πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 232, 2023 - May 25, 2024 πŸŽ—️


πŸŽ—️Day 232 that 125 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
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Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*12:30pm- north- rockets Kiryat Shemona, kibbutzim Kfar Giladi, Misgav Am, Margaliot 
*1:00pm- north -rockets Zra’it , Kiryat Shemona and Kibbutz Misgav Am- 2 launches were identified with rockets falling into open space near Kibbutz Misgav Am
*2:35pm- north - Hostile aircraft intrusion Upper Galilee
*3:05pm- north - rockets Kibbutz Misgav Am, Tel Hai

Hostage Updates 

  • The fighters noticed a suspicious tunnel shaft - and located the bodies of the hostages: New details on the complex rescue operation
    The bodies of the three hostages who were retrieved overnight were found in the northern Gaza Strip, in the same area from which four bodies were retrieved a week ago • Fighters who noticed suspicious signs on the walls of a tunnel dug with their hands - and found the bodies there • This time, the highlight is not successful intelligence, but unparalleled perseverance.

    The bodies of Orion Hernandez, Hanan Yeblonka and Michel Nissenbaum, who were retrieved overnight (between Thursday and Friday) by forces from the 98th Division and the Shin Bet, were located in Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, in the same area from which the bodies of four hostages were retrieved a week ago. The bodies were located almost by chance, after the forces noticed a suspicious shaft. 

    Fighters from the Yahalom unit entered the tunnel and after 50 meters noticed suspicious signs on the walls. They dug by hand until they found the bodies and brought them to Israel for identification.

    The forces continue their activity to locate additional bodies of possible hostages in the same area. This comes after Hamas militants fled the area or were neutralized.

    Meanwhile, American officials who spoke with their Israeli counterparts in recent days said that they can no longer rely on the Egyptians, especially not on Egyptian military intelligence, regarding negotiations for a hostage deal with Hamas. The American officials added that the Egyptians are "disappointing" and that "they are engaged in economic profit from the smuggling tunnels of Hamas. Qatar will lead the negotiations, it is our strategic partner (of the US)."

    Hernandez, a Mexican citizen who was abducted from the party in Reem, was the partner of Shani Louk, who was also abducted from the party and whose body was returned to Israel a week ago. Yeblonka was also abducted from the party in Re'em. Nissenbaum was abducted from the Sderot area while on his way to the Gaza Division to retrieve his 4-year-old granddaughter.

    A week ago, security forces retrieved from the same area in Jabalya the bodies of Shani Louk, Yitzhak Galanter, Ron Binyamin and Amit Buskila.  link


  • The IDF is operating in Jabaliya and in the last day, terror infrastructures, launch sites, military buildings were destroyed and many means of combat were located. The forces eliminated dozens of militants in face-to-face battles and by guiding airstrikes, they eliminated a sniper cell. As part of the sweeps in Rafah, tunnels and infrastructures were located and destroyed, along with means of combat, including combat equipment, weapons and booby-trapped explosives.

  • The Palestinian Authority gives its public backing to Egypt’s decision to allow humanitarian aid piling up on its side of the shuttered Rafah Crossing to be transferred to Gaza via Israel’s Kerem Shalom Crossing.  Egypt appears to have requested a statement of support from PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s office to present its decision to release the aid via Israel as being taken in full coordination with Ramallah.  link

  • Hamas publishes a video of rockets being fired at the city of Sderot-- video

  • IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza: IDF says ‘severe’ incidents are ‘inconsistent with values’; Military Police’s findings to be submitted to Military Advocate General for review.  The Israel Defense Forces said Friday that the Military Police was investigating incidents in which soldiers filmed themselves burning books, including a Quran, during operations in the Gaza Strip.

    Footage of the book burnings were taken by the soldiers, uploaded to social media, and later recirculated by Palestinian accounts.

    One video, reportedly taken in the Rafah area, apparently showed a soldier holding a Quran before tossing it into a fire.   Another image, reportedly from Al-Aqsa University in Gaza City, showed a soldier posing in front of a bookshelf that was set on fire.

