πŸŽ—️Lonny's War Update- October 226, 2023 - May 19, 2024 (cont)


πŸŽ—️Day 226 (cont) that 128 of our hostages in Hamas captivity
**There is nothing more important than getting them home! NOTHING!**

“I’ve never met them,
But I miss them. 
I’ve never met them,
but I think of them every second. 
I’ve never met them,
but they are my family. 

There is no victory until all of the hostages are home!
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Red Alerts - Missile, Rocket, Drone (UAV - unmanned aerial vehicles), and Terror Attacks and Death Announcements

*4:45pm - north- hostile aircraft intrusion. upper Galilee
*5:50pm- north- Rockets Kibbutz Malkia
*7:55pm- north- hostile aircraft intrusion Kiryat Shemona and all areas around
*8:05pm- north -hostile aircraft intrusion- Hagoshrim, Ajar, Kibbutz Dan, Shaar Hayeshuv, Snir
*9:05pm- south- Rockets Kibbutz Nachal Oz, Gaza border communities
*11:30pm- north-rockets Metulla
*11:50pm- north-rockets Metulla

*The Army announced the death of an officer who died from injuries incurred in battle in northern Gaza 4 days ago: Major Gal Shabbat, 24 from Katzir 

Hostage Updates 

  • Shani Louk, age 24, was laid to rest at this afternoon (Sunday) at the Shearim Cemetery near her moshav Srigim. I was driving my daughter south and there were more than 1000 cars along the roads to the cemetery.  On Friday, the IDF announced the recovery of her body from northern Gaza Strip, along with the bodies of the abducted Itzik Galrenter and Amit Buskila. The three were brutally murdered during the events of October 7, and their bodies were taken to the Gaza Strip. Until recently, Buskila and Gelerenter were presumed to be alive.
    May their memories be a blessing. 

Amit Buskila, whose body was recovered by Israel Defense Force soldiers in the Gaza Strip over the weekend after she was murdered during Hamas’s October 7 massacre, is laid to rest in Kiryat Gat. Amit’s mother, Ilana Buskila, cries at the funeral, “I prayed for a different ending to the torment I’ve been through.”  “I was lucky to have you for 28 years,” she says, adding, “You wrapped me in love, you were my inspiration… you entered the hearts of the people of Israel people." Her brother Shiel Buskila says at the funeral, “You dreamed of conquering the world, but now your bed is made up and empty. The mirror in your room will not see your face. The pots in the kitchen will not feel the warmth of your hands. You were killed for being Jewish.”  

May their memories be a blessing 

  • Minister Gadi Eizenkot, a member of the Security Cabinet, lashed out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the Cabinet meeting tonight: "You are negotiating the release of the hostages as if it's a coalition negotiation." The remarks were made against the backdrop of a feeling among ministers in the Security Cabinet that Netanyahu does not want a deal - and "there is nothing to talk about," according to sources privy to the details of the discussion. 
    During the discussion, which convened after the ultimatum set by Minister Benny Gantz to the Prime Minister, there was great tension between Netanyahu and the negotiating team for the release of the captives. Netanyahu rejected ideas presented by the team. The Cabinet recorded support for the team's proposals - but Netanyahu rejected them and claimed they would lead to the end of the war. "You don't know how to negotiate with Hamas, which keeps rejecting everything you propose again and again," Netanyahu said.
    Sources involved in the discussion said that everyone present left with the feeling that Netanyahu simply does not want a deal. An Israeli senior official said that "until after Rafah, nothing will happen with the hostages unless a miracle occurs."
    The Prime Minister's Office responded: "These things are incorrect. Prime Minister Netanyahu is working around the clock to bring about the release of all our captives."  Link 

  • A tough confrontation took place last night in the Security Cabinet between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some of the Cabinet ministers over the issue of negotiations for the release of the captives. This was reported tonight (Sunday) on the Kan 11 News. According to sources involved in the content of the discussion, the negotiating team presented the Security Cabinet with several plans and initiatives to restart it - but these were rejected by the Prime Minister. Netanyahu believed that the plans presented by the team would inevitably lead to the end of the war, and he lashed out at the team: "You don't know how to negotiate. All these plans will lead to the end of the war. We tried and went some way. Hamas rejected everything." After these words, a heated debate broke out between some of the participants.
    A minister in the Security Cabinet claimed: "After yesterday's discussion, the understanding was clarified that Netanyahu does not want a deal. The only thing that could make him change his mind is pressure from everyone in the Cabinet that would force him to bend." People who were at the discussion testified: "We saw the despair in the eyes of Nitzan Alon and his senior aide after the discussion. They probably finally understood that there would be no deal."
    Around Netanyahu, the allegations against him that were heard in the Cabinet are rejected, and they say that the Prime Minister asked for other proposals. His office stated: "These things are incorrect. Prime Minister Netanyahu is working around the clock to bring about the release of all our captives."
    Last night, it was reported on the Kan 11 News about disagreements within the Security Cabinet and within the professional team for negotiations regarding the strategy to advance contacts for the release of captives. While one side in the Cabinet argued that the war should continue and that only in this way can the release of the captives be achieved, another side in the Cabinet believes that maximum military pressure should be exerted and that efforts should be made to reach a deal for the release of captives as soon as possible. There are also disagreements on the issue within the professional te
    am. link  I have very little to add as I have been saying this for a very long time. Netanyahu does not want any deal that would mean ending the war or releasing large numbers of Palestinian prisoners as it would mean his extremists coalition partners, Ben Gvir and Smotrich would leave the government and the coalition would fall which would bring elections. This is the last thing he wants because he knows that if there are elections in the near future, his political career is over. He prefers to keep the war going, leaving the hostages in captivity as long as he can continue as Prime Minister. He is the most dangerous person in Israel today and has the blood of 1500 people on his hands.

