:40pm- north- rockets Dalton, Kerem Ben Zimra, Upper Galilee
*2:30pm- north rockets Dafna, Hagoshrim, Kibbut Dan, Shaar Hayeshuv, Snir, Katzrin. Golan Heights
*2:35pm - north - rockets, Gadot, Maayan Baruch, Lower Golan

Hostage Updates 

  • US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan held a meeting yesterday with ambassadors from 17 countries with citizens taken hostage by Hamas, the White House says. The countries represented were Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom. “The group discussed their collective call for Hamas to immediately release the hostages and ways to bring an end to the crisis,” a White House readout says. Sullivan also relayed that US President Joe Biden continues engaging with the leaders of Israel, Qatar and Egypt to try and secure a ceasefire and hostage deal.  link


  • Before a broad operation in Rafah: The American message to Gallant regarding blocking aid: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke on the phone with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and told him that it must be ensured that humanitarian aid can enter Gaza without disruption before any military operation in Rafah, the Pentagon reported. link

  • According to COGAT:
    Latest humanitarian updates for Gaza: 🚛We've opened inspection routes from Judea and Samaria (West Bank). 🚛The Kerem Shalom and Erez crossings are open, and aid is arriving to Gaza via multiple routes: from Jordan, the Ashdod port, and Judea and Samaria. 🚛365 Trucks were transferred to Gaza today. ⛽️76,000 liters of fuel were transferred yesterday (Wed) for operations.
  • The US indicates that it doesn’t support the Arab League’s call from earlier today to deploy a UN peacekeeping force in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem to protect Palestinians until a two-state solution is actualized.

    State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel says the US doesn’t have a formal position on the idea before making a caveat.

    “Candidly, the addition of security forces could potentially put [Israel’s current] mission [against Hamas] into compromise,” he says. link

  • "We are in a daily routine of fighting": More than 200 sirens in the south since residents returned to Sderot.
    Residents of Sderot who returned to the city are once again suffering from a reality of frequent sirens. The situation worsened after the start of the operation in Rafah, and since then an average of more than 7 sirens per day have been sounded following Hamas' firing.  "Sderot is not a place where children can be raised at the moment. Once again, the social contract with the residents of the Gaza periphery has been violated," said a resident of the city
    At the end of February, the IDF, under the guidance of the political leadership, announced that there was no security impediment to the return of residents to 18 communities in the Gaza periphery. Since then, more than 200 sirens have sounded due to Hamas' firing from Gaza, an average of more than 2 sirens per day - the absolute majority in the peripheral communities. On Wednesday, 3 sirens sounded in Sderot at different times, and a rocket directly hit a building in the city.
    The situation worsened particularly after the start of the operation in Rafah last week. Since IDF forces invaded the city, an average of more than 7 sirens per day have sounded in Israeli territory - more than three times the average in the months prior. The communities that have had the most sirens in the past week were Sderot and Nir Am, with an average of one siren per day. After that, Kerem Shalom, Ashkelon, and Netivot.
    "We are in a daily routine of fighting," Doron Shabtai, a resident of Sderot, tells N12, with the echoes of explosions in the background. "We hear sirens all day, artillery barrages, bursts of gunfire and explosions that shake the house. Sderot is not a place where children can be raised at the moment."
    Shabtai adds: "It wasn't really a choice to return to Sderot. They stopped the evacuee frameworks and canceled the compensation instruction - we couldn't afford not to return. If we had been given the option, we wouldn't have returned to the city. They brought us back for no reason. Once again, they violated the social contract with the residents of the periphery."
    Other residents in the city expressed outrage over the situation, and some announced their intention to suspend studies in the city. "We don't have a sense of security. The decision to return to Sderot was wrong. This is not what the government promised us," Inat Gabai, a resident of the city, told N12 after yesterday's direct hit. "They couldn't guarantee that there wouldn't be 'drips,' but this is no longer 'drips' - we already see it as massive firing. A feeling of helplessness."  link
    --My daughter lives in Sderot as well as many of her friends, or in the kibbutzim nearby. Since the start of the war, my daughter and her friends only went back to Sderot when the new semester started and there were regular classes that wouldn't be on Zoom. Many of her friends are looking to rent places considerably further from Sderot and the Sapir College for next year as they are all traumatized by the many red alerts, the Iron Dome launches and explosions , with one battery from the area of the kibbutz next to Sapir College, the constant sounds and ground shaking of IDF artillery and lately attack helicopters flying above and then hearing them launch missiles or shooting from them. Ironically, just as described in the article, the situation has gotten worse lately, not better and that is because of Hamas coming back into all the areas that the IDF has left and then taking over municipal rule and back to launches rockets to the area. The rockets and fighting are not only coming from Rafah buy from North Gaza as well. 