    Responding to incidents, the IDF Spokespersons Unit said the Military Police had launched probes, the findings of which would be submitted to the Military Advocate General for review.

    It said the “severe” incidents are “inconsistent with the values ​​of the IDF and its protocols.” On the Quran burning, the IDF said it “respects all religions and condemns such behavior completely.”
    In February, the IDF’s top lawyer, Maj. Gen. Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, issued a warning to commanders against illegal actions carried out by troops in the Gaza Strip. She specifically mentioned “the use or removal of private property for non-operational purposes and destruction of civilian property contrary to protocols,” adding some acts may even be considered criminal.  link

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • "Israeli missile strike hit a car and truck in central Syria"
    Report in Syria: Iran-linked individual killed in assassination 

West Bank

  • Attacking Drones and Out-of-the-Box Tactics: The Unit Involved in Every Operation in The West Bank: The exercise they conducted on the cell of terrorists hiding in the refugee camp, the methods that led to the success of an arrest that had failed several times in a row, and the technologies that assisted in locating the murdered shepherd. There is almost no operation in Judea and Samaria that Unit 636 is not involved in, especially since the attacking drones were recently introduced. 
    It happened about two weeks ago. A cell of terrorists was hiding among the alleyways of the Nur Shams refugee camp in the Tul Karem area and was identified by a drone. The terrorists tried to attack it, and shortly after they were attacked by additional drones - and were neutralized. Those behind the operation are the fighters of Unit 636, the drone operators of The West Bank, who deal around the clock with the security challenges in the area. 
    "We carried out a deception operation. We entered through one place while bringing forces from other points," a senior military official said. "It worked, but we must honestly say that the other side is learning and improving each time, we see that. The reality in the refugee camps has changed, but the motivation still exists. About once a month, all the security forces sit at a round table and reinvent methods."

    Unit 636 has been discussed in the past, but in the past year, and more intensely since October 7, the unit has significantly enhanced its capabilities. For example, attack drones have recently been added in the West Bank, which entered operational activity last month. The style of operation and its nature are prohibited from publication. However, it can be said that the drones attack targets at different ranges than the multi-rotor drones, and in fact constitute a significant capability in the arsenal of tools available to the army in the West Bank.
    In addition to the attack drones, the unit operates other drones that are involved in almost every activity in the area and are dispatched to every incident. For example, this was the case on the Saturday evening when shepherd Benjamin Ahuvayah was murdered. "I was preparing for Shabbat at home, with the pots on the stove. At first, we didn't get involved in the incident, the searches began and I was sure we would find him. But after a while I saw that the whole top brass was jumping in, I left everything and went to the command post we set up in the area," said Lt. Col. G., the unit's commander.
    "I started putting drones in the air, all our officers began scanning everything. We were already preparing for a 'moment of truth' event (a kidnapping event). Our biggest fear, of course, was that he was in one of the villages. The tracking unit prepared a route of the herd and analyzed the area. Our fear was to reach the evening, because then the searches become more difficult," G. described.
    "Suddenly we heard a phone call from a young boy who called and in the background it sounded like he was being beaten. We dispatched forces and it turned out to be a nuisance caller. Later there was another identification of a figure near one of the settlements, we dispatched a force and found it was a resident. Time played a role here."
    "Suddenly I heard one of my officers say 'I identify a figure lying on the ground', we came to see and immediately identified it in the image from the drone. I jumped with the command post to the location and met Elihu Liebman and Hazi Nahma (civilians who participated in the searches) there, but we didn't see on the ground what we saw on the screen. My officer said on the radio 'he's a meter from you, but in a wooded area'. We scanned the area, walked slowly step by step until we saw the figure lying on the ground. We approached and had no doubt, it was Benjamin Ahuvayah, he had been murdered." 

    **The Innovative Method and the Shortage of Lookouts** 

    In recent months, the unit has deepened its intelligence-gathering capabilities, and there is almost no mission in the West Bank  that it is not a part of. "Every operation that will be remembered in the West Bank, we were there, and not just there but a significant part," G. said. "We also work closely with the Shin Bet and with police units such as the Special Patrol Unit or the Undercover Units."
    For example, the unit's fighters participated in thwarting the terror cell that murdered soldier Ido Baruch, the cell that fired at the Gilboa Kibbutzim, the murderers of Elchannan Klein, and many other cases. The unit's three operational companies operate on different levels, with special expertise, and provide much assistance in operational activities in the West Bank. Sometimes all the companies operate together in the same event to streamline the work.