  • In the picture are Elyakim, 8 and her 15-year-old sister Dafna Elikim, who was abducted along with her. They were released in November in the hostage deal. The picture and video of them were found recently by soldiers in Gaza. The brutality of Hamas. Upon their release, the girls told of their difficult captivity and the brutal treatment.  link


  • IDF Spokesperson: The 7th Brigade Combat Team is Fighting in the Heart of Jabaliya

    Identifying and eliminating RPG teams, clashes with militants, and destroying launch sites; The 7th Brigade Combat Team is fighting in the heart of Jabaliya City. The forces of the 7th Brigade Combat Team are engaged in intense combat and battling militants in the heart of Jabaliya City. Soldiers from Unit 636 and the 7th Brigade's fire array are identifying armed militant teams and directing strikes to eliminate them, as well as directing dozens of strikes to support the ground forces. The fighters have located numerous weapons, including explosives, anti-tank missiles, Kalashnikov rifles, explosive drones, and grenades. Additionally, as part of the effort to degrade Hamas' launching capabilities, the forces have located rocket launchers and a workshop for producing weapons.

  • Israeli Air Force Aircraft Eliminated the Terrorist Izami Abu-Dukah::An Israeli Air Force aircraft, with intelligence guidance from the Intelligence Directorate and Southern Command, struck and eliminated the terrorist Izami Abu-Dukah yesterday (Saturday). He was an operative in the Hamas terrorist organization who served as a leading figure in Hamas' supply department and advanced the transfer of weapons and funds intended for terrorism in the Gaza Strip. Over the past day, Israeli Air Force forces struck dozens of terrorist targets. In one strike, an Air Force aircraft, guided by the 215th Fire Brigade, eliminated two tactical-level commanders of the Hamas terrorist organization who were preparing to attack our forces in the Rafah area.

Northern Israel - Lebanon/Hizbollah

  • Hezbollah representative in the Lebanese Parliament, Mohammad Raad: "Hezbollah is escalating its actions against Israel to the extent necessary to maintain a deterrence equation. Israel should not delude itself for even a moment that it is capable of attacking Lebanon and achieving its illusions." These remarks were made at a ceremony honoring Hezbollah militant Hussein Maki, who was eliminated on Saturday.  link 

  • An Arab report states there was a strike on a house in the Maroun al-Ras area in southern Lebanon. According to reports, there are casualties from the strike.

  • The IDF Struck a Military Building in Southern Lebanon Where Militants Were Present::Earlier today, Unit 869 identified militants moving near a military building in the Maroun al-Ras area in southern Lebanon. Shortly after, Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck the building and the militants. During the day, around ten rocket launches were identified crossing from Lebanese territory into the Malkhiya and Har Dov area, with no casualties reported. IDF forces struck the sources of the launches.

  • Following alerts issued in northern Israel over concerns of a hostile aircraft infiltration, Israeli Air Force fighter jets successfully intercepted and shot down a suspicious aerial target that was making its way into Israel from Lebanon.

West Bank

Politics and the Region

  • US, Saudi Arabia discuss emerging security deal said to include Israel normalization::iyadh state media says US national security adviser and Saudi crown prince held talks on ‘semi-final version of draft,’ end to Gaza war, setting up Palestinian state.

    US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser met early Sunday with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss what the kingdom described as the “semi-final” version of a wide-ranging security agreement between the countries.

    The agreements are considered a major part of Washington’s efforts to bring Riyadh around to recognizing the State of Israel for the first time — efforts complicated by the ongoing war in Gaza. “The semi-final version of the draft strategic agreements between the kingdom and the United States of America, which are almost being finalized — and what is being worked on between the two sides in the Palestinian issue to find a credible path — were discussed,” the statement released after the talks said.