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • A new danger for Israel. Hizbollah claims that it launched a new UAV capable of firing missiles. Video here 

  • The 224th day of the Iron Swords War: Another escalation was noted on the northern border, this when Hezbollah launched an unmanned aerial vehicle at the Air Force facility near the Golani junction and dozens of rocket launches at the northern settlements. In addition, on the southern front, an incident in the Gaza Strip: five fighters were killed by our forces.

  • Head of Shlomi Local Council: "We must move towards a decisive action"

    "This morning we woke up to multiple sirens, planes in the skies over Shlomi, and sirens across the entire Western Galilee. Three drones penetrated the Galilee over Shlomi's skies. Throughout the night there was extensive activity in the skies. The scenarios endangering the lives of residents are numerous and the risk is very tangible.

    "Last night again a Burkan missile exploded on Mount Meron, accompanied by sirens and entry into sheltered spaces. A week filled with security incidents.

    "War is right at the doorstep! This is war! Escalation is intensifying day by day and the risk of being in Shlomi with sirens, planes, drones, Burkan missiles, concern over infiltrations creates a reality of constant danger all day long. We cannot and should not continue this war of attrition that has lasted many months and is intensifying daily. We give the government and the IDF backing and the quiet required until the end of this difficult war. We hope for a decisive move that will give us security so we can return to our homes soon. I reiterate - do not return to Shlomi. It is very dangerous for all of us to listen to the Home Front Command instructions, be cautious, and do everything not to endanger your families." link

  • In the Sidon district, nearly 40 km from Rosh Hanikra - and two days after the strike on the giant observation balloon, 40 km from the Lebanese border: Reports of the elimination of a Hezbollah commander in an air force strike, with footage showing mushroom clouds in the coastal area. A few hours earlier: The second siren this week in Nahariya following the intrusion of drones from Lebanon. One of them fell in the Western Galilee.

According to Hezbollah's Al-Manar network, fighter jets and drones carried out a combined strike in the town of Al-Najjariyah in the Al-Zahrani area, nearly 40 km north of Rosh Hanikra. Footage from the scene showed mushroom clouds facing the sea. 

All this occurred after another day of clashes in the north, during which three fighters were injured - one seriously - by a drone that fired a missile in Metula. The day before, a Hezbollah drone also hit the large "Sky Stalker" observation balloon near the Golani Junction - about 40 km from the Lebanese border.

At the press conference held last night by IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagri, he said: "We struck a compound of weapons production and storage sites belonging to Hezbollah's missile precision project in response to the firing at the military site located near the Golani Junction - which hit the balloon that was on the ground as part of the operational acceptance processes of the balloon." The "Sky Stalker" system is designed to detect and warn of advanced threats in northern Israel. The system, comprised within a giant balloon, was developed over years in Israeli-American cooperation and is considered one of the largest of its kind in the world.  link

  • IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in a press conference says there is no damage to the Israeli Air Force’s ability to detect incoming threats, after a Hezbollah explosive-laden drone struck a grounded missile-detecting blimp last night. He says the drone struck “a balloon that was on the ground” at a military base near the Golani Junction, some 35 kilometers from the Lebanon border. The aerostat, known as Sky Dew, is not yet operational.  “There are no injuries and there is no damage to the IDF’s ability to build an aerial image of the area. The IDF acts against Hezbollah’s drones and the aerial threat on all borders,” he says.  link