    A few months ago, the security establishment requested to arrest a suspect. "We got to him several times and he kept escaping," said an intelligence officer in Unit 636. The unit members came up with an idea and through an offensive operation they managed to attach surveillance to him, joined by drones from the air that provided a broad and comfortable intelligence picture. 

    After a few days of gathering intelligence on the target, an unforeseen event occurred that caused all the work to be lost. The frustration was great, and so that the special method of operation would not be exposed, various operational actions were taken. The threat of exposure was removed, but the motivation to capture the wanted person only grew.

    The unit's Zikkit company found an especially creative solution, the intelligence picture was reassembled, and the moment of truth arrived. "The forces are scanning, I know the suspect is in the house but they can't see him," said Lt. Col. G. "At one point they said, 'Okay, he must have escaped.' I explained to them that my drones were already in the air - the guy had to be in the compound. The searches continued until finally the suspect was discovered hiding in a bizarre place that's hard to imagine. It later turned out that he had hidden in the same place in previous incidents as well."
    In the three operational companies and the headquarters company, about 1,400 soldiers and officers serve. Among the hundreds of soldiers are also about 600 lookouts, a role that has made headlines quite a bit following October 7. Parents of lookouts in the Gaza perimeter harshly criticized the military for placing their daughters close to the fence with the Strip. At the heart of the criticism was also the fact that the lookouts were stationed in outposts without being given a weapon for self-defense and adequate protection.

    The military explained that stationing the lookouts near the area they are observing, and next to the forces they are communicating with, will assist the lookout in familiarizing herself with the terrain and enable a faster "closing of the circle" in a real situation. In the West Bank, the lookouts are mostly located in the regional brigade bases, and recently weapons were given to their commanders. However, there is still a gap between the parents' demands for protection and the protection provided to lookouts in Jthe West Bank.

    **"We Killed Over 200 Terrorists, There Are Dozens More"** 

    Back to the operation in Tul Karem. This was the last in a series of three operations conducted by the Judea and Samaria Division. The division and the Central Command expected to achieve significant gains in the operation, but it ended earlier than expected. "We've already killed over 200 terrorists in the last three operations, there are dozens more," a senior military official said. "In the refugee camps there is really a chain of command, with the other operatives being people holding weapons and all sorts of things. If you hit numbers 1-4 it has a dramatic impact."
    "Despite us doing that, and still doing it, the number of alerts is at a peak. The point here is to operate at a high pace, to go in every night, to carry out divisional operations once a week. Anything like that causes them to deal with rehabilitation and less with carrying out terrorism against Israeli civilians. If there is no pace and the operations do not continue, we will lose the achievement," the official added. "If we need to mark the critical thing - it's standard combat equipment. This is really an event. If the standard combat equipment enters here it will cause a significant change, and we are doing everything to prevent that from happening."  link

Politics and the Region

  • A car explosion killed one person in Damascus, the official Syrian news agency SANA reports, without identifying the victim.

    Security incidents, including blasts targeting military and civilian vehicles, occur intermittently in the capital of war-ravaged Syria.

    Quoting a police official, SANA says “one person was killed when an explosive device exploded in their car in the Mazzeh district.” It did not provide any other details.

    The explosion comes against a backdrop of heightened regional tensions, including the war between Israel and the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.  link
    Syrian report: A target close to Iran was eliminated from an explosive device planted in his vehicle in the Almaza neighborhood in the Syrian capital Damascus  video

  • US envoy: I was ‘shocked’ by speed of Oct. 7 denialism, silence from rights groups: US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt says she was “shocked” by the speed at which so many began denying the atrocities committed by Hamas-led terrorists on October 7.

    “I was shocked by the speed with which people were complaining about Israel’s response on October 8, 9th, 10th — before there was a response. It was truly truly disturbing,” Lipstadt says during a virtual event organized by her office.