    That included “a two-state solution that meets the aspirations and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people” and “the situation in Gaza and the need to stop the war there and facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid,” the statement added.

    The US has said in the past that the deal hinges on a normalization component with Israel that would require the latter to also agree on a pathway for a future Palestinian state.  After his visit to Saudi Arabia, Sullivan is due to visit Israel, where he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to update him on his talks in Riyadh and also discuss Israel’s planned expanded military operation in Rafah, a US official told The Times of Israel.

    Saudi Arabia has long called for an independent Palestinian state to be created along Israel’s 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. However, that is likely untenable for Netanyahu, whose government hinges on support from hardliners who oppose a two-state solution and support Israeli settlements on lands Palestinians want for that state.  link

  • Netanyahu blocking defense establishment chief from meeting US officials: Senior officials said there is growing paranoia and suspicion between Netanyahu and the heads of the defense establishment.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prevented the head of the Mossad, David Barnea, and the head of the Shin Bet, Ronen Bar, from meeting with the vice chairman of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Republican Senator Marco Rubio, during his visit to Israel about three weeks ago, according to two senior American officials.

    Netanyahu's decision not to approve the holding of the meetings joins a series of other cases since October 7 in which he prevented or tried to prevent American members of Congress and senior members of the Biden administration from meeting with the heads of the defense establishment and the intelligence community.

    Senior American and Israeli officials believe that the reason Netanyahu is preventing the holding of these meetings is his desire to control the message that members of Congress and senior officials in the Biden administration are hearing from the Israeli government, at a time when tensions between Israel and the US are increasing. Rubio, who is considered a great supporter of Israel, visited Israel during the Passover holiday and asked to meet the heads of the Mossad and the Shin Bet as part of his role as vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the US Senate - one of the most important positions in Congress. Netanyahu met Rubio but did not approve the meetings with the heads of the defense establishment and the intelligence community. Netanyahu's office and Rubio's office refused to comment on the matter.
    Netanyahu suspicious of defense establishment
    Netanyahu's move was not directed against Rubio. Senior American and Israeli officials say that the prevention of the meetings comes against a background of growing paranoia and suspicion between the prime minister and the heads of the defense establishment since the beginning of the war.
    Many of the heads of the defense establishment and the intelligence community believe that the fact that Netanyahu refuses to discuss a strategy for the day after the war in Gaza harms Israeli interests.  ome of the heads of the defense establishment even believe that Netanyahu's decisions are motivated by considerations of political survival and not by considerations of national security, and that he is completely dependent on the extreme members of his government, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, who wish to eliminate the Palestinian Authority and occupy the Gaza Strip.

    All heads of the Israeli defense establishment took responsibility for the failures of the October 7 attack. The head of Military Intelligence, Aharon Haliva, even resigned from his position. On the other hand, Netanyahu is the only senior Israeli government official who did not take responsibility.

    Netanyahu and his supporters have been busy in recent months trying to direct the criticism of the October 7 failure toward the defense establishment and rejecting the claims that the political echelon's decision-making led to the disaster.  

    US officials traditionally meet with defense establishment heads 
    For decades, delegations from the US Congress and senior officials from the White House and the US State Department visiting Israel have met with the heads of the defense establishment and the intelligence community. 
    Senior American officials consider the senior officials of the IDF, the Mossad, the Shin Bet, and other security agencies to be trustworthy, professional, and non-political. 
    In recent months, Netanyahu, to whom the Shin Bet and the Mossad are directly subordinate, and who must approve meetings with American politicians or senior officials in advance, has tried to prevent them - and in many cases succeeded. 
    Only one delegation of American senators has met with the heads of the Mossad and the Shin Bet since October 7. A source privy to the details said this was a significant decrease compared to the number of meetings of this type before the war. 
    A senior American source said that since the beginning of the war, Netanyahu prevented several meetings between senior US State Department officials and the Shin Bet and Mossad officials. A few months ago, Netanyahu tried to prevent a meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. The solution was for Halevi to join Blinken's meeting with Netanyahu and the members of the War Cabinet. 
    "There have been several cases of this type," said an American official. "It is clear to us that Netanyahu is trying to prevent the US government from receiving information about the war in Gaza that contradicts his line." 
    The American official noted that Netanyahu's ban is only partially effective, and this is due to the close relationships between senior officials of the two countries who have found ways to circumvent the ban and work together.  link

Acronyms and Glossary

COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

ICC - International Criminal Court in the Hague

IJC - International Court of Justice in the Hague

UAV - Unmanned Aerial vehicle, Drone. Could be used for surveillance and reconnaissance, or be weaponized with missiles or contain explosives for 'suicide' explosion mission

PA - Palestinian Authority - President Mahmud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen
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