West Bank

  • IDF forces were operating overnight in Qalqilya to counter terrorism, arrest wanted persons and locate weapons. In the activity, the forces were recorded opening fire at a motorcycle traveling in the area.
  • IDF: Two IDF officers were lightly injured by Jews in the Kochav Hashachar area

    Earlier this evening, a report was received about dozens of Israeli civilians who attacked and wounded an Israeli driver and set his truck on fire in the area of the 'Kochav Hashachar' junction in the Binyamin region. Upon receiving the report, an IDF force arrived at the scene and acted to separate the Israeli civilians from the driver and provide him with medical treatment. Dozens of Israeli civilians responded with violence towards the force. As a result, two IDF officers and another soldier were lightly injured and treated on the spot. - -no reports of anyone arrested amongst the civilian attackers and arsonists.  link

  • The head of the IDF’s Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, accused far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich of completely undermining Israeli law enforcement efforts to clamp down on illegal Israeli construction in the West Bank, an internal document uncovered by The New York Times reveals.

    Enforcement on illegal construction has dwindled “to the point where it has disappeared,” Fox writes, highlighting the role of Smotrich, who serves as a minister within the Defense Ministry in charge of settlement affairs.

    Fox says Smotrich and his allies have been blocking measures the government had promised Israeli courts it would implement, to crack down on illegal construction in the West Bank.

    The document is part of a damning NYT report showing how far-right extremists have managed to capture the halls of power in Israel.  Link   --Smotrich has a very limited political and personal agenda. It consists of unlimited Jewish settlement in the West Bank, a return of settlement to Gaza, forced or voluntary emmigration of all Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza (He would love to get rid of Arab citizens of Israel as well), Religious Education, anti LGBTQ+, anti left, anti Reform and Conservative Jewry, anti Liberalism. He would be very happy with a Jewish Iran type regime. He has a criminal record for his illegal settlement activity, he served in the army reluctantly after not being to hide from the draft any longer (finally did the army at age 30). He is a fundamentalist extremist and all he does in his politics is to further his extremist ideology at the expense of everything else.

  • Canada has imposed sanctions on four Israeli individuals accused of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, joining allies including the United States and Britain in attempts to deter growing settler violence.

    The sanctions, Canada’s first against what the foreign ministry described as “extremist Israeli settlers,” target individuals accused of engaging directly or indirectly in violence and violent acts against Palestinian civilians and their property.  link

  • The Biden administration is looking into sanctioning the extremist Israelis involved in the recent spate of attacks targeting humanitarian aid convoys for Gaza civilians, two US officials tell The Times of Israel.

    The sanctions would be levied through the executive order signed by US President Joe Biden in February, which allowed the Treasury Department to designate Israelis involved in violent activity in the West Bank, the officials say.

    The attacks in the West Bank largely started last month when Israel agreed to expand the aid route from Jordan to ensure that more assistance gets into Gaza.  The far-right group Tzav 9 has led many of the protests in both the West Bank and within Israel proper, aiming to block aid trucks from reaching Gaza. The group argues that the assistance is being co-opted by Hamas — a charge the US denies. Israel has also made a point in recent months of stressing the amount of aid it is allowing into Gaza, indicating that it, too, doesn’t believe the assistance is for Hamas.

    Tzav 9 also argues that the aid should be used as leverage to secure the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, but rights groups say doing so would violate international law.

    Since the attacks on aid convoys in the West Bank are a relatively new phenomenon, it is unclear whether the administration will be able to put together the legal cases necessary for justifying sanctions against involved individuals by the time the US issues its fourth batch of settler sanctions in the coming weeks, one of the US officials says.  Individual members of the Israeli security forces are believed to be tipping off the far-right activists regarding the location of the aid trucks once they’re en route to Gaza, enabling their interception by those who have blocked the convoys from proceeding, and looting their contents.

    Early on in the war, when the attacks were happening regularly near Israel’s Kerem Shalom and Nitzana crossings into Gaza, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir signaled to police, which are under his jurisdiction, to take a lax approach on the crack down, an Israeli official said.  -- Ben Gvir's criminal record is as long as some in the underworld and his all are related to Jewish Terrorism and then, in his legal career, he represented Jewish Terrorists, so it is no wonder that the criminal who serves as the Minister of internal Security (or more correctly insecurity), gives orders to the Israel police not to enforce laws against the lawbreakers because Ben Gvir is in favor of breaking these laws and would be on the forefront if he wasn't a minister. Link  

    Right-wing activists look at damaged trucks that were carrying humanitarian aid supplies on the Israeli side of the Tarqumiyah crossing with the West Bank on May 13, 2024, after they were vandalized by other activists to protest against aid being sent to Gaza while Israeli hostages are being held there by terror groups. (Oren Ziv/AFP)

Politics and the Region

  • The future of Netanyahu's government now rests in the hands of Benny Gantz. The maneuver Netanyahu made was intended to make it difficult for him to withdraw immediately, but the issue of "the day after" could upset the cards. Where is Gallant headed, and what are his chances of surviving in his position through the upcoming summer session?

Two gloomy clouds will hover over the Knesset plenum this week as it convenes for the opening of the summer session. It will be an exceptionally short session - two months and ten days, and if Benjamin Netanyahu succeeds in getting through it, his rule will be secure at least until early 2025 due to the long summer recess. It can already be said clearly now that the members of the 64-seat coalition are determined to preserve it at all costs. None of them think that the events of October 7 are sufficient reason to go back and seek the trust of the Israeli voter again. Therefore, the big question is what will Benny Gantz do and when.

If he withdraws soon, during the managing of the military campaign, he will make it difficult for Netanyahu to survive: managing a sensitive and complex campaign with Itamar Ben-Gvir on one side and Joe Biden on the other is an almost impossible task. Moreover, Gantz's withdrawal will mark for many the end of the war in Gaza and the transition to the fighting phase, and the start of the internal campaign to bring down the government. If Gantz waits for the fighting to subside, it is possible that Netanyahu and his government will survive until the end of the term, at the end of 2026.  

Therefore, it is worth examining the two crises bubbling over the government, and noting the differences between them. Let's start with the conscription law - Netanyahu managed to surprise Gantz. He did not try to solve the conscription issue but rather to delay the withdrawal of the state-religious camp. And indeed, it is harder to withdraw from the government against the backdrop of a law that you yourself submitted, even if reality has since changed completely.

Netanyahu also softened the opposition within the Likud, which Gantz had planned to ride on, and perhaps also slightly delayed the proceedings in the Supreme Court. In this sense, Netanyahu succeeded. Gantz himself did say that this is not the time for political maneuvers, but added: "If you continue on this path, you may solve a political problem, but the State of Israel will be left with a problem of service and fairness."

However, the "day after" crisis is already a completely different story, and it is also added to the conscription issue. This is a substantive issue that lies at the heart of managing the campaign in Gaza. The statement by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that Israeli policy is leading to an Israeli military government in Gaza, which will prevent it from defending itself in other areas, is not just another statement that will be washed away in the daily news cycle. Gantz's dilemma is sharpening - substantively he agrees 100% with Gallant. For some time now, there has been a growing understanding in the state-religious camp that Netanyahu does not have a secret plan that he intends to pull out of his hat, as he did with the Abraham Accords. He is simply progressing without a plan. On the other hand, withdrawing on an issue perceived as "leftist" could lead to the loss of the mandates that Gantz accumulated from the right.

Therefore, it can be said that what brings Gantz's withdrawal closer is the combination of the two issues and their common denominator - management. On two central issues - conscription and "the day after" - Netanyahu is dragging his feet and refusing to decide. He is acting with endless procrastination - until either the dog dies or the nobleman dies. The result is that even a prisoner exchange deal and a campaign in the north do not seem to be on the horizon at the moment. Therefore, it can be assumed that Gantz will withdraw from the government close to the opening of the session, but Netanyahu's coalition - the 64-seat coalition - will do everything to survive the turmoil.

And what about Gallant? In the political system, it was estimated this week that Gallant will not object to being fired, so he is not afraid to go all the way with his truth. He understands that the war is stagnating, that he has no chance in the Likud primaries, and prefers to be sent home rather than having to say "I failed on October 7." This is also the reason why Netanyahu will not do it. He does not want to give Gallant the pleasure and invite another "Gallant night" for himself. Gallant may be perceived as having no political future in the Likud, but he enjoys public support, including on the right. He is the defense minister during wartime, and that carries weight. For example, when examining the credibility index, 66% no longer believe Netanyahu, compared to 47% who do not believe Gallant. Netanyahu cannot dismiss his criticism with a wave of the hand.

The result is that the State of Israel is being run with a prime minister and a defense minister who are at odds with each other and working against each other. The whole world watched this week as the defense minister announced that Israel is heading towards a military government in Gaza, and this is of course no longer just a political event but a diplomatic and security event that will have far-reaching implications for the duration of the campaign.  link

  • The Houthis in Yemen shot down an American MQ9 drone

  • Spain refused to allow a ship carrying weapons and making its way to Israel to dock at the port of Cartagena in the southeast of the country - as confirmed last night (Thursday) by Spanish Foreign Minister Manuel Albares. According to reports in the media, the ship "Marianne Danica", operated by the company "H. Folmer & Co", was carrying about 27 tons of explosives from the city of Madras in India. Albares confirmed the reports that the ship "Marianne Danica" was carrying a weapons shipment to Israel and had requested to dock at the port of Cartagena next Tuesday - and was denied. According to him, the refusal to allow the ship to dock at Spanish ports follows Spain's policy of banning arms exports to Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza.  link
  • Gunshots were heard near the Israeli embassy in Sweden and the police arrested several suspects and closed the area and the police arrested several suspects and closed the area. The police said that the suspects were arrested after the shooting was heard during a patrol. It is not yet clear if the shooting was aimed at the embassy.

  • El Al humiliates Bedouin cop, who rescued dozens on Oct. 7, while he's advocating for Israel: After saving many lives on Oct. 7, Ramo Huzeil was selected to represent Israel abroad but ended the trip feeling humiliated by El Al's security check.  El Al reportedly humiliated an Israeli-Bedouin police officer while he was on an Israel advocacy mission to the United Kingdom, according to Israeli media on Thursday.

Sgt.-Maj. Ramo Salman Huzeil, an investigator at the Segev Shalom police station, reluctantly became famous on October 7.

He was assigned to security at the Nova Music festival in the morning shift, arrived at the scene eight minutes before 6:30 A.M., then became a hero who took the initiative, organized an escape vehicle, and, while under fire, made dozens of rounds of the site of the festival massacre, saving hundreds of people, whom he moved to safety, only to return and return, again and again, bringing more and more people back.  In the days that followed, the media wanted to interview him, and his story grabbed headlines in Israel and worldwide. 

Following his heroism and the publicity he received, about two weeks ago, he was sent to London as part of an awareness campaign for the State of Israel to gather support for the call for the release of the hostages.

The initiative was part of the "Israel is" Association which has set itself the goal of "creating high-quality, genuine, and universal meetings" between Israelis and young people worldwide.

Huzeil, whose career in the Israel Police made him an even more fitting ambassador for the country, was very proud of his role.  However, according to him, his elation upon returning from this mission was cut short by hostility when he received what he claimed was a humiliating security check before boarding El Al flight 326 at its connection at the Paris airport.

"Is this the thanks I get?" he asked.

"I returned from a mission in which I represented the State of Israel, our country. We met with the Jewish communities in England, high-ranking, wealthy people; we met with lords and members of parliament, and in the end, I went through an experience that made me feel second class after they checked me as if I were a criminal as if I am not worthy of respect."

And there is reason for respect. Ramo Huzeil is the grandson of the late Salman Al-Huzeil, the sheikh of sheikhs of the Negev, who passed away at the age of 100 in 1982 and whose name preceded him all over the Middle East.

The heads of state paid Salman Al-Huzeil respect and consulted with him, including Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, President Itzhak Ben-Zvi, Prime Ministers Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and other Israeli and international dignitaries.

Huzeil, 38 years old and father of 3, says these things, his voice breaking and tears choking him, "I am an investigator in the Israel Police. This appears in their system, and I also showed them my ID when they asked."

"They put me through an illogical examination and asked unnecessary and intrusive questions, which made me feel like I was under investigation like I was guilty of something. It could be that the examiner wanted to embarrass or lower my value and dignity. I have no other way to explain it. I left there feeling terrible, and when I retell it, it brings me back to those moments, and I experience it again."

"She also refused to identify herself, but she wanted to know how many children I have, what their names are, if I have another passport (I have a Swiss one, I showed her), how long I have known the women in the delegation that I flew back with, where I was, what I did, etc." "Now I told her that she was talking to a police officer and not a regular citizen. She didn't care at all and asked if my big bag had a lock or not; I was already annoyed by her disdain and also by her treatment of me in a humiliating manner. If this is how they treat a police officer and investigator who was at the Nova Festival and saved hundreds of human lives, I don't know if there is anything left to say." "The fact is that the two girls who were with me did not go through the same experience and were released to board the plane very quickly," he says, "only I was asked disgusting questions. I'm a police officer, and they interrogated me more than an ordinary citizen. It was a humiliating and unnecessary experience." In response, El Al stated, "First of all, we are very sorry for the passenger's feelings. The security screening procedure for passengers is based on security reasons only, in accordance with the guidelines of the authorized bodies and the professional aviation security procedures." "We would like to emphasize that during the conversation held by the security representatives at the airport with the passenger, no special findings or problems came up, and they always made sure to treat the passenger with respect and courtesy." "The Israeli aviation security establishment and El Al are full of appreciation and gratitude for the actions of Mr. Huzeil in the events of October 7 and for his ongoing contribution to the security of the country. El Al sees itself as the airline of the entire Israeli society and will continue to be so in the future as well."   link  Unfortunately, this is common treatment of Arabs at Israeli airports and by El Al security people at airports throughout the world. Despite the many denials, it is all based on ethnic profiling and the claim "they always made sure to treat the passenger with respect and courtesy" is quite empty when the security people are taking the 'suspects' to another room to strip search them and completely search every inch of their belongings. For many years, my brother (because of his work with Israelis and Palestinians) was on the Israeli Police Immigration Black List and every time he would be at the airport, either leaving or coming back, he was taken to a back room, strip searched and had all of his belongings emptied out of his bags and then put back. He was never asked a single question and nothing was ever confiscated from him, although they would take pictures of any books, pamphlets, or informational material he had. It was pure and simple political harassment. 

  • Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says Israel will abolish its free trade agreement with Turkey and also impose a 100% tariff on other imports from Turkey in retaliation for Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to halt exports to Israel. The plan, he says, will be submitted to the cabinet for approval.

  • At an Arab League summit meeting in Bahrain, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas criticizes Hamas for its October 7 slaughter in southern Israel, because, he says, it gave Israel the “pretext” to carry out devastating attacks on Gaza.

    “The military action that Hamas carried out, at its own decision, on that day, October 7, gave Israel even more excuses and reasons to attack in the Gaza Strip, an attack it has continued with full force, with murder, destruction and uprooting,” Abbas says, according to a Channel 12 translation.  “We oppose harming civilians, all civilians,” Abbas adds.  Abbas also reportedly issues veiled threats to cancel recognition of Israel, and to cease security cooperation with Israel.  link  
    Abu Mazen had been Israel's best chance at reaching peace with the Palestinians. Throughout his leadership in the PLO and then as part of the Palestinian Authority and finally as it's president after the death of Arafat, Abu Mazen was always against violence of civilians. His stance went even further. He was against violence and believed in non violent resistance. His big and constant fight with Arafat was about violence. Arafat promoted an olive branch in one hand and a weapon in the other. Abu Mazen wanted both hands to be extended with olive branches. Since the beginning of Oslo. the PA has had very close security cooperation with the Israeli security forces and that goes on till this day. Abu Mazen has threatened countless times to end that cooperation but he hasn't . This ongoing cooperation has been responsible for preventing countless terror attacks against Israelis within Israel and throughout the West Bank. This is a fact that doesn't get publicized and most Israelis are not aware of it. But Abu Mazen's time has past and he needs to step aside to make way for new and younger leadership to lead a revitalized PA which could be the leadership that will finally make peace with Israel under a 2 State Solution, if we, also can change our leadership.

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen
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