    The rape and sexual mutilation was “celebrated” by some and questioned by others.  “The silence… was the most disconcerting — silence of precisely those groups from whom one would expect to have been outraged — women’s groups, progressive groups, groups that fight sexual violence, human rights groups,” she says, highlighting how those same groups were quick to speak out when the perpetrators were Boko Haram or ISIS.

    “What’s the difference between that and October 7? There’s only one difference, and that difference is the perception that these victims were all Jews,” she asserts, lamenting that too many people either question that the crimes occurred because of this perception or suggest that the victims somehow deserved it.  “Some leading scholars who study this [claim the October 7 sexual violence was] an act of resistance. I’m sorry, rape is never resistance,” Lipstadt asserts.  “It’s rooted in antisemitism,” she adds.  “MeToo, except for the Jew,” Lipstadt’s deputy Aaron Keyak chimes in.  link

  • Former Prime Minister: "The operation in Rafah must stop and the war in general"

    The former Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, called today (Saturday) for "stopping the military operation in Rafah and ending the lingering war in Gaza, in order to return the hostages." In an interview with Ronen Polak on the "Yoman Hashavua" program on Kan Reshet Bet, Olmert said: "The fighting does not serve any interest of the state, but rather of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some extremist members of his government." Olmert called on Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot to resign from the government, and emphasized that "there is no chance for complete victory or the final destruction of Hamas." The former prime minister spoke about his doctrine regarding the "day after" the war, and said: "We must act to establish a European international intervention force in Gaza, in order to consolidate the achievements of the IDF in the Strip, which led to the weakening of Hamas. This, so that in another two years, Palestinian forces will enter there in cooperation with moderate Arab countries."

    Olmert added: "The declaration of complete victory is unfounded and this is a mantra of Netanyahu so that he can justify, as part of unremitting attempts, creating distance between the October events and the stage when the war will end for personal or political reasons that have nothing to do with Israel."

    According to Olmert, there is no chance of causing the total and absolute destruction of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. "If we want to return the hostages in peace, we must stop the war now," he clarified. He also addressed the issue of the West Bank, about which he said: "Acts bordering on serious crimes are taking place there, unrelated to terrorism. They are damaging property, homes and their fields as part of a struggle by elements inspired by Ben-Gvir and Smotrich."

    Olmert claimed that "all this is happening under the eyes of the Israel Police and security systems. We are averting our gaze, not looking at what is happening there, not backing any effort to prevent it. We are giving a hand to crimes that will come back to us as a boomerang that will explode in our faces in one international arena or another." link

  • Gantz-Blinken Call: According to the U.S. State Department, the two discussed, among other things, the issue of a prisoner swap deal, planning for the post-war period, the importance of opening the Rafah crossing, and protecting aid workers.

  • Israel strikes Rafah after top UN court orders it to halt offensiveIsrael bombed the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, on Saturday, despite an order from the UN’s top court for it to “immediately halt” its military offensive in the southern city, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP).

    The Hague
    -based ICJ, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, also instructed Israel to keep open the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza, which Israel closed before sending troops and tanks into the besieged city and crossing earlier this month.
    Israel gave no indication it was preparing to change course in Rafah, insisting the court had got it wrong.
    In spite of the ICJ ruling, Israel carried out strikes on the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning as fighting raged between the army and Hamas’s armed wing, reports AFP.

    Palestinian witnesses and AFP teams reported Israeli strikes in Rafah and the central city of Deir al-Balah
    “We hope that the court’s decision will put pressure on Israel to end this war of extermination because there is nothing left here,” Oum Mohammad al-Ashqa, a Palestinian woman from Gaza City displaced to Deir al-Balah by the war, told AFP.

    Mohammed Saleh
    , also interviewed by AFP in the central Gazan city, said, “Israel is a state that considers itself above the law. Therefore, I do not believe that the shooting or the war will stop other than by force.”

    In its ruling, the ICJ said Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. It ordered Israel to allow UN-mandated investigators “unimpeded access” to Gaza to look into the genocide allegations.  link

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen

PMO- Prime Minister's Office